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A comprehensive overview of integrated vehicle system dynamics exploring the fundamentals and new and emerging developments This book provides a comprehensive coverage of vehicle system dynamics and control, particularly in the area of integrated vehicle dynamics control. The book consists of two parts, (1) development of individual vehicle system dynamic model and control methodology; and (2) development of integrated vehicle dynamic model and control methodology. The first part focuses on investigating vehicle system dynamics and control according to the three directions of vehicle motions, including longitudinal, vertical, and lateral. Corresponding individual control systems, e.g. Anti-lock Brake System (ABS), Active Suspension, Electric Power Steering System (EPS), are introduced and developed respectively. Particular attention is paid in the second part of the book to develop integrated vehicle dynamic control system. Integrated vehicle dynamics control system is an advanced system that coordinates all the chassis control systems and components to improve the overall vehicle performance including safety, comfort, and economy. Integrated vehicle dynamics control has been an important research topic in the area of vehicle dynamics and control over the past two decades. The research topic on integrated vehicle dynamics control is investigated comprehensively and intensively in the book through both theoretical analysis and experimental study. In this part, two types of control architectures, i.e. centralized and multi-layer, have been developed and compared to demonstrate their advantages and disadvantages. Integrated vehicle dynamics control is a hot topic in automotive research; this is one of the few books to address both theory and practice of integrated systems Comprehensively explores the research area of integrated vehicle dynamics and control through both theoretical analysis and experimental study Addresses a full range of vehicle system topics including tyre dynamics, chassis systems, control architecture, 4 wheel steering system and design of control systems using Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Method
Vehicle Dynamics and Control provides a comprehensive coverage of vehicle control systems and the dynamic models used in the development of these control systems. The control system applications covered in the book include cruise control, adaptive cruise control, ABS, automated lane keeping, automated highway systems, yaw stability control, engine control, passive, active and semi-active suspensions, tire-road friction coefficient estimation, rollover prevention, and hybrid electric vehicles. In developing the dynamic model for each application, an effort is made to both keep the model simple enough for control system design but at the same time rich enough to capture the essential features of the dynamics. A special effort has been made to explain the several different tire models commonly used in literature and to interpret them physically. In the second edition of the book, chapters on roll dynamics, rollover prevention and hybrid electric vehicles have been added, and the chapter on electronic stability control has been enhanced. The use of feedback control systems on automobiles is growing rapidly. This book is intended to serve as a useful resource to researchers who work on the development of such control systems, both in the automotive industry and at universities. The book can also serve as a textbook for a graduate level course on Vehicle Dynamics and Control.
A comprehensive overview of integrated vehicle system dynamics exploring the fundamentals and new and emerging developments This book provides a comprehensive coverage of vehicle system dynamics and control, particularly in the area of integrated vehicle dynamics control. The book consists of two parts, (1) development of individual vehicle system dynamic model and control methodology; and (2) development of integrated vehicle dynamic model and control methodology. The first part focuses on investigating vehicle system dynamics and control according to the three directions of vehicle motions, including longitudinal, vertical, and lateral. Corresponding individual control systems, e.g. Anti-lock Brake System (ABS), Active Suspension, Electric Power Steering System (EPS), are introduced and developed respectively. Particular attention is paid in the second part of the book to develop integrated vehicle dynamic control system. Integrated vehicle dynamics control system is an advanced system that coordinates all the chassis control systems and components to improve the overall vehicle performance including safety, comfort, and economy. Integrated vehicle dynamics control has been an important research topic in the area of vehicle dynamics and control over the past two decades. The research topic on integrated vehicle dynamics control is investigated comprehensively and intensively in the book through both theoretical analysis and experimental study. In this part, two types of control architectures, i.e. centralized and multi-layer, have been developed and compared to demonstrate their advantages and disadvantages. Integrated vehicle dynamics control is a hot topic in automotive research; this is one of the few books to address both theory and practice of integrated systems Comprehensively explores the research area of integrated vehicle dynamics and control through both theoretical analysis and experimental study Addresses a full range of vehicle system topics including tyre dynamics, chassis systems, control architecture, 4 wheel steering system and design of control systems using Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Method
This book presents essential knowledge of car vehicle dynamics and control theory with NI LabVIEW software product application, resulting in a practical yet highly technical guide for designing advanced vehicle dynamics and vehicle system controllers. Presenting a clear overview of fundamental vehicle dynamics and vehicle system mathematical models, the book covers linear and non-linear design of model based controls such as wheel slip control, vehicle speed control, path following control, vehicle stability and rollover control, stabilization of vehicle-trailer system. Specific applications to autonomous vehicles are described among the methods. It details the practical applications of Kalman-Bucy filtering and the observer design for sensor signal estimation, alongside lateral vehicle dynamics and vehicle rollover dynamics. The book also discusses high level controllers, alongside a clear explanation of basic control principles for regenerative braking in both electric and hybrid vehicles, and wheel torque vectoring systems. Concrete LabVIEW simulation examples of how the models and controls are used in representative applications, along with software algorithms and LabVIEW block diagrams are illustrated. It will be of interest to engineering students, automotive engineering students and automotive engineers and researchers.
