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The origins of Schur analysis lie in a 1917 article by Issai Schur in which he constructed a numerical sequence to correspond to a holomorphic contractive function on the unit disk. These sequences are now known as Schur parameter sequences. Schur analysis has grown significantly since its beginnings in the early twentieth century and now encompasses a wide variety of problems related to several classes of holomorphic functions and their matricial generalizations. These problems include interpolation and moment problems as well as Schur parametrization of particular classes of contractive or nonnegative Hermitian block matrices. This book is primarily devoted to topics related to matrix versions of classical interpolation and moment problems. The major themes include Schur analysis of nonnegative Hermitian block Hankel matrices and the construction of Schur-type algorithms. This book also covers a number of recent developments in orthogonal rational matrix functions, matrix-valued Carathéodory functions and maximal weight solutions for particular matricial moment problems on the unit circle.​
Schur analysis originated with an 1917 article which associated to a function, which is analytic and contractive in the open unit disk, a sequence, finite or infinite, of numbers in the open unit disk, called Schur coefficients, often named reflection coefficients in signal processing. This volume comprises seven essays dedicated to the analysis of Schur and Carathéodory functions and to the solutions of problems for these classes.
Schur analysis originated with an 1917 article which associated to a function, which is analytic and contractive in the open unit disk, a sequence, finite or infinite, of numbers in the open unit disk, called Schur coefficients, often named reflection coefficients in signal processing. This volume comprises seven essays dedicated to the analysis of Schur and Carathéodory functions and to the solutions of problems for these classes.
Schur analysis originated with an 1917 article which associated to a function, which is analytic and contractive in the open unit disk, a sequence, finite or infinite, of numbers in the open unit disk, called Schur coefficients, often named reflection coefficients in signal processing. This volume comprises seven essays dedicated to the analysis of Schur and Carathéodory functions and to the solutions of problems for these classes.
A number of interpolation problems are considered in the Schur class of $p\times q$ matrix valued functions $S$ that are analytic and contractive in the open unit disk. The interpolation constraints are specified in terms of nontangential limits and angular derivatives at one or more (of a finite number of) boundary points. Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of solutions to these problems and a description of all the solutions when these conditions are met is given.The analysis makes extensive use of a class of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces ${\mathcal{H (S)$ that was introduced by de Branges and Rovnyak. The Stein equation that is associated with the interpolation problems under consideration is analyzed in detail. A lossless inverse scattering problem isalso considered.
The subject of this book is about the ubiquity of the Schur parameters, whose introduction goes back to a paper of I. Schur in 1917 concerning an interpolation problem of C. Caratheodory. What followed there appears to be a truly fascinating story which, however, should be told by a professional historian. Here we provide the reader with a simplified version, mostly related to the contents of the book. In the twenties, thf theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle was developed by G. Szego and the formulae relating these polynomials involved num bers (usually called Szego parameters) similar to the Schur parameters. Mean while, R. Nevanlinna and G. Pick studied the theory of another interpolation problem, known since then as the Nevanlinna-Pick problem, and an algorithm similar to Schur's one was obtained by Nevanlinna. In 1957, Z. Nehari solved OO an L problem which contained both Caratheodory-Schur and Nevannlina-Pick problems as particular cases. Apparently unrelated work of H. Weyl, J. von Neu mann and K. Friedericks concerning selfadjoint extensions of symmetric operators was connected to interpolation by M. A. Naimark and M. G Krein using some gen eral dilation theoretic ideas. Classical moment problems, like the trigonometric moment and Hamburger moment problems, were also related to these topics and a comprehensive account of what can be called the classical period has appeared in the monograph of M. G. Krein and A. A. Nudelman, [KN]."
This book is dedicated to Victor Emmanuilovich Katsnelson on the occasion of his 75th birthday and celebrates his broad mathematical interests and contributions.Victor Emmanuilovich’s mathematical career has been based mainly at the Kharkov University and the Weizmann Institute. However, it also included a one-year guest professorship at Leipzig University in 1991, which led to him establishing close research contacts with the Schur analysis group in Leipzig, a collaboration that still continues today. Reflecting these three periods in Victor Emmanuilovich's career, present and former colleagues have contributed to this book with research inspired by him and presentations on their joint work. Contributions include papers in function theory (Favorov-Golinskii, Friedland-Goldman-Yomdin, Kheifets-Yuditskii) , Schur analysis, moment problems and related topics (Boiko-Dubovoy, Dyukarev, Fritzsche-Kirstein-Mädler), extension of linear operators and linear relations (Dijksma-Langer, Hassi-de Snoo, Hassi -Wietsma) and non-commutative analysis (Ball-Bolotnikov, Cho-Jorgensen).
This book is based on the method of operator identities and related theory of S-nodes, both developed by Lev Sakhnovich. The notion of the transfer matrix function generated by the S-node plays an essential role. The authors present fundamental solutions of various important systems of differential equations using the transfer matrix function, that is, either directly in the form of the transfer matrix function or via the representation in this form of the corresponding Darboux matrix, when Bäcklund–Darboux transformations and explicit solutions are considered. The transfer matrix function representation of the fundamental solution yields solution of an inverse problem, namely, the problem to recover system from its Weyl function. Weyl theories of selfadjoint and skew-selfadjoint Dirac systems, related canonical systems, discrete Dirac systems, system auxiliary to the N-wave equation and a system rationally depending on the spectral parameter are obtained in this way. The results on direct and inverse problems are applied in turn to the study of the initial-boundary value problems for integrable (nonlinear) wave equations via inverse spectral transformation method. Evolution of the Weyl function and solution of the initial-boundary value problem in a semi-strip are derived for many important nonlinear equations. Some uniqueness and global existence results are also proved in detail using evolution formulas. The reading of the book requires only some basic knowledge of linear algebra, calculus and operator theory from the standard university courses.
This volume, which is dedicated to Heinz Langer, includes biographical material and carefully selected papers. Heinz Langer has made fundamental contributions to operator theory. In particular, he has studied the domains of operator pencils and nonlinear eigenvalue problems, the theory of indefinite inner product spaces, operator theory in Pontryagin and Krein spaces, and applications to mathematical physics. His works include studies on and applications of Schur analysis in the indefinite setting, where the factorization theorems put forward by Krein and Langer for generalized Schur functions, and by Dijksma-Langer-Luger-Shondin, play a key role. The contributions in this volume reflect Heinz Langer’s chief research interests and will appeal to a broad readership whose work involves operator theory.
The volume is dedicated to Lev Sakhnovich, who made fundamental contributions in operator theory and related topics. Besides bibliographic material, it includes a number of selected papers related to Lev Sakhnovich's research interests. The papers are related to operator identities, moment problems, random matrices and linear stochastic systems.