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This book is a documentary containing many dozens of quotes from Church of Christ practitioners from all over the USA, and it accurately reflects the theological philosophy prevalent within this faith. It discusses fundamental differences between the theology of the Churches of Christ and that of other protestant denominations. Written by a fifty-year member of the Churches of Christ, it offers an opportunity for self-examination rarely available to members of this brotherhood.
MOVING FROM A "BLUEPRINT HERMENEUTIC" TO A THEOLOGICAL ONE In this book, John Mark Hicks tells the story of his own hermeneutical journey in reading the Bible. Lovingly and graciously, he describes his transition from a "blueprint hermeneutic" to a theological one. Some suggest that moving away from a patternistic command-example-and-necessary-inference approach for understanding what God requires leaves no other alternative, or at least none that both respects biblical authority and seeks to obey the gospel of Jesus the Messiah. In Searching for the Pattern, John Mark offers just such an alternative. His theological hermeneutic is deeply rooted in the way the Bible presents itself as a dramatic history of God's plan to redeem the world as well as his own experience of growing up among Churches of Christ. Seeing the gospel of Jesus as the center of the biblical drama reorients us to what provides our Christian identity and unites us as disciples of Jesus. ********** I pray this book is received with open hearts and open minds because I believe this work could go a long way in helping to bring unity to our fractured fellowship. --Wes McAdams, Preaching Minister for the church of Christ on McDermott Road, Plano, Texas This excellent book helps us understand the inner workings of Bible interpretation among Churches of Christ and provides a persuasive proposal for Bible interpretation that is built on the story of God we find in Scripture--a story into which God calls us. --James L. Gorman, Associate Professor of History, Johnson University Knoxville, Tennessee Finally, a trellis across the chasm! Throughout this book, Hicks does not compromise his high regard for both the church and the Scriptures; and through the grace found therein, he composes this urgent invitation back to the Table, where obedience cooperates with mystery, and we--estranged or conflicted--can find our place as one within God's magnificent story. --Tiffany Mangan Dahlman, Minister at Courtyard Church of Christ, Fayetteville, North Carolina John Mark Hicks is Professor of Theology at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. He has taught for thirty-eight years in schools associated with the Churches of Christ. He has published fifteen books and lectured in twenty countries and forty states and is married to Jennifer. They share six children and six grandchildren.
This book has been described by James L. Snyder as Tozer's valedictory. It was his last message ever given to God's people. Written shortly before his death in 1963, it was published two days after his death. It is a challenging message to all who want to walk with Christ. "HERE IS THE BURDEN of my heart; and while I claim for myself no special inspiration I yet feel that this is also the burden of the Spirit. If I know my own heart it is love alone that moves me to write this. What I write here is not the sour ferment of a mind agitated by contentions with my fellow Christians. There have been no such contentions. I have not been abused, mistreated or attacked by anyone. Nor have these observations grown out of any unpleasant experiences that I have had in my association with others. My relations with my own church as well as with Christians of other denominations have been friendly, courteous and pleasant. My grief is simply the result of a condition which I believe to be almost universally prevalent among the churches."
The Church of Christ, at this present hour, is host to a multitude of frustrated and disenchanted ministers and scholars. From the inside of ministry, the veneer of our movement disappears and the blemishes take center-stage. Discouragement is common. In response to this state of affairs, we asked an eclectic cast of authors, ministers, and scholars to answer the question, "Why did you stay within our movement?" The result is a diverse set of answers which we hope will create some hope for the future of our people. Contents: Preface, Scot McKnight Introduction, Benjamin J. Williams I Stayed for the Restoration Plea, Everett Ferguson I Stayed for the Love of Scripture, Jeremie Beller I Stayed for the Christ in the Church of Christ, Matthew Dowling I Stayed for the Charity, Steven C. Hunter I Stayed for the Water, Grant B. Sullivan I Stayed for the Table, Scott Elliott I Stayed for the Singing, Benjamin J. Williams I Stayed for the Wild Democracy, John Mark Hicks I Stayed for the Wedding, Chris Altrock I Stayed for the Light, Ron Highfield I Stayed to Bloom Where I Am Planted, John Wilson I Stayed for the Inheritance, Chris Rosser
...The result of over a decade of research.... This is a groundbreaking study that will be a jumping off point for work on Churches of Christ for many years to come. Dr. Douglas A. Foster, Assistant Professor of Church History, Abilene Christian University ...An important book, carefully researched and written, and badly needed by our brotherhood.... I am delighted that it is now available to everyone concerned about our past or our future. Dr. Bill Humble, Director, Center for Restoration Studies Abilene Christian University Few people are as well-read in American Church History as Hooper.... His insights into personalities and issues come from careful research. Some will shock traditionalists, others will annoy revisionists, and all will engage serious students. Dr. Rubel Shelly, Minister, Woodmont Hills Church of Christ ...A quick-paced and engaging narrative.... In its pages the reader comes to know the giants who have shaped our fellowship. I would recommend this book to all members of the church who want to understand where we are and where we are going. Gregory A. Tidwell, Minister
This 13-chapter book walks through Scripture's teaching on what God wanted His church to be, and explains how churches of Christ are trying to live out God's plan by pursuing undenominational, New Testament Christianity. Appropriate for teens through adults, and useful for Bible classes or personal study.
