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This book proposes an interdisciplinary methodology for developing an intercultural use of law so as to include cultural differences and their protection within legal discourse; this is based on an analysis of the sensory grammar tacitly included in categorizations. This is achieved by combining the theoretical insights provided by legal theory, anthropology and semiotics with a reading of human rights as translational interfaces among the different cultural spaces in which people live. To support this use of human rights’ semantic and normative potential, a specific cultural-geographic view dubbed ‘legal chorology’ is employed. Its primary purpose is to show the extant continuity between categories and spaces of experience, and more specifically between legal meanings and the spatial dimensions of people’s lives. Through the lens of legal chorology and the intercultural, translational use of human rights, the book provides a methodology that shows how to make space and law reciprocally transformative so as to create an inclusive legal grammar that is equidistant from social cultural differences. The analysis includes: a critical view on opportunities for intercultural secularization; the possibility of construing a legal grammar of quotidian life that leads to an inclusive equidistance from differences rather than an unachievable neutrality or an all-encompassing universal legal ontology; an interdisciplinary methodology for legal intercultural translation; a chorological reading of the relationships between human rights protection and lived spaces; and an intercultural and geo-semiotic examination of a series of legal cases and current issues such as indigenous peoples’ rights and the international protection of sacred places.
This book proposes an interdisciplinary methodology for developing an intercultural use of law so as to include cultural differences and their protection within legal discourse; this is based on an analysis of the sensory grammar tacitly included in categorizations. This is achieved by combining the theoretical insights provided by legal theory, anthropology and semiotics with a reading of human rights as translational interfaces among the different cultural spaces in which people live. To support this use of human rights' semantic and normative potential, a specific cultural-geographic view dubbed 'legal chorology' is employed. Its primary purpose is to show the extant continuity between categories and spaces of experience, and more specifically between legal meanings and the spatial dimensions of people's lives. Through the lens of legal chorology and the intercultural, translational use of human rights, the book provides a methodology that shows how to make space and law reciprocally transformative so as to create an inclusive legal grammar that is equidistant from social cultural differences. The analysis includes: a critical view on opportunities for intercultural secularization; the possibility of construing a legal grammar of quotidian life that leads to an inclusive equidistance from differences rather than an unachievable neutrality or an all-encompassing universal legal ontology; an interdisciplinary methodology for legal intercultural translation; a chorological reading of the relationships between human rights protection and lived spaces; and an intercultural and geo-semiotic examination of a series of legal cases and current issues such as indigenous peoples' rights and the international protection of sacred places.
Communicating in Intercultural Spaces is a unique contribution to literature in intercultural communication from two authors who bring distinct socio-cultural voices to this work. Written for readers ranging from advanced undergraduate students to intercultural practitioners, this book offers a new conceptualisation for understanding intercultural communication. Eight propositions frame the concept of intercultural spaces. Grounding the discussion on the framing of intercultural spaces, the authors engage with a range of topics such as perception, language, acculturation, and intercultural competence, couched in original personal narratives from 21 leading intercultural scholars. The narratives and vignettes add vibrant context to the scholars’ works that are cited in this book. The book also delves into the origins of intercultural communication as a discipline and the dark side of communicating across differences. Each chapter ends with a brief dialogue between the authors, followed by questions for stimulating further reflection. Readers should expect to walk away with an understanding of key theories and frameworks in intercultural communication and the tools with which to develop their own intercultural communication competence.
