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Collection of essays by Chinese-American scholar Him Mark Lai; published in association with the Chinese Historical Society of San Francisco.
Chinese-English company name index -- Company-industry index -- Industry-company index -- Introduction -- A guide to the top 100 companies in China -- List of abbreviations -- List of contributors -- About the editors.
In Contested Community, the authors analyze the Chinese immigrant community in Cuba between the years 1900–1968. While popular literature of the era portrayed the diasporic group as a closed, inassimilable ethnic enclave, closer inspection instead reveals numerous economic, political, and ethnic divisions. As with all organizations, asymmetrical power relations permeated Havana’s Barrio Chino and the larger Chinese Cuban community. The authors of Contested Community use difficult-to-access materials from Cuba’s national archive to offer a unique and insightful interpretation of a little-understood immigrant group.
與孫中山並列「四大寇」的尢列,出身廣東順德富家,本該過?優渥舒適的生活,然而他耳聞目睹清政府的腐敗無能、列強無止境的侵凌,義憤填膺,受時代的感召,毅然踏上革命一途,立下「志不成時誓不還」之宏志。以後為革命大半生飄泊,散盡家財,行蹤無定;又為親近百姓,懸壺濟世,宣揚革命思想;晚年生活貧困,需人接濟,惟仍憂懷國事,四出奔走,至死方休。 本書介紹尢列一生的足跡,也論其同時代人和他所身處的世界,特別是他與香港的種種關係。本書亦是尢列的家族史。過往有關尢列的研究甚少,一方面是尢列生前的藏書、文稿等不是毀於火災,便是早已散佚。另一方面是尢列一生低調,不慕名,不為利,對革命一直抱功成不居的態度,以往事跡亦不彰,故流傳至今的記載不多。本書嘗試多方面搜尋資料,排比考證,客觀地重構尢列的生平面貌。
In the late 1870s, thousands of Chinese men left coastal British Columbia and the western United States and headed east. For these men, the Prairies were a land of opportunity; there, they could open shops and potentially earn enough money to become merchants. The result of almost a decade’s research and more than three hundred interviews, Cultivating Connections tells the stories of some of Prairie Canada's Chinese settlers – men and women from various generations who navigated cultural difference. These stories reveal the critical importance of networks in coping with experiences of racism and establishing a successful life on the Prairies. This book offers an incisive look at the organizations, relationships, and ties that were critical in forging and sustaining life – yet it also serves as a remarkable record of the voices of some of the Prairies’ most resilient and resourceful pioneers.
Chinese American Transnationalism considers the many ways in which Chinese living in the United States during the exclusion era maintained ties with China through a constant interchange of people and economic resources, as well as political and cultural ideas. This book continues the exploration of the exclusion era begun in two previous volumes: Entry Denied, which examines the strategies that Chinese Americans used to protest, undermine, and circumvent the exclusion laws; and Claiming America, which traces the development of Chinese American ethnic identities. Taken together, the three volumes underscore the complexities of the Chinese immigrant experience and the ways in which its contexts changed over the sixty-one year period.