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Grid Resource Management: State of the Art and Future Trends presents an overview of the state of the field and describes both the real experiences and the current research available today. Grid computing is a rapidly developing and changing field, involving the shared and coordinated use of dynamic, multi-institutional resources. Grid resource management is the process of identifying requirements, matching resources to applications, allocating those resources, and scheduling and monitoring Grid resources over time in order to run Grid applications as efficiently as possible. While Grids have become almost commonplace, the use of good Grid resource management tools is far from ubiquitous because of the many open issues of the field, including the multiple layers of schedulers, the lack of control over resources, the fact that resources are shared, and that users and administrators have conflicting performance goals.
In a dynamic computing environment, such as the Grid, resource management plays a crucial role for making distributed resources available on-demand to anyone from anywhere at any time without undermining the resource autonomy; this becomes an art when dealing with heterogeneous resources distributed under multiple trust domains spanning across the Internet. Today Grid execution environments provide abstract workflow descriptions that need a dynamic mapping to actual deployments; this further accentuates the importance of resource management in the Grid. This monograph renders boundaries of the Grid resource management, identifies research challenges and proposes new solutions with innovative techniques for on-demand provisioning, automatic deployments, dynamic synthesis, negotiation-based advance reservation and capacity planning of Grid resources. The Grid capacity planning is performed with multi-constrained optimized resource allocations by modelling resource allocation as an on-line strip packing problem and introducing a new solution that optimizes resource utilization and QoS while generating contention-free solutions. On-demand resource provisioning becomes possible by simplifying abstract resource descriptions independent from the concrete installations. The book further explains the use of the semantic web technologies in the Grid to specify explicit definitions and unambiguous machine interpretable resource descriptions for intelligent resource matching and synthesis; the synthesis process generates new compound resources with aggregated capabilities and prowess. The newly introduced techniques haven been developed and integrated in ASKALON Grid application development and runtime environment, deployed in the Austrian Grid, and demonstrated through well performed experiments.
Grid technology offers the potential for providing secure access to remote services, thereby promoting scientific collaborations in an unprecedented scale. Grid Resource Management: Toward Virtual and Services Compliant Grid Computing presents a comprehensive account of the architectural issues of grid technology, such as security, data management,
Grid Middleware and Services: Challenges and Solutions is the eighth volume of the CoreGRID series. The CoreGrid Proceedings is the premiere European event on Grid Computing. This book aims to strengthen and advance scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid Computing. The main focus in this volume is on Grid middleware and service level agreement. Grid middleware and Grid services are two pillars of grid computing systems and applications. This book includes high-level contributions by leading researchers in both areas and presents current solutions together with future challenges. This volume includes sections on knowledge and data management on grids, Grid resource management and scheduling, Grid information, resource and workflow monitoring services, and service level agreements. Grid Middleware and Services: Challenges and Solutions is designed for a professional audience, composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This volume is also suitable for graduate-level students in computer science.
Thisvolumecontainsthepaperspresentedatthe8thWorkshoponJobSched- ingStrategiesforParallelProcessing,whichwasheldinconjunctionwith HPDC11andGGF5inEdinburgh,UK,onJuly24,2002. Thepapershave beenthroughacompletereviewprocess,withthefullversionbeingreadand evaluatedby?vetosevenmembersoftheprogramcommittee. Wewouldliketo takethisopportunitytothanktheprogramcommittee,AndreaArpaci-Dusseau, WalfredoCirne,AllenDowney,WolfgangGentzsch,AllanGottlieb,MoeJette, RichardLagerstrom,JensMache,CathyMcCann,ReaganMoore,BillNitzberg, MarkSquillante,andJohnTowns,foranexcellentjob. Thanksarealsodueto theauthorsfortheirsubmissions,presentations,and?nalrevisionsforthisv- ume. Finally,wewouldliketothanktheMITLaboratoryforComputerScience andtheSchoolofComputerScienceandEngineeringattheHebrewUniversity fortheuseoftheirfacilitiesinthepreparationoftheseproceedings. Thisyearsawanemphasisontwomainthemes. The?rstwastheclassical MPPschedulingarea.
Unter "Grid Computing" versteht man die gleichzeitige Nutzung vieler Computer in einem Netzwerk für die Lösung eines einzelnen Problems. Grundsätzliche Aspekte und anwendungsbezogene Details zu diesem Gebiet finden Sie in diesem Band. - Grid Computing ist ein viel versprechender Trend, denn man kann damit (1) vorhandene Computer-Ressourcen kosteneffizient nutzen, (2) Probleme lösen, für die enorme Rechenleistungen erforderlich sind, und (3) Synergieeffekte erzielen, auch im globalen Maßstab - Ansatz ist in Forschung und Industrie (IBM, Sun, HP und andere) zunehmend populär (aktuelles Beispiel: Genomforschung) - Buch deckt Motivationen zur Einführung von Grids ebenso ab wie technologische Grundlagen und ausgewählte Beispiele für moderne Anwendungen
"This book presents research on building network of excellence by effectively and efficiently managing ICT-related resources using Grid technology"--Provided by publisher.