With disappearing music venues, and arts and culture communities at constant risk of displacement in our urban centers, the preservation of intangible cultural heritage is of growing concern to global cities. This book addresses the role and protection of intangible cultural heritage in the urban context. Using the methodology of Urban Legal Anthropology, the author provides an ethnographic account of the civic effort of Toronto to become a Music City from 2014-18 in the context of redevelopment and gentrification pressures. Through this, the book elucidates the problems cities like Toronto have in equitably protecting intangible cultural heritage and what can be done to address this. It also evaluates the engagement that Toronto and other cities have had with international legal frameworks intended to protect intangible cultural heritage, as well as potential counterhegemonic uses of hegemonic legal tools. Understanding urban intangible cultural heritage and the communities of people who produce it is of importance to a range of actors, from urban developers looking to formulate livable and sustainable neighbourhoods, to city leaders looking for ways in which their city can flourish, to scholars and individuals concerned with equitability and the right to the city. This book is the beginning of a conservation about what is important for us to protect in the city for future generations beyond built structures, and the role of intangible cultural heritage in the creation of full and happy lives. The book is of interest to legal and sociolegal readers, specifically those who study cities, cultural heritage law, and legal anthropology.
This selection of peer-reviewed essays is taken from the Royal Irish Academy Symposium Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity, hosted by Dublin City University in November 2003. It brings together a fascinating range of scholarly interpretations of the 'intercultural space' with rich contributions coming from the fields of sociology, politics, language teaching and learning, translation, drama, literature, and history. Individually each essay draws the reader into its own particular 'intercultural space' shaped by the norms and parameters of the discipline within which it is being described. As a collection, however, the essays link these usually separate spaces together to forge new and exciting interdisciplinary connections. This collection offers readers from many different disciplines a comprehensive array of interpretations and insights into the phenomenon that is the 'intercultural space', and invites them to explore the richness of this concept as it is revealed in Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity.
The challenges rapid urbanisation encompasses are manifold, so are the efforts addressing sustainable and inclusive development frameworks. "Reclaiming Public Space through Intercultural Dialogue" is an intercultural and interdisciplinary initiative, which focuses on how social and spatial segregation can be overcome in metropolitan areas. Through joint research and teaching activities in the cities of Dortmund and Amman, three comprehensive topics emerged: urban transformation and the role of public space; social and cultural dimensions of cities; and nature-based planning approaches. The book compiles contributions to these topics from researchers, practitioners, and students, which were presented in an international conference held at the German Jordanian University in Madaba, Jordan, in November 2017.
Humanity takes up space. Human beings, like many other species, also transform spaces. What is perhaps uniquely human is the disposition to qualitatively transform spaces into places that are charged with distinctive kinds of intergenerational significance. There is a profound, felt difference between a house as domestic space and a home as familial place or between the summit of a mountain one has climbed for the first time and the “same” rock pinnacle celebrated in ancestral narratives. Contemporary philosophical uses of the word “place” often pivot on the distinction between “space” and “place” formalized by geographer-philosopher Yi-fu Tuan, who suggested that places incorporate the experiences and aspirations of a people over the course of their moral and aesthetic engagement with sites and locations. While spaces afford possibilities for different kinds of presence—physical, emotional, cognitive, dramatic, spiritual—places emerge as different ways of being present, fuse over time, and saturate a locale with distinctively collaborative patterns of significance. This approach to issues of place, however, is emblematic of what Edward S. Casey has argued are convictions about the primacy of absolute space and time that evolved along with the progressive dominance of the scientific imagination and modern imaginations of the universal. The recent reappearance of place in Western philosophy represents a turn away from abstract and a priori reasoning and back toward phenomenal experience and the primacy of embodied and emplaced intelligence. Places are enacted through the sustainably shared practices of mutually-responsive and mutually-vulnerable agents and are as numerous in kind as we are divergent in the patterns of values and intentions. The contributors to this volume draw on resources from Asian, European, and North American traditions of thought to engage in intercultural reflection on the significance of place in philosophy and of the place of philosophy itself in the cultural, social, economic, and political domains of contemporary life. The conversation of place that results explores the meaning of intercultural philosophy, the critical interplay of place and personal identity, the meaning of appropriate emplacement, the shared place of politics and religion, and the nature of the emotionally emplaced body.
This comprehensive Research Handbook explores the wide variety of work conducted in legal semiotics to provide a broad understanding of how the law works through signs and symbols. Demonstrating that law is a strategical system of fluctuating signs, contributors critically analyse the ever-evolving conceptualisations of law and legal discourse.
