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This volume examines issues concerning the challenges and opportunities for international banks in the rapidly changing global environment. It looks at financial markets and banking, examines the role of banks and lawyers in the global financial crisis, explores post-crisis financial regulation, and highlights determinants of international banking.
This volume examines issues concerning the challenges and opportunities for international banks in the rapidly changing global environment. It looks at financial markets and banking, examines the role of banks and lawyers in the global financial crisis, explores post-crisis financial regulation, and highlights determinants of international banking.
This book examines the business models, performance, and decision-making approaches employed by financial institutions in Central and Southeast Europe. The respective contributions cover a wide range of industries, including banking, pharmaceuticals, and airline business services, and present both theoretical and empirical studies that highlight economy-wide risks and opportunities for European companies. The book is divided into four parts, the first of which provides a critical assessment of the competitiveness and performance of European companies, while the second examines decision-making approaches at financial institutions; the third and fourth parts address the macroeconomic risks and opportunities for business development in Europe. Intended for scholars, political decision-makers, and practitioners, the book offers new perspectives on Central and Southeast European financial and business research.
The financial crisis that began in 2007 triggered a break with banking practices of the past. Even as the crisis occurred, a broader set of economic, geopolitical, and technological forces were already reshaping the financial industry's transition from the twentieth to the twenty-first century. While these changes in the financial and global climate have led to a major overhaul of banking regulations and increased scrutiny of banks, they have also revealed opportunities for the development of a banking sector fit for the future. A New Era in Banking: The Landscape After the Battle identifies the main drivers of change at the heart of this wholesale transformation of the financial services industry. It examines the complex challenge for financial institutions to de-risk business models, reconnect with customers, and approach stakeholder value creation. Untangling the severe mutations that have taken place in the banking sector, A New Era in Banking, contextualizes these changes within larger trends that extend beyond the confines of the financial crisis. Banks are more vulnerable than ever to the crosscurrents of economic, demographic, regulatory, and technological change. However, by discussing how banks can operate as flexible, technology-enabled information businesses, A New Era in Banking advocates financial practices based not only on survival, but innovation.
Following the companion paper on the new policy challenges related to the adoption of digital forms of money, this paper presents an operational strategy for the IMF to continue delivering on its mandate of ensuring domestic and international financial and economic stability. The paper begins by summarizing the forces driving the adoption of digital forms of money, and the new policy questions that emerge. It then focusses on how the IMF’s core activities and output will need to evolve, including surveillance, capacity development, and analytical foundations. It ends by discusses how the IMF intends to partner with other organization, and to grow and structure internal resources to fulfill this vision.
This new textbook provides an up-to-date overview of international banking as the second decade of the twenty-first century unfolds. Integrating geo-economic, operational, institutional and regulatory changes in the financial sector, the volume’s methodology incorporates specific case studies and research, combining theory with practical examples to illustrate the impact and consequences of past and present financial crises. The volume considers the core aspects of international banking, including its structural and technical features, historical context, institutional evolution in core markets, and wholesale, retail, investment and private banking. It uses specific examples from past and present literature, post-2008 case studies and histories, and research materials, offering a fully updated overview of how international banks respond to global crises, the origin, efficacy and evolution of financial markets, and the regulatory framework within which they function. One chapter is devoted to the evolution and potential of new markets, including the financial sectors of the BRICS and other emerging economies. Each chapter examines background, causes, impact and resolution, focusing on specific cases and their broader implications for the sector. This textbook is a guide to the new, and at times unchartered, landscape to be navigated by large domestic, cross-regional and global banks, and will be invaluable reading for students of finance, business and economics, as well as for those in the financial sector.
Franklin R. Edwards Hugh T. Patrick As the 19908 unfold, we stand on the threshold of a new age of global financial markets. The seeminglyinevitable, market-driven dynamicofthe international integration of banking, securities, and futures markets is bringing about a profound transformation of financial flows and the efficiency and effectiveness of the domestic and international markets serving them. Propelled in the 1980s by a variety offorces-technological, economic, political, and (de)regulatory-the implications of international financial market integration are pervasive. This new era promises to raise a host of new public and business policy issues as well as opportunities. These include issues of financial market integrity, international competitiveness, and regulatory harmony. What will the rules of the game be? How will prudential concerns for the safety as well as the efficiency of international financial markets, and their national counterparts, be met? What are the appropriate new institutional arrangements? How and to what degree will international financial mar kets be supervised, harmonized, and regulated, and for what purposes? Whowill be makingthese decisions andimplementingthem?Thesearethe issues that confront-and bedevil-policymakers, practitioners, and scho lars alike. 1 2 INTRODUcnON The Context The 1980s were witness to major transformations of the international political, economic, andfinancial environment. Amongthe majordevelop ments was rapidly increasing international financial market integration across major nations and across financial product markets. The major sources of financial change were several, interrelated, and reinforcing.
Foreign bank lending has stopped growing since the global financial crisis. Changes in banks’ business models, balance-sheet adjustments, as well as the tightening of banking regulations are potential drivers of this prolonged slowdown. The existing literature however suggests an opposite effect related to regulation, with tighter regulations encouraging foreign lending through regulatory arbitrage. We investigate this question using new survey data on regulations specific to banks’ international operations. Our results show that regulatory tightening can explain about half of the decline in the foreign lending-to-GDP ratio between 2007 and 2013. Regulatory changes in home countries have had a larger effect than those in host countries.
This book, the product of a unique international scholarly collaboration sponsored jointly by the American Council of Learned Societies and the Soviet Academy of Sciences, provides a comprehensive survey on international banking from 1870 to 1914. In that period international investment reached dimensions previously unknown, and the banking systems of the world achieved a degree of internationalization without precedent. The book's authors, twenty-five scholars from fifteen countries, are the acknowledged experts in their fields. They detail the origin and development of internationally oriented banks in each major country, and explain their role in foreign investment and industrial finance. They look at all areas of the world that were involved in international investment, either as investors, recipients of investment, or both. The definitive work on international banking from 1870 to 1914, this book will interest scholars and students in financial and banking history, bankers and economists in the finanical industry, and general historians.
Evolving stories of governance and change are being written into the emerging custom and practice of all kinds of organizations today, whether they are global or domestic, startup or blue chip, corporate or government agency. Changing ways of ‘doing business’ are not new, nor is globalization of business, but the velocity and trajectory of both are rapidly accelerating beyond those seen in previous times. There are increasing concerns and challenges for the boards of directors and other governance systems and processes. They are intended to ensure good stewardship of the diverse organizations in the period following the global nancial crisis. Responsible Governance aims to challenge assumptions and present current debates for readers, grounding the critical issues or descriptions in relevant historical and social contexts as well as suggesting ways forward. Dr Tom Cockburn obtained his rst degree with honors from Leicester University, England, both his MBA and Doctorate were gained at Cardiff University, Wales. Tom is associate fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Management and is currently director-policy for the Center for Dynamic Leadership Models in Global Business and a senior associate of The Leadership Alliance Inc., headquartered in Canada.