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The field of sex therapy has experienced tremendous growth in the last 20 years . The use of the term "sex therapy" for most clinicians brings several well-known therapists to mind and is associated with the treatment of a fairly limited number of sexual problems. The view of sex therapy as a profession has had both positive and negative consequences. The editor’s state that the purpose in writing and editing this book was to build on the work of individually oriented sex therapy by adding the systems perspective. This book, then, represents an attempt at the integration of sex and marital or systems therapy.
This book challenges the fundamental paradigms in sexual-marital therapies, and provides a fresh look at the nature of intimacy and the diverse barriers to eroticism in many marriages. By integrating individual, sexual and marital therapies, this study attempts to provide a fresh look at the nature of intimacy and the diverse barriers to eroticism in marriage. The author refutes the common focus on sexual technique, calling instead for an emphasis on sexual potential.
The lack of sexual desire, known clinically as hypoactive sexual desire (HSD), is generally recognized as the most common sexual problem in America.
The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy ist ein umfassendes und auf empirischer Basis überarbeitetes Werk zur jüngsten Theorie und Praxis in der psychotherapeutischen Behandlung sexueller Probleme quer durch alle Klientengruppen. -In vier Abschnitten werden spezifische sexuelle Fehlfunktionen, theoretische Ansätze der Sexualtherapie, die Arbeit mit der Diversität der Klienten und zukünftige Richtungen in der Sexualtherapie dargestellt. -Vertritt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz in der Sexualtherapie, fokussiert auf die Anwendung einer Bandbreite psychotherapeutischer Theorien und Techniken mehr als nur auf die gängigen Verhaltensstrategien. -Fallstudien dokumentieren das breite Spektrum an Zuständen, die Klienten erleben können und die Sexualtherapeuten daher im Beratungsraum antreffen. -Enthält Beiträge von mehr als 60 Experten verschiedenster Fachrichtungen.
This comprehensive textbook, intended for graduate students in couple and family therapy programs as well as for clinicians of diverse orientations, offers descriptive discussions of sex therapy based on the Intersystem Approach, as developed by Gerald Weeks. The Intersystem Approach considers the biology, psychology, couple dyad, family-of-origin, and larger contextual factors of any sexual disorder or issue. It is grounded in systems theory and represents a new understanding of human sexuality and sexual problems. Appropriate for anyone who wants to progress to a more comprehensive and integrative understanding of sexual dysfunctions, this text will teach the reader how to treat the couple, rather than the individual. Now in a second edition, Systemic Sex Therapy presents 12 updated chapters and two new chapters, bringing the material up-to-date with the DSM-5. Each chapter examines the definition and description of a disorder, its etiology, assessment, treatment, research, and future directions. Experts in the field discuss issues ranging from pharmacology, sexual compulsivity, therapy with lesbian and gay couples, to chapters on male and female lack of desire. A standard text in the field, Systemic Sex Therapy integrates couple and sex therapy to inform the treatment of sexual problems, and to give beginning and experienced clinicians the abilities and confidence they need to produce viable change in their patients’ lives.
This comprehensive textbook, intended for graduate students in couple and family therapy programs as well as for clinicians of diverse orientations, offers descriptive discussions of sex therapy based on the Intersystem Approach, as developed by Gerald Weeks. The Intersystem Approach considers the biology, psychology, couple dyad, family-of-origin, and larger contextual factors of any sexual disorder or issue. It is grounded in systems theory and represents a new understanding of human sexuality and sexual problems. Appropriate for anyone who wants to progress to a more comprehensive and integrative understanding of sexual dysfunctions, this text will teach the reader how to treat the couple, rather than the individual. Now in a second edition, Systemic Sex Therapy presents 12 updated chapters and two new chapters, bringing the material up-to-date with the DSM-5. Each chapter examines the definition and description of a disorder, its etiology, assessment, treatment, research, and future directions. Experts in the field discuss issues ranging from pharmacology, sexual compulsivity, therapy with lesbian and gay couples, to chapters on male and female lack of desire. A standard text in the field, Systemic Sex Therapy integrates couple and sex therapy to inform the treatment of sexual problems, and to give beginning and experienced clinicians the abilities and confidence they need to produce viable change in their patients’ lives.