This volume tells the story of the Churches of Christ, one of three major denominations that emerged in the United States from a religious movement led by Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone in the early 19th century. Beginning as an effort to provide a basis on which all Christians in America could unite, the leaders of the movement relied on the faith and practice of the primitive church. Ironically, this unity movement eventually divided precisely along the lines of its original agenda, as the Churches of Christ rallied around the restorationist banner while the Disciples of Christ gathered around the ecumenical cause. Yet, having begun as a countercultural sect, the Churches of Christ emerged in the 20th century as a culture-affirming denomination. This brief history, together with biographical sketches of major leaders, provides a complete overview of the denomination in America. The book begins with a concise yet detailed history of the denomination's beginnings in the early 19th century. Tracing the influence of such leaders as Stone and Campbell, the authors chronicle the triumphs and conflicts of the denomination through the 19th century and its reemergence and renewal in the 20th century. The biographical dictionary of leaders in the Churches of Christ rounds out the second half of the book, and a chronology of important events in the history of the denomination offers a quick reference guide. A detailed bibliographic essay concludes the book and points readers to further readings about the Churches of Christ.
In the 1950s and 1960s, Churches of Christ were the fastest growing religious organization in the United States. The churches flourished especially in southern and western states, including Oklahoma. In this compelling history, historian W. David Baird examines the key characteristics, individuals, and debates that have shaped the Churches of Christ in Oklahoma from the early nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Baird’s narrative begins with an account of the Stone-Campbell movement, which emerged along the American frontier in the early 1800s. Representatives of this movement in Oklahoma first came as missionaries to American Indians, mainly to the Cherokees, Chickasaws, and Choctaws. Baird highlights the role of two prominent missionaries during this period, and he next describes a second generation of missionaries who came along during the era of the Twin Territories, prior to statehood. In 1906, as a result of disagreements regarding faith and practice, followers of the Stone-Campbell Movement divided into two organizations: Churches of Christ and Disciples of Christ. Baird then focuses solely on Churches of Christ in Oklahoma, all the while keeping a broader national context in view. Drawing on extensive research, Baird delves into theological and political debates and explores the role of the Churches of Christ during the two world wars. As Churches of Christ grew in number and size throughout the country during the mid-twentieth century, controversy loomed. Oklahoma’s Churches of Christ argued over everything from Sunday schools and the support of orphan’s homes to worship elements, gender roles in the church, and biblical interpretation. And nobody could agree on why church membership began to decline in the 1970s, despite exciting new community outreach efforts. This history by an accomplished scholar provides solid background and new insight into the question of whether Churches of Christ locally and nationally will be able to reverse course and rebuild their membership in the twenty-first century.
"All throughout the modern period, there has been a steady campaign for people to "think for themselves" without tradition's distorting restraint. As a result, many Christians now blindly sip a watered-down faith, marketed as "no creed but the Bible." But, as Leonard Allen shows, we are always traditioning-even if one doesn't believe in tradition. And in this time of theological uncertainty and confusion, that process calls for new intentionality and seriousness. In the Great Stream will show you what the Great Tradition is, and how it can be our ally providing weight, ballast, and bearings to all those who seek to live out-and to hand on-the faith. Discover the vital recoveries that we need to make that draw on classic Christian orthodoxy. These older ways are the key to renewing our hearts and our churches"--