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A mentoring manual designed to release your destiny in prayer and intercession.
Prayer Warriors Arise and Take Your Place in the Battle! The end-time harvest and revival awaits God's watchmen-intercessors being birthed, equipped and fully taking their place in the frontline of the battle. Their training needs to be prompt and accurate. Those who have fallen and are wounded need to be restored. Maria Harbajan gives you the keys to experiencing the fulfilment of your call and ministry as an intercessor. Discover what each intercessor should know in order to fight spiritual battles successfully. These include: Intercession - knowing its dangers and how to avoid pitfalls. Specific instructions for praying for the Family, Church and Nation. Powerful praying children - releasing the youth and children. How Pastors and Intercessors can be a dream team. Dealing with different types of curses through intercession. Intercession in the Marketplaces - in your workplace, business environment, public places. Restoring fallen prayer warriors. This book should be required reading for every serious, committed intercessor. In it, Maria is candid, honest and plainspoken of herself. She offers volumes of revelation and truths for anyone who takes seriously the ministry of intercession. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned intercessor, you will, learn, as I have, from this excellent work. (Esther Ilnisky, Founder, Esther Network Intl., Children's Global Prayer Movement)
Intercessors Arise! Wakeup the Warrior in You is a called to battle for those with these gifts in the Kingdom. This book provides the reader with tools to assist him or her in fulfilling their destiny and purpose in the Kingdom.
Let the Intercessors Arise! This is a Declaration and Decree for more Intercessors to have a desire to pray and stand in the gap for others. Intercessors arise throughout the Old and New Testament praying for mercy, grace, and forgiveness on behalf of people who sinned, broke the Covenant, and Commandments of God. Thanks be to God! It's at the name of Jesus Christ and through the power of his blood has made it possible for believers and intercessors to have direct access to the Father when we come boldly to His throne of grace. When intercessors pray gives God an invitation and opportunity to demonstrate his supernature power through divine intervention. When intercessors pray God send angels on assignment to release a divine turnaround in any situation. Let the Intercessor Arise! Let the Intercessor Arise in U today!
Dr Dwan Jackson is not only an International Empowerment Lecturer, Author, Conference Host, Counselor, Prophet, Intercessor, Mentor, Preacher and Psalmist, she is also a wife to Alfred Jackson whom they have been married for over 33 years and she is also a mother of two. Dwan sits as a senior Leader of Prayer and Faith International Ministries with headquarters in Mobile, Alabama. She travels extensively across the United States and, she has ventured overseas in countries such as South Africa, London, Canada, Jamaica, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Canada, Spain and the Bahamas among others spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Dwan Jackson is a strong and passionate woman with a heart of God, she is not only an intercessor and a psalmist but, she is a prophet and a preacher. She is also the founder of Fresh Manna International Ministries and School of Ministries as well as Women of Virtue International Ministries. Dr Dwan Jackson has been in ministry for over 26 years, she loves God and His people.
Intercessors Arise is about learning your authority in Jesus Christ and how to safely intercede for your loved ones, cities and nations.~~~~~~~~~~Sandy Warner was visited by the Lord Jesus in 1984. He imparted His anointing and handed her a solid gold pen. Since that time she has written over 22 books, maintains a devotional email list of several thousand subscribers and facilitates a website containing 1,000's of pages of personal examples of how God speaks. It is her passion to teach about the language of how God speaks and build a bridge for generations yet to [email protected]
Learn how to expectantly and purposefully wait on God in prayer while identifying the obstacles that keep you from drawing close to His heart.
A call to intercession is a wake-up call to the Body of Christ, an introduction of intercession to the new believer and a refresher course to the intercessor. Youre challenged to be the person who God is always searching for in these last days as in Ezekiel 22:30 and I sought for a man among them who would build up the fence and stand in the gap before me for the sake of the land that I should not destroy it; but I found none. (Aramaic translation) (Emphasis added). Be the one He can find a watchman on the wall. Apostle Dollie Perkins-King
Authors Note Pentecostals and charismatics say that believers as well as non-Christians may be demonized and require exorcism. This is a seesaw battle between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. There is the great universal spiritual war between Good and Evil. God has assigned a personal guardian angel to each believer. We, as believers should always ask God for Angels on Assignment throughout the day, there are twelve legions of angels who protect us and are at our request daily. There is the Angel of the Lord who encamps about us on a day to day basis. We are dealing with gods and angels, Satan and demons, and principalities and powers. Angels exist as well as Satan, demons and powers. Principalities and powers may be called angels on the way to ruination. There are only two teams, and most certainly, we are on the Lord's side. The refusal to deal with the good and evil spirits has weakened the church and its witness. Just when the enemy is making a great counterattack, we start forgetting we are on the battlefield at all. It is amazing how quickly the Church has fallen away from the faith, the one precious thing that God has afforded us to contend for, see Jude), We seem to have become accursed, bewitched and under a spell. More contended for our flesh, worldly position and possessions. This is very predictable as part of the cosmic battle for our souls.