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It reviews past and present practices of wastewater treatment, landfills, waste oil pits, chrome and die yard pits, disposal and spill sites. A total of 20 sites were ranked using the HARM (Hazard Assessment Rating Methodology) rating system.
The Department(of Defense's Installation Restoration Program (IRP) is four-phase program to identify past waste disposal practices, evaluate the environmental impacts, propose mitigation measures, and remediate environmental problems. An IRP investigation is currently underway at AF Plant 4, Texas. Phase I, an initial assessment and records search to locate potential environmental problems associated with waste disposal practices, was completed in 1984. Phase II, a field program to investigate potential environmental contamination, has been under way since 1985 under the direction of the U.S. Air Force Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory (USAFOEHL). Radian Corporation of Austin, Texas, has performed Stage 1 of the Phase II investigation which is reported in this document. Keywords: Installation restoration program, 4, Volatile organics.
This report contains information concerning environmental protection and water quality. Volume 5 and Volume 6 contain all quality/assurance quality control reports for water analyses (organized by work order number). Also included are summary tables (Tables A.2-1 through A.2-9) of the QC reports.
Soil samples for chemical analysis were submitted to Radian Analytical Services (RAS) Laboratory. The samples were logged in, and the data reported in batches . Each batch submitted was assigned a RAS work order number. Table A.3-1 is a sequential listing of all analytical reports associated with AF Plant 4 Phase II, Stage 1 soil analyses by work order number. Table A.3-2 cross-references soil borings or well numbers, OEHL numbers, and the RAS work order numbers under which the results are located. Methyl ethyl ketone analyses were performed by the Radian chromatography laboratory. The results of these analyses are provided in a memo included in this volume. The RAS reports in the volume are arranged consecutively by RAS work order number. Pages in Appendix A are numbered by the volume number followed by the page number of the that volume. For example, Page 7 001 is Page 1 of Volume 7.
This appendix includes analytical data from past and ongoing studies performed by Hargis & Associates for General Dynamics. The groundwater quality data complied by Hargis & Associates, and used for comparison in the IRP Phase II Study, are listed below by the report from which they were obtained. Phase II Investigation of Subsurface Condition, U.S. Air Force Plant No. 4, Fort Worth, Texas (1985). Appendixes H-K Table 1; Water Quality Data, May 1985 through May 1986, U.S. Air Force Plant No. 4 Fort Worth, Texas (1986); Appendices C, D, E, and G This report contains data concerning environmental protection.
This document discusses data concerning environmental protection and water quality. This report has been prepared for the United States Air Force by Radian Corporation, for the purpose of aiding in the implementation of the Air Force Installation Restoration Program.
Methyl ethyl ketone analysis was performed by Radian chromatography laboratory. The results of the analysis are in a memo included in this volume. All other samples for chemical analysis were submitted to Radian Analytical Services Laboratory. The samples were logged in, and the data reported in batches . Each batch submitted was assigned a RAS work order number. Volume 2, Volume 3, and Volume 4, Appendix A-1 contain the analytical data reports for the various batches of samples. The bulk of data necessitated the results be bound in three volumes. Volumes 2, Volume 3, and Volume 4, Appendix A-1 contain Tables A.1-1, A.1-3, and A.1-5, respectively, which are a sequential listing of the reports contained in that volume by batch number and Tables A.1-2, A.1-4, and A.1-6, respectively, which are a sample log and cross-reference table. These tables serve as a sample log and cross-reference well numbers, OEHL numbers and the RAS work order numbers under which the results are located. Pages in Appendix A are numbered by the volume number followed by the page number of that volume. For example, Page 2 001 is the first chemistry data page of Volume 2.
The overall objective of the Phase II investigation is to define the magnitude, extent, direction and rate of movement of identified contaminants. A series of staged field investigations may be required to meet this objective. The contractor shall determine any additional investigations required beyond this stage, including an estimate of costs, for possible performance under a separate contractual action. The purpose of this task is to conduct a contaminant source investigation at Air Force Plant 4 to determine: (1) the presence or absence of contamination within the specified areas of the field survey; (2) if contamination exists, the potential for migration in the various environmental media; (3) the extent/magnitude of contamination on the Air Force Plant 4 property; and (4) potential environmental consequences and health risks of migrating contaminants based on state or federal standards for these contaminants.