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In accordance with the procedures developed for the Department of Defense (DOD) Installation Restoration Program (IRP), and the EPA's April 1984 Scope of Work, a Phase II, Stage I site investigation has been performed at the Former USAF Plant No. 83 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Investigations were conducted at identified hazardous waste storage sites and in other areas of the plant. A total of 12 monitoring wells were installed, seven (7) in the upper water-bearing zone and five (5) in the intermediate aquifer. Boreholes were continuously monitored during drilling with an OVA, with select samples being sent to the laboratory for priority pollutant analysis. Eight (8) samples of the sediment in the San Jose Drain were also obtained for analysis. Two deep wells (DWA-1 and DWA-2) were pumped for 24 hours and a.
In accordance with the procedures developed for the Department of Defense (DOD) Installation Restoration Program (IRP), and the EPA's April 1984 Scope of Work, a Phase II, Stage I site investigation has been performed at the Former USAF Plant No. 83 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Investigations were conducted at identified hazardous waste storage sites and in other areas of the plant. A total of 12 monitoring wells were installed, seven (7) in the upper water-bearing zone and five (5) in the intermediate aquifer. Boreholes were continuously monitored during drilling with an OVA, with select samples being sent to the laboratory for priority pollutant analysis. Eight (8) samples of the sediment in the San Jose Drain were also obtained for analysis. Two deep wells (DWA-1 and DWA-2) were pumped for 24 hours and water levels measured in several nearby shallow wells in order to evaluate the in-situ permeability of the clay unit. Groundwater samples were obtained from all the wells during this investigation and three existing monitoring wells at the site. Keywords: Installation Restoration Program, Volatile Organic Compounds, Superfund Site, New Mexico, Metals, Soil Sample, hazardous materials.
In accordance with the procedures developed for the Department of Defense (DOD) Installation Restoration Program (IRP), and the EPA's April 1984 Scope of Work, a Phase II, Stage I site investigation has been performed at the Former USAF Plant No. 83 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Investigations were conducted at identified hazardous waste storage sites and in other areas of the plant. A total of 12 monitoring wells were installed, seven (7) in the upper water-bearing zone and five (5) in the intermediate aquifer. Boreholes were continuously monitored during drilling with an OVA, with select samples being sent to the laboratory for priority pollutant analysis. Eight (8) samples of the sediment in the San Jose Drain were also obtained for analysis. Two deep wells (DWA-1 and DWA-2) were pumped for 24 hours and water levels measured in several nearby shallow wells in order to evaluate the in-situ permeability of the clay unit. Groundwater samples were obtained from all the wells during this investigation and three existing monitoring wells at the site. Keywords: Installation Restoration Program, Volatile Organic Compounds, Superfund site, New Mexico, Metals, Soil Sample, hazardous materials.
Soil samples for chemical analysis were submitted to Radian Analytical Services (RAS) Laboratory. The samples were logged in, and the data reported in batches . Each batch submitted was assigned a RAS work order number. Table A.3-1 is a sequential listing of all analytical reports associated with AF Plant 4 Phase II, Stage 1 soil analyses by work order number. Table A.3-2 cross-references soil borings or well numbers, OEHL numbers, and the RAS work order numbers under which the results are located. Methyl ethyl ketone analyses were performed by the Radian chromatography laboratory. The results of these analyses are provided in a memo included in this volume. The RAS reports in the volume are arranged consecutively by RAS work order number. Pages in Appendix A are numbered by the volume number followed by the page number of the that volume. For example, Page 7 001 is Page 1 of Volume 7.
An Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Phase II, Stage 1 investigation was conducted at USAF Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, to confirm the presence or absence of contamination at 23 sites. Contamination was suspected at the sites as a result of past spills, leaks, or waste disposal practices. A field investigation program was conducted, consisting of soil boring and sampling, groundwater sampling, and chemical analysis of environmental samples (water and soils) for suspected contaminants. No significant contaminants were found at 17 of the sites. Fuel contamination (petroleum hydrocarbons or oil & grease) was detected at 5 sites, 3 of which also had volatile organics present. Remedial action was recommended for 2 sites because of the location and amount of contaminants detected.
An INstallation Restoration Program (IRP) Phase II, Stage 1 investigation was conducted at USAF Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, to confirm the presence or absence of contamination at 23 sites. Contamination was suspected at the sites as a result of past spills, leaks, or waste disposal practices. A field investigation program was conducted, consisting of soil boring and sampling, groundwater sampling, and chemical analysis of environmental samples (water and soils) for suspected contaminants. No significant contaminants were found at 17 of the sites. Fuel contamination (petroleum hydrocarbons or oil & grease) was detected at 5 sites, 3 of which also had volatile organics present. Remedial action was recommended for 2 sites because of the location and amount of contaminants detected.
Methyl ethyl ketone analysis was performed by Radian chromatography laboratory. The results of the analysis are in a memo included in this volume. All other samples for chemical analysis were submitted to Radian Analytical Services Laboratory. The samples were logged in, and the data reported in batches . Each batch submitted was assigned a RAS work order number. Volume 2, Volume 3, and Volume 4, Appendix A-1 contain the analytical data reports for the various batches of samples. The bulk of data necessitated the results be bound in three volumes. Volumes 2, Volume 3, and Volume 4, Appendix A-1 contain Tables A.1-1, A.1-3, and A.1-5, respectively, which are a sequential listing of the reports contained in that volume by batch number and Tables A.1-2, A.1-4, and A.1-6, respectively, which are a sample log and cross-reference table. These tables serve as a sample log and cross-reference well numbers, OEHL numbers and the RAS work order numbers under which the results are located. Pages in Appendix A are numbered by the volume number followed by the page number of that volume. For example, Page 2 001 is the first chemistry data page of Volume 2.
Ecology and Environment, Inc., was retained by the USAFOEHL/TS to provide technical and analytical services in support of the Air Force Installation Restoration Program (IRP). These services were applied to the Phase II, stage 1, investigation at Air Force Plant 3, Tulsa Oklahoma. The investigation included records searches, geophysical studies, and sampling of surface and subsurface soils and groundwater. Samples were analyzed for various parameters including volatile organics, oil and grease, TOX, TOC, phenols, PCBs, and titanium. Results of the investigation indicated that past waste handling and disposal practices had caused various degrees of soil and groundwater contamination at six of the seven sites. Follow-up (Stages 2) work has been recommended at five sites to better define the extent of contamination. One site was judged to require no follow-up action, and one site is recommended for Phase IV (remedial action) work.
This report contains information concerning environmental protection and water quality. Volume 5 and Volume 6 contain all quality/assurance quality control reports for water analyses (organized by work order number). Also included are summary tables (Tables A.2-1 through A.2-9) of the QC reports.