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Insufficient Faith introduces James Bakker, a man who makes a profession of faith to be a Christian early in life. For years, he lives by this faith but discovers the distinction between holding to a faith that does not bring true salvation and receiving Jesus Christ in a way that radically changes his life. The author, John Terpstra, weaves into this story the insights he has gained from nearly four decades serving as the pastor of the same church and seeing firsthand how people come to discover the differences between insufficient and sufficient faith. Insufficient Faith challenges people who have an insufficient faith to question and examine themselves to see if they be in the faith, as Paul admonishes in 2 Corinthians 13:5. The novel also causes believers to present the gospel the way they must present it to follow the charge given in Colossians 4:34. Jesus did not commit Himself to the multitudes who believed Him to be the Christ because He knew they were unbelieving believers. They remained spiritually dead. Insufficient Faith tells the story of a man who had an insufficient faith and who, for years, was an unbelieving believer. Could it not be true that Bible-believing local churches have such people as members? Could it not be true that others who were attached to local churches but have left the church did so because they had an insufficient faith? The answers to these questions will emerge from the pages of Insufficient Faith.
Faith Unleashed"Faith is a Fact and it is also an Act." These words would resonate from the mouth of my Father-In-Law Dr. Jonny Carter. He coined this phrase on multiple occasions when we would conversate. He was letting me know that Faith should be the foundation of our belief system. It is imperative that we have faith not only in God, but we need faith to achieve whatever we are attempting to achieve. The penmanship of this life changing read is to cause an explosion of the reader's faith. No faith means no promise, and without faith it is not only impossible to please God, but it leaves one in a state just accepting whatever comes. It was never designed that man would live without faith, but it is through faith that man is to walk in total dominion. This literary piece is a must read for all; especially for anyone who is wanting to achieve their goals, and their dreams. It is a must have to them who want to fulfil their destiny, and to walk in their purpose.
"There is no more important issue in theological study than the meaning of faith in the New Testament. The perennial problem of the misunderstanding concerning the nature of faith has produced a variety of theological errors as well as pastoral problems for the church. In a day of rampant theological confusion concerning justification by faith the nature of faith is paramount. This book provides a penetrating examination through exegetical precision, concerning the nature of faith. For those who believe in "faith alone in Christ alone" this book will guide you into an understanding of what faith is and what it is not. This is a book that needed to be written and a book that must be read. -- Earl Radmacher, ThD, President Emeritus, Western Seminary Most evangelical Protestants agree that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. However, what they cannot agree on is the meaning of faith. Are there different kinds of faith in the Bible? Is there saving faith and non-saving faith? Is faith a matter of the mind, or the mind and the emotions, or the mind, emotions, and will? Is faith active or passive on the part of the believer? Is it a gift of God or a work of man? All these questions and many more are explored in depth by Chay and Correia. They have done a commendable job of dealing with words studies, grammatical nuances, and debated passages. Such a work is long overdue. --Dave Anderson, PhD, President and professor of Theology, Grace School of Theology; President, Free Grace Alliance
Reprint of the original, first published in 1860.
Totally Christian is essential reading for anyone interested in the life, work, teaching, and extraordinary impact of Jesus Christ in the world. The content is biblically grounded and written in plain language. Assumptions are examined, areas of uncertainty acknowledged and different viewpoints about contentious issues presented openly. The aim of the book is to demonstrate the uniqueness and wonder of Jesus’s earthly mission, and the significance of his ministry for each of our lives and eternal destinies. Through delving into the fascinating elements of his humanity, and being confronted by his powerful, radical teaching, Totally Christian will enlarge your understanding of what Jesus accomplished on earth. At the end of each chapter, there are a variety of searching questions and statements to ponder and stimulate discussion and prayer, together with Insight boxes at intervals throughout the book, containing information and useful background details. Totally Christian will help every seeker after truth to find something of value to deepen faith, strengthen trust in God, stimulate a diligent search of the Bible, pray more fervently, and inspire a stronger desire to know and serve the One who invites us to understand more fully God’s intentions for our lives and the purpose for our existence.
To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue, however, that Christianity is not only more reasonable than all other belief systems, but is indeed more rational than unbelief itself. With conviction and clear thinking, Geisler and Turek guide readers through some of the traditional, tested arguments for the existence of a creator God. They move into an examination of the source of morality and the reliability of the New Testament accounts concerning Jesus. The final section of the book deals with a detailed investigation of the claims of Christ. This volume will be an interesting read for those skeptical about Christianity, as well as a helpful resource for Christians seeking to articulate a more sophisticated defense of their faith.
Some would ask, "What is faith?" when the real question is Who and not what. The Bible says faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). But here's what faith isn't. Faith is not a concept or idea. Faith is a person and His name is Jesus Christ. Just as God is love according to the word of God, Jesus is faith according to the word of God. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). "It", which is the word of God, not only reveals that the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us, but that His name is the word. This book will also testify of the coming of faith who was sent by His Father. This writing is to share the wonderful revelation of not what but who faith is. In lieu of this revolution, one must come away with a different perspective because what we see matters and our perception is everything. How we perceive a thing determines how we conceive a thing. How we conceive a thing will in fact determine how I believe a thing and how we believe a thing will determine how we receive a thing. Upon the revealing of faith being a person, we must come to the conclusion that we cannot benefit from someone we have not respect for. The scriptures tell us that Jesus's own people perceived him not (John 1:11). That is because they had the wrong perception of who He was. With wrong perceiving comes wrong conceiving which produces wrong believing. This makes it almost impossible to receive from someone we've placed in such regard. Our faith and belief in a person or a group of people will always determine our level of respect for them. Here is the conclusion of the whole matter. We cannot benefit from someone we have not respect for. One must respect one's position if they are going to benefit from the power of that position. Therefore, if you intend to draw from the blood that flows through Emmanuelle's veins, respect for Emmanuelle is definitely required.
In a nutshell, Christianity is one of the greatest if not the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on people in the history of the universe. It is practically all fantasy of one sort of another that millions of people believe in all over the world and have done so for many centuries since Christianity began. It all could have been made up out of whole cloth. The Old Testament cannot be taken at face value as the creation story was most likely borrowed from other sources and adapted to fit with the author’s purpose of explaining how the world began. The Exodus may be entirely fiction and most certainly did not happen the way it is described in the Bible. As far as the New Testament is concerned, it was written decades after the crucifixion of Jesus by people who were not eyewitnesses to the events they described. There may have been a prophet whose teachings drew many followers, but there was certainly no virgin birth, no miracles, and no resurrection. The purpose of all the apocalyptic writing and second coming of Christ may have been motivated by the oppression of the Roman Empire where the Jewish people felt powerless and needed to believe in something that would provide them with a feeling that in the final analysis justice would be done and they would get their revenge. Thus, Christianity needs to be exposed for the fraud that it is which is what this book attempts to do by looking at the history of Christianity, Biblical scholarship, and other aspects of Christianity along with its alternatives.