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Jesus, God the Father & the Holy Spirit existed in the infinite past & have no beginning. Jesus & God the Father have created infinite multiple universes & infinite alien Christians throughout the infinite past. A 100 billion years ago Jesus created a universe called- The King of Glory universe. He created the good & Sanctified Angels a 100 billion years ago, then He created Mankind or sheep after He created the good Angels. The bad angels of Satan & the human goats were not created in the King of Glory universe. We sheep & good Angels had a good time for a long time in our King of Glory Kingdom. But after about 70 billion years of playing in every vale & valley, we became bored as sheep. So Jesus decided to spice up our lives by creating an adventure called - The Invisible War in another universe. Jesus had a conference & we all volunteered to come to this present universe & fight a battle against nonChristians. We did not know what war was, but Jesus explained it as- Sheep vs goats, Good vs evil, Sanctified Angels vs demons, Spirit vs flesh, Truth vs lies, Love vs hate, Jesus vs a dragon. It was called The Invisible war for we could not see demons or know who was a goat or sheep in the coming war. Then the King of Glory universe went into blueshift & disappeared into a singularity. We as sheep & good Angels were teleported to heaven. Then God created the heavens & the earth- or our present universe. Gen 1:1. Then He created Lucifer & his angels & mixed our good Sanctified Angels with them. No one knew who was a sheep or who was a goat, except the Lord. Lucifer was made the governor, prophet & highpriest of the Angels in heaven. There were good times for a while. Job 38:7. Then Lucifer started to strong arm the other Angels for their stuff & Lucifer fell to filthy lucre. So after a while of Lucifer becoming more and more brazen, God fired Lucifer. He in turn decided to fight God & the invisible war started in heaven & earth. Then God said "Let there be Light",(Gen. 1:3) & Jesus appeared & rallied all the good & sanctified Angels to Him & Lucifer rallied all the bad angels who were created after the Big Bang to him. Separation of Light & darkness. (Gen 1:4) Then Jesus created the earth & Adam. It took Him 700 million years for the final product Adam to appear & He gave him one rule. Satan tempted Adam & he sinned. The bible is the history of the war that took place. Read it now. Jesus came at the Cross & saved Adam & his race, then after 2000 years Jesus returned for the S. Coming. Jesus threw Satan into the Bottomless Pit for a 1000 Christ years or 40 billion+/- years, goats into comfortable hell. The human race progressed in peace for a 1000 Christ years throughout the universe, then Satan & his demons were released out of the bottomless pit & human goats out of hell & they contaminated Christs kingdom that encompassed the whole universe. WWIII took place & Jesus won. Jesus threw Satan into the Lake of fire, the imploding universe in blueshift & all his demons. He also threw the goats who sinned twice into the Lake of fire as hell was now uncomfortable. The universe completely imploded & collapsed & we Christians ended up in heaven. Jesus gave us medals & gifts for fighting in the Invisible war. Jesus also gave the nations billions or a googolplex +/- universes, & we lived happily ever after as sheep. We were never bored again. Jesus also created infinite multiple universes & Christianity encompasses not only planet earth, the galaxy, the present universe, a googolplex universe cluster, but it encompasses infinite multiple universes throughout infinity. Maybe Jesus will let us meet infinite Alien Christians in other universes if we became bored again. Jesus Christ is Lord & is worshipped in infinite multiple universes throughout infinity. That is the vision of God. Christianity. (Starchildren, Mother Teresa is the example) Book #95.
Jesus Christ is a superstar on millions and billions of other planets besides the earth. Jesus is worshipped throughout infinity, through countless stars and countless universes. He might be the humble carpenter to us, but He is known as God to alien Christians in faraway universes. Jesus is worshipped in endless- infinite multiple universes. Jesus is truly the StarChild. The Church and Israel own a googolplex universes and has doled out some for the nations. The Church and Israel own more universes then there are atoms in our universe of 200 billion galaxies. And each galaxy has about a 100-200 billion stars. If you count the atoms in each star, planet, asteroid, dust particle- the Church owns more universes then all the atoms in our entire universe combined. So Jesus is generous , the Church and Israel is generous and extremely zealous to give you universes and serve you. Jesus is God. He can be in more then one place at once. He is in us and He is in the alien Christians. Christs body can appear in different places at the same time, like when He visits different families in multiple universes at the same time and still remain on His throne in heaven and also in Jerusalem. He is worshipped througout infinity. So worship Him in the spirit like all alien Christians do O human race. We will be one with the cosmos praising Jesus. THE AFRICANS WENT THROUGH THE GREAT TRIBULATION WITH SLAVERY, THE JEWS WENT THROUGH THE TRIBULATION WITH HITLER, THE NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS WENT THROUGH THE TRIBULATION WHEN THE EUROPEANS EXTERMINATED THEM, THE CHINESE WENT THROUGH THE GREAT TRIBULATION WITH MAO AND THE CULTURAL LEAP FORWARD, THE RUSSIANS WENT THROUGH THE TRIBULATION WITH STALIN. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO WERE SPARED THE TRIBULATION ARE THE AMERICAN CHRISTIANS IN THE U.S.A., AND THEY ARE THE LOUDEST IN SAYING A GREAT TRIBULATION WILL HAPPEN TO CHRISTIANS. WAKE UP EVERYBODY ELSE HAS ALREADY GONE THROUGH IT. THE GREAT TRIBULATION STARTED WITH THE DEATH OF STEPHEN UNTIL TODAY 2000 AD +/-. ITS OVER, SORRY YOU MISSED IT, BE HAPPY YOU WERE SPARED. JESUS IS COMING BACK IN MY LIFETIME AND THERE IS NO WAR BEFORE THE SECOND COMING. IT WILL BE AFTER THE 1000 YRS OR 40 BILLION YEARS FROM NOW. ISAIAH 22 PUT A CURSE ON THE VISIONS OF THE SECOND COMING. THATS WHY YOU ARE SO CONFUSED. INTERSTELLAR, INTERGALACTIC, INTERUNIVERSAL SUPERSTAR JESUS CHRIST. WORSHIPPED IN INFINITE UNIVERSES. BY COUNTLESS INFINITE ALIEN CHRISTIANS THATS WHAT JESUS MEANT WHEN HE SAID HE WILL COME BACK WITH GREAT GLORY JESUS IS TRULY THE STARCHILD. INFINITE!!!!
