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The International Union of Speleology (Union Internationale de Spéléologie, UIS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1965 in Slovenia (part of former Yugoslavia) on the initiative of the 4th International Congress of Speleology. Since 1953, these congresses are held every four years to promote interaction between academic and technical speleologists of different nationalities and with the purpose of developing and coordinating international speleology in all of its scientific, technical, cultural and economic aspects. The Union consists of member nations with voting rights, and each is represented by a delegate who represents all cavers and speleologists in its country. Until this book, the history of the International Union of Speleology was spread out in the minutes of the meetings and general assemblies, various UIS publications, and the proceedings of its International Congresses. Moreover, much of it was never written and was available only from the memories of past presidents, secretaries and other members of the UIS. In this book, the author presents the purpose of the Union and summarizes all its events through the first 50 years of its existence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mednarodna speleološka zveza (Union Internationale de Spéléologie, UIS) je neprofitna, nevladna organizacija, ustanovljena leta 1965 v Sloveniji (v nekdanji Jugoslaviji), na pobudo 4. Mednarodnega speleološkega kongresa. Kongresi so organizirajo na vsake štiri leta že od leta 1949, z namenom spodbujanja sodelovanja med akademskimi in tehničnimi jamarji različnih narodnosti ter z namenom razvijanja in usklajevanju mednarodnega jamarstva iz znanstvenih, tehničnih, kulturnih in ekonomskih vidikov. Zvezo sestavljajo člani z volilno pravico, vsako državo pa zastopajo delegati, ki predstavljajo vse jamarje in speleologe v državi. Do te knjige je bila zgodovina Mednarodne speleološke zveze zapisana samo v zapisnikih sestankov, generalnih skupščin in različnih publikacijah ter zbornikih njenih mednarodnih kongresov. Veliko pa sploh ne, bilo je samo v spominih preteklih predsednikov, tajnikov in drugih upravnih članov UIS-a. V tej knjigi avtor povzema vse dogodke in namen zveze skozi 50 let njenega obstoja.
This practical training guidebook makes an important contribution to karst hydrogeology. It presents supporting material for academic courses worldwide that include this and similar topics. It is an excellent sourcebook for students and other attendees of the International Karst School: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers, which opened in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina in 2014 and which will be organized every year in early summer. As opposed to more theoretical works, this is a catalog of possible engineering interventions in karst and their implications. Although the majority of readers will be professionals with geology/hydrogeology backgrounds, the language is not purely technical making it accessible to a wider audience. This means that the methodology, case studies and experiences presented will also benefit water managers working in karst environments.
WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT provides a detailed introduction to the full range of advanced, multidisciplinary techniques used in the study of water resources from understanding individual aquifers to the protection and management of water in a sustainable way, compatible with the preservation of the environment. Based on a masters course from UNESCO’s International Hydrological Program, this textbook is accompanied by color figures and graphics, illustrating clearly the content of the text and showing real examples from the field. Each chapter also contains a list of exercises and practical activities as well as case studies.
Discussion of a solution landscape formed a tropical climate of moderately high rainfall.
Rock features are important traces of the formation and development of karst surface. On various karren their record is especially rich, revealing to us the many factors that in diverse conditions formed the karst surface on various carbonate and other rock.We have tried to present the most characteristic rock features and through them the most important factors and processes in the formation of the karst surface, the methods of studying them, and the most outstanding examples.Forty-nine contributing authors offer a wide spectrum of content and examples of rock forms from many karst regions around the world.The first part of the book offers an orderly-organized survey and description of the most characteristic rock forms and presents the physical and chemical corrosion of rock, biocorrosion, the modeling of rock forms, their detailed morphometrics, and numerous descriptions of individual rock forms. The second part is devoted to various examples of rock forms found around the world from Slovenia through North and South America to Australia and Asia.