The motivation for the development of vehicle stability control systems comes from the fact that vehicle dynamic behavior in unfavorable driving conditions such as low road-tire adhesion and high speed differs greatly from its nominal behavior. Due to this unexpected behavior, a driver may not be successful in controlling the vehicle in challenging driving situations based only on her/his everyday driving experience. Several noteworthy research works have been conducted on stability control systems over the last two decades to prevent car accidents due to human error. Most of the resultant stability controllers contain individual modules, where each perform a particular task such as yaw tracking, sideslip control, or wheel slip control. These design requirements may contradict each other in some driving scenarios. In such situations, inconsistent control actions can be generated with individual modules. The development of a stability controller that can satisfy diverse and often contradictory requirements is a great challenge. In general, transferring a control structure from one vehicle to another with a different drivetrain layout and actuation system configuration requires remarkable rectifications and repetition of tuning processes from the beginning to achieve a similar performance. This can be considered to be a serious drawback for car manufacturing companies since it results in extra effort, time, and expenses in redesigning and retuning the controller. In this thesis, an integrated controller with a modular structure has been designed to concurrently provide control of the vehicle chassis (yaw rate and sideslip control) and wheel stability (wheel slip ratio control). The proposed control structure incorporates longitudinal and lateral vehicle dynamics to decide on a unified control action. This control action is an outcome of solving an optimization problem that considers all the control objectives in a single cost function, so integrated wheel and vehicle stability is guaranteed. Moreover, according to the particular modular design of the proposed control structure, it can be easily reconfigured to work with different drivetrain layouts such as all-wheel-drive, front-wheel-drive, and rear-wheel-drive, as well as various actuators such as torque vectoring, differential braking, and active steering systems. The high-level control module provides a Center of Gravity (CG) based error analysis and determines the required longitudinal forces and yaw moment adjustments. The low-level control module utilizes this information to allocate control actions optimally at each vehicle corner (wheel) through a single or multi-actuator regime. In order to consider the effect of the actuator dynamics, a mathematical description of the auction system is included in distribution objective function. Therefore, a legitimate control performance is promised in situations requiring shifting from one configuration to another with minimal modifications. The performance of the proposed modular control structure is examined in simulations with a high-fidelity model of an electric GM Equinox vehicle. The high-fidelity model has been developed and provided by GM and the use of the model is to reduce the number of labor-intensive vehicle test and is to test extreme and dangerous driving conditions. Several driving scenarios with severe steering and throttle commands, then, are designed to evaluate the capability of the proposed control structure in integrated longitudinal and lateral vehicle stabilization on slippery road condition. Experimental tests also have been performed with two different electric vehicles for real-time implementation as well as validation purposes. The observations verified the performance qualifications of the proposed control structure to preserve integrated wheel and vehicle chassis stability in all track tests.
Each year in the United States, thousands of lives are lost as a result of loss of control crashes. Production driver assistance systems such as electronic stability control (ESC) have been shown to be highly effective in preventing many of these automotive crashes, yet these systems rely on a sensor suite that yields limited information about the road conditions and vehicle motion. Furthermore, ESC systems rely on gains and thresholds that are tuned to yield good performance without feeling overly restrictive to the driver. This dissertation presents an alternative approach to providing stabilization assistance to the driver which leverages additional information about the vehicle and road that may be obtained with advanced estimation techniques. This new approach is based on well-known and robust vehicle models and utilizes phase plane analysis techniques to describe the limits of stable vehicle handling, alleviating the need for hand tuning of gains and thresholds. The resulting state space within the computed handling boundaries is referred to as a safe handling envelope. In addition to the boundaries being straightforward to calculate, this approach has the benefit of offering a way for the designer of the system to directly adjust the controller to accomodate the preferences of different drivers. A model predictive control structure capable of keeping the vehicle within the safe handling boundaries is the final component of the envelope control system. This dissertation presents the design of a controller that is capable of smoothly and progressively augmenting the driver steering input to enforce the boundaries of the envelope. The model predictive control formulation provides a method for making trade-offs between enforcing the boundaries of the envelope, minimizing disruptive interventions, and tracking the driver's intended trajectory. Experiments with a steer-by-wire test vehicle demonstrate that the model predictive envelope control system is capable of operating in conjunction with a human driver to prevent loss of control of the vehicle while yielding a predictable vehicle trajectory. These experiments considered both the ideal case of state information from a GPS/INS system and an a priori friction estimate as well as a real-world implementation estimating the vehicle states and friction coefficient from steering effort and inertial sensors. Results from the experiments demonstrated a controller that is tolerant of vehicle and tire parameterization errors and works well over a wide range of conditions. When real time sensing of the states and friction properties is enabled, the results show that coupling of the controller and estimator is possible and the model predictive control structure provides a mechanism for minimizing undesirable coupled dynamics through tuning of intuitive controller parameters. The model predictive control structure presented in this dissertation may also be considered as a general framework for vehicle control in conjunction with a human driver. The structure utilized for envelope control may also be used to restrict other vehicle states for safety and stability. Results are presented in this dissertation to show that a model predictive controller can coordinate a secondary actuator to alter the planar states and reduce the energy transferred into the roll modes of the vehicle. The systematic approach to vehicle stabilization presented in this dissertation has the potential to improve the design methodology for future systems and form the basis for the inclusion of more advanced functions as sensing and computing capabilities improve. The envelope control system presented here offers the opportunity to advance the state of the art in stabilization assistance and provides a way to help drivers of all skill levels maintain control of their vehicle.