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is close at hand. The last 2000 years has been the Tribulation. Soon in our generation, especially in my lifetime Jesus is coming back. I met Jesus on August 10th 2012. And I have a drawing that looks like Jesus that the Lord helped me to draw. It is a copy of Adolfo Simeione's work, an artist from Italy who was born in 1880 and who's death date is unknown, he drew a real picture of Jesus without knowing it. Since I met Jesus, I drew a picture of Him using Adolfo Simeiones work. THE PICTURE ON THE COVER OF THIS BOOK PROVES TO THE WORLD THAT I MET JESUS AND ALL 50 OF MY BOOKS ARE ABOUT HIM- JESUS CHRIST, THE INTERGALACTIC SUPERSTAR- THE STARCHILD. When Jesus comes back, and if He looks like the picture on the cover of this book, that would prove that I met Him personally. There is no Rapture or war before the Second Coming. Isaiah chpt 22 put a curse on the visions of the Second Coming. Read this book to see the error that Theologians have made with the help of Satan in the last 500 years. Satan has been telling people when Jesus appears, that He will be the enemy. That's Satan entire defense. He does not want people to worship Jesus when He appears. Insane Theologians have been feeding the public with the wrong gospel of a preTribulation, Midtribulation, Post tribulation web of lies.Also Satan other defense against the Church is the pedophile scandal, that Jesus warned us about in Mathew chpt 18. When Jesus appears with billions of His Angels and 1/3 of the human race is Taken and escorted to hell- the goats, we will know that it is the true Jesus. I am His herald and the picture on the cover of this book proves that He is really Jesus. Also the birth of Israel in 1948 proves that this is the last generation before the end where 1/3 of the human race is "Taken" to hell (psalm 110:6, Revelation chpt 9). Jesus will appear with all of His Angels and the Saints. He will at first live in The King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The Dome on the Rock will be removed and the Angels of Jesus Christ will rebuild the new Temple . The Angels of Jesus Christ and the Israelites and Christian Church will rebuild the Temple. Mother Church and Jesus Christ will rule all the nations. The Star of David on the Israeli flag is really a Crown of Thorns. And the Crown of Thorns will rule all nations. Actually Jesus Christ is Lord and is worshipped in Infinite multiple universes throughout infinity. That is the Great glory He said He will come back with at the Second Coming which is soon in my lifetime and this generation. I am Christ's Herald and the picture on the cover of this book will prove to the world I met Jesus. Also we are that generation that saw Israel return and will not die out before Jesus returns. Within the next seven years or less Jesus will be back, so cheer up Mother Church
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For more than thirty years, The Universe Next Door has set the standard for a clear, readable introduction to worldviews. In this new fifth edition James Sire offers additional student-friendly features to his concise, easily understood introductions to theism, deism, naturalism, Marxism, nihilism, existentialism, Eastern monism, New Age philosophy and postmodernism. Included in this expanded format are a new chapter on Islam and informative sidebars throughout.The book continues to build on Sire's refined definition of worldviews from the fourth edition and includes other updates as well, keeping this standard text fresh and useful. In a world of ever-increasing diversity, The Universe Next Door offers a unique resource for understanding the variety of worldviews that compete with Christianity for the allegiance of minds and hearts. The Universe Next Door has been translated into over a dozen languages and has been used as a text at over one hundred colleges and universities in courses ranging from apologetics and world religions to history and English literature. Sire's Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept provides a useful companion volume for those desiring a more in-depth discussion of the nature of a worldview.