Negli ultimi anni si è sovente parlato di de-secolarizzazione. Al tempo stesso, tuttavia, non si è mai spenta la voce di chi afferma che la modernità ha inaugurato un'epoca in cui la religione è in via di estinzione e la secolarizzazione ha vinto la partita della storia. Se così fosse, un libro sullo 'spazio religioso’ sarebbe poco più che un testo su un tema di nicchia. C’è da chiedersi, tuttavia: lo 'spazio religioso' può davvero considerarsi scisso e categoricamente distinguibile dallo spazio in generale? Le città europee sono state storicamente costruite intorno a una chiesa collocata accanto alla sede del governo, generando a sua volta lo ‘spazio' della piazza pubblica principale. Nella maggior parte dei siti urbani, questa distribuzione topografica urbana permane, e l’Italia costituisce, da questo punto di vista un esempio paradigmatico. Proprio in Italia, i conflitti sull’utilizzo delle chiese cattoliche in disuso, sulle comunità musulmane che necessitano di spazi per la preghiera, sugli spazi interreligiosi e sul connesso uso dello spazio urbano nel suo complesso, riflettono preoccupazioni pressanti su come vivere le nostre città, sempre più plurali, e su come definire i confini tra la libertà degli uni e la libertà degli altri. Su questo terreno di scontro entra in gioco il diritto, che regola lo spazio e tutte le pratiche che si svolgono al suo interno. La ‘liturgia’, intesa attraverso la sua radice etimologica di ‘azione nello spazio pubblico,’ serve come chiave ricostruttivo-cognitiva che potrebbe supportare il diritto a qualificare in modo più adeguato gli oggetti e i destinatari della regolamentazione da esso offerta. Se il tempo e lo spazio sono impossibili da separare, guardare indietro è l'unico modo per scandagliare il futuro (e viceversa). A questo scopo, nel testo vengono offerte alcune brevi incursioni storiche accanto all'analisi giuridica dell’esperienza contemporanea, e ciò con l’obiettivo di illuminare un percorso possibile verso un orizzonte di giustizia spaziale. Nei tre capitoli che lo compongono, il volume tratta rispettivamente del rapporto tra spazio sacro e spazio secolare della città; delle questioni teorico-giuridiche e giurisdizionali che ruotano attorno al problema della disponibilità dei luoghi di culto all’interno del tessuto urbano; e, infine, dei presupposti storici e metodologici per l’elaborazione di una ‘giustizia spaziale’ costituzionale. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-322-7
Dopo decenni di grande sviluppo del settore digitale, assistiamo a una rinnovata attenzione per lo spazio di soggetti pubblici e privati, con la simultanea presenza di interessi nazionali strategici di difesa e geopolitici e interessi commerciali rivolti al profitto. Il diritto dello spazio si caratterizza per un nocciolo internazionalistico, ma, oggi, non può più essere semplicemente definito come una branca del diritto internazionale. Vi sono problemi e complicazioni dovuti alla presenza di interessi differenti e di culture giuridiche differenti che richiedono uno sforzo significativo di compromesso e apertura mentale per essere riconciliati con comune soddisfazione, per ottenere la cooperazione e l'adesione pacifica alle soluzioni adottate da parte di tutti i soggetti coinvolti. L'evoluzione tecnologica e il conseguente crescente ruolo dell'economia dello spazio richiedono, a tutti i livelli nazionali e internazionali, regole giuridiche più dettagliate e sicure. Contributi presentati alla conferenza "Comparative Visions in Space Law" sono stati selezionati per questo libro, riflettendo l'approccio trasversale che ha caratterizzato il convegno: dialogo tra una molteplicità di esperienze giuridiche e di discipline, dando vita a nuovi orizzonti di collaborazione indispensabili per capire le poste in gioco economiche, geopolitiche e diplomatiche del diritto dello spazio, i suoi aspetti tecnici e le sue difficoltà. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-376-0