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Provides an in-depth study of the theory, history, practice, and interpretation of customary international law.
Professor Suy occupies a prominent place in international law, both as an academic lawyer as well as the former Under-Secretary-General & Legal Counsel of the United Nations. His activities as a teacher, scholar, UN Legal Counsel, keynote speaker on many occasions & as a legal advisor to Belgian & foreign governmental authorities naturally led to the sub-divisions of this volume, such as the law of international organizations, the law of the European Union, the law of armed conflict, & the peaceful settlement of disputes. The contributions, all by friends of Eric Suy, present the vast panorama of his intellectual pursuits.
Two fish are swimming in a pond. 'Do you know what?' the fish asks his friend. 'No, tell me.' 'I was talking to a frog the other day. And he told me that we are surrounded by water!' His friend looks at him with great scepticism: 'Water? Whats that? Show me some water!' International lawyers often find themselves focused on the practice of the law rather than the underlying theories. This book is an attempt to stir up 'the water' that international lawyers swim in. It analyses a range of theoretical approaches to international law and invites readers to engage with different ways of legal thinking in order to familiarize themselves with the water all around us, of which we hardly have any perception. The main aim of this book is to provide interested scholars, practitioners, and students of international law and other disciplines with an introduction to various international legal theories, their genealogies, and possible critiques. By providing an analytical approach to international legal theory, the book encourages readers to enhance their sensitivity to these different approaches and to consider how the presuppositions behind each theory affect analysis, research, and practice in international law. International Law Theories is intended to assist students, scholars, and practitioners in reflecting more generally about how knowledge is formed in the field.
This unique volume examines the opportunities for, and initiates work in, interdisciplinary research between the fields of international law and international relations; disciplines that have engaged little with one another since the Second World War. Written by leading experts in the fields of international law and international relations, it argues that such interdisciplinary research is central to the creation of a knowledge base among IR scholars and lawyers for the effective analysis and governance of macro and micro phenomena. International law is at the heart of international relations, but due to challenges of codification and enforceability, its apparent impact has been predominantly limited to commercial and civil arrangements. International lawyers have been saying for years that 'law matters' in international affairs and now current events are proving them right. International Law and International Relations makes a powerful contribution to the theory and practice of global security by initiating a research agenda, building an empirical base and offering a multidisciplinary approach that provides concrete answers to real-world problems of governance. This book will be of great interest to all students of international law, international relations and governance.
This book in its entirety as well as in each of its parts is an outline of the problems under discussion. The subject matter of some eighty sections of the book is extensive; it could, indeed, be presented by ex perts in as many volumes. This study offers an attempt to formulate a synthesis, however difficult, of the vast amount of available material. Unlike the well-known standard Introductions to International Law which deal with all the major fields of international law, this book treats exclusively the present conceptions of that law as expressed in legal literature, international treaties and other agreements, inter national judgements and awards, governmental and diplomatic state ments and the like. Special attention is devoted, in several chapters of the book, to the "teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations" which are considered by Article 38 paragraph 1 (d) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice as "subsidiary means for the determination ofrules of law. " An endeavor is made to ascertain whether in certain fields of the theory of international law a "Communis opinio doctorum" has either been reached or is in the process of achievement. Some readers may consider that there are too many quotations from writings of publicists; others will certainly feel - as does this writer - that too many outstanding international lawyers have not been included.
This textbook provides a thorough and systematic overview of human rights law, including the most relevant practice and case law, but also dealing with theoretical issues. It pursues an original approach, seeking to reconcile its didactic purpose with a scientific one, positing that there must be a necessary synergy between these two purposes. Furthermore, the author is convinced that international human rights law should not be studied (as is done in virtually every textbook) as a special legal regime, separate and autonomous from the overall system of international law; but as a regime that is fully integrated into the international legal order. The book’s dominant theme is the interrelationship of international human rights law and general international law. Following this approach, the author has chosen to devote comparatively little content to institutional issues (Part IV) and to instead more intensively explore the structural impact of human rights law on the entire international order (Part I); on the sources (Part II) and obligations (Part III) of general international law; and what constitutes “fundamental” human rights (Part V), without neglecting other rights (Part VI).
International law is not merely a set of rules or processes, but is a professional activity practised by a diversity of figures, including scholars, judges, counsel, teachers, legal advisers and activists. Individuals may, in different contexts, play more than one of these roles, and the interactions between them are illuminating of the nature of international law itself. This collection of innovative, multidisciplinary and self-reflective essays reveals a bilateral process whereby, on the one hand, the professionalisation of international law informs discourses about the law, and, on the other hand, discourses about the law inform the professionalisation of the discipline. Intended to promote a dialogue between practice and scholarship, this book is a must-read for all those engaged in the profession of international law.