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Technology transfer has expanded rapidly over the past 20 years in Western Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim. It has been estimated that some 50% of new products and processes will originate outside the primary developer; academic and other research institutions are obvious sources of much of this new technology. In the NATO Co-operating countries, however, technology transfer is in its infancy; it is crucial for wealth creation and improvement in the quality of life that this mechanism is developed. The papers selected for inclusion in this book discuss issues related to the development of technology transfer in NATO Co-operating countries. The book identifies crucial research issues for science and technology policy researchers and, as a conclusion, offers some policy recommendations. The authors are drawn from NATO and Co-operating partner countries, from other parts of the world, and from international organisations. The focus of the book is on the institutional framework of knowledge and technology transfer; intellectual property rights as sources of information and tools for co-operation; international, national and regional aspects of knowledge and technology dissemination and diffusion; and networking. Audience: Academic institutions, research institutes, intellectual property practitioners, science and technology policy makers, technology transfer managers, high-tech industries.
Today's most successful businesses thrive on their ability to recognize market needs, conceptualize products that will meet those needs, and acquire the technology necessary to make them a reality. This comprehensive book shows how to make this process of innovation and technology transfer work for your company. The authors describe and evaluate the whole innovation process as it would affect a company implementing a new product or service, from the initial identification of needs and opportunities, through the location and assessment of available technologies, to business and management aspects such as finance, marketing and intellectual property.
Evidence suggests that economies with technology transfer initiatives provide a better supply of high-quality jobs and tend to be characterized by entrepreneurs with higher innovation contributions. This book explores the effectiveness of technology transfer policies and legislation on entrepreneurial innovation in a non-US context. It analyses the theoretical, empirical and managerial implications behind the success of technology transfer polices and legislations in stimulating entrepreneurial innovation; analyses which other contextual condition (e.g., culture) are necessary for successful implementation; and explores the extent and level of replication of US policies (e.g., Bayh-Dole Act, Small Business Innovation Research [SBIR] program) in other national and regional systems. In addition, this book looks at the effect technology transfer policies have on the adoption of open innovation and open science.
Technology Transfer and US Public Sector Innovation provides an overview of US technology policies that are the genesis for observed technology transfer activities. By describing the technology transfer process from US federal laboratories and other public sector organizations, this exploration informs the reader in detail of how the transfer process behaves and the social benefits associated with it.
Cette thèse traite de la phase la moins connue de la création d'entreprise : l'émergence de l'idée jusqu'au concept final et son amorçage. Notre but est de proposer certaines règles pour permettre de réduire et de contrôler la part de risque dans les projets d'innovation technologique. Tout d'abord, nous clarifierons les définitions de technologies de la mobilité. Les technologies sans fil Ultra Wide Band sont des technologies de rupture car le saut en terme de débit a été bien supérieur à la loi de Moore. Puis, à travers les différentes analyses des normes relatives aux technologies de la mobilité, nous montrerons leurs effets stratégiques sur le succès rencontré par les produits innovants sur le marché. Nous essaierons de déterminer quelles sont les tendances historiques de la diffusion d'innovations. Enfin, la dernière partie aborde les notions de valorisation de l'innovation et de transfert technologique universitaire comme privé. L'objectif est de déterminer l'ensemble des facteurs et variables nécessaires à la prise de décision aussi bien technologique, stratégique que financière, dans le cas d'un projet d'amorçage. Grâce à notre modèle de valorisation par les risques, nous montrerons que la valeur du travail des fondateurs et des professeurs assimilés à l'essaimage du projet peut devenir nulle voir négative. Le management de l'innovation surtout dans les premières phases, d'émergence de l'idée jusqu'au concept final et son amorçage, est très risqué. Le processus de création peut s'arrêter à tout moment. Le but est de réduire les zones d'incertitudes. Des indications sur les facteurs et les variables nécessaires à la prise de décision dans le management de projet de rupture technologique seront donnés. Ces variables permettent de recadrer le développement technique et de réadapter la stratégie.
This book provides some new ideas on the conceptualization of a shift in technological paradigm, and it explores in depth the relevance of this concept for research on innovation systems. It examines text-mining software and analyzes patent data as well as academic and business journals to illustrate the paradigm shift of newly emerging technologies, such as the all-solid-state battery and automatic driving for electric vehicles, and surgical robots. It also explores the critical role of emerging software technologies by examining US, EU, and Japanese patent statistics. Highlighting the paradigm shift of technologies since the 1990s and the geographical dispersion of innovative capabilities, it identifies essential trends toward new innovation systems as well as the concentration and dispersion of national and corporate R&D capabilities that have taken place as a result. In this new paradigm, the competitiveness of a company is decisively determined by other innovations in systems and management. Since the 1990s, when a network economy began to be established and technological know-how came to be easily transferred across borders, the changing structure of technological activities has required organizations with traditional integral and closed architecture models to move toward open innovation or modular architectures. These changes involve wider technological areas and cognitive diversity among international inter-firm and intra-firm R&D networks. This book is highly recommended not only to academicians but also to business people seeking an in-depth and up-to-date overview of the paradigm shift of technologies and new innovation systems.
Innovation and Technology Transfer for the Growing Firm: Text and Cases is a practical guide and commentary in the field of technology transfer with emphasis on the economic and managerial aspects of the subject. The book is concerned with both positive and normative aspects of licensing. The book is organized into three parts. Part I presents general definitions and discussion of factors impinging on the environment of licensing. Parts II and III deal with alternative licensing strategies, some empirical evidence, and a public policy approach that might be adopted by governments interested in using licensing to promote business development. The text will be useful to students and practitioners in this field of interest.
Technology and the economy; International aspects of American technology; Consequences of American technology exports; Foreign technology as a resource; The climate for innovation in leading western industrial nations; The climate for innovation in the United States; Meeting the challenge ahead.