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Die seit 1971 wieder erscheinende, interdisziplinäre, internationale Rezensionsbibliographie IBR ist eine einmalige Informationsquelle. Die Datenbank weist über 1,1 Millionen vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Buchrezensionen in 6.000 vorwiegend europäischen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften nach. 60.000 Eintragungen kommen jedes Jahr hinzu, bieten dem Benutzer Daten zum rezensierten Werk und zur Rezension.
The IBR, published again since 1971 as an interdisciplinary, international bibliography of reviews, offers book reviews of literature dealing primarily with the humanities and social sciences published in 6,000 mainly European scholarly journals. This unique bibliography contains over 1.1 millions book reviews. 60,000 entries are added every year with details on the work reviewed and the review.
Reviews are an important aspect of scholarly discussion because they help filter out which works are relavent in the yearly flood of publications and are thus influential in determining how a work is received. The IBR, published again since 1971 as an interdisciplinary, international bibliography of reviews, is a unique source of bibliographical information. The database contains entries on over 1 million book reviews of literature dealing primarily with the humanities and social sciences published in 6,000, mainly European scholarly journals. Reviews of over 600,000 scholarly works are listed. Approximately 60,000 entries are added every year. The IBR includes: a [ ca. 65% reviews in Englisha [ ca. 23% in Germana [ ca. 6% in French a [ ca. 6% in other languages Every entry contains the following information: a [ On the work reviewed: author, titlea [ On the review: reviewer, periodical (year, edition, page, ISSN), language, ZDB-ID, subject area (in German, English, Italian)a [ Publisher, address of journal (only on CD-ROM edition) Scholars and students thus gain access to reviews on a great variety of subjects and can quickly form an impression of the quality of a publication.