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The purpose of this book is to apply theories and perspectives from the Study of Religion, or Comparative Religion, to the study of the pre-Christian culture in the North. The basic idea is that such an application will en-lighten our understanding of some myths and other narratives which, from other points of view, may seem obscure and thus give us a glimpse into the world view of the pagan Scandinavians, which cannot be obtained otherwise. The book deals with problems within the study of Religion as well as within Scandinavian Studies, and hopefully it can inspire scholars from both fields.
Diary of Amar Singh with annotations, commentary, and introduction by DeWitt C. Ellinwood, Jr.
In this outline of the secret wisdom of the divine plan, Vera Stanley Alder uses her rare gift for condensing and synthesizing the essentials of esoteric teachings to reveal the many aspects of Ancient Wisdom and its relationship to presentday scientific knowledge. What makes this classic work so popular is Alder's simple and unintimidating presentation of the various forms of personal initiation. According to Alder, we each hold the key to Ancient Wisdom if we open ourselves to recognize the universal knowledge that resides within. This book is a guide to the conscious realization of the wholeness of life as we evolve throughout a lifetime.
The focus of this book is on changes in the human situation wrought by unprecedented changes in science-based technology and expanding populations. Increasing scientific information concerning these changes and their consequences is beginning to alter people's perceptions, thus providing a rational basis for a worldwide environmental movement. This movement - complex and differentiated - works through political and educational means to establish new social priorities consistent with scientific findings and the sustainability of life on Earth. The success of this effort would signify a new phase of social development. The thesis of this book is that human-made changes in the condition of the Earth, accompanied by the changing attitudes and values implicit in the environmental movement, constitute an historical discontinuity. The present era represents a transition between the assumptions and conditions that have hitherto characterized the modern world, and those of the post-modern world that is emerging. Science and technology, so vividly symbolized in the view from outer space, are fundamentally changing our traditional beliefs about human opportunities and limitations - and these changes are slowly being reflected in international policies and laws. If humanity today succeeds in establishing a sustainable relationship to Earth, a higher level of civilisation will have been achieved. This thought-provoking view will interest students and professionals in the science and politics of the environment.
After the resolution of the seer's second adventure, I returned to the normal routine of work, social contact, and human relations. I was a long time without contact with Renato, the guardian or even the Hindu and the priestess, walking companions. Until on a beautiful sunny day when I enjoyed a moment of leisure with my family, I heard a thin voice calling me from afar. As I directed my vision to voice, my eyes filled with tears as I recognized my benefactor who had helped me overcome my challenges and entered the world's most dangerous cave on my first trip to the mountain.As I got closer, I got up to greet her, gave her a kiss and a big hug. I took the opportunity to introduce you to my mother and my brothers. The contact was brief, but intense. Discreetly, she asked me for a private conversation. I accepted the invitation, and together we went to my room to have more privacy. On the way, our eyes crossed and hers gave me confidence and a dose of mystery.
Living Life Between Two Worlds is a book that attempts to address, from a Christian perspective, the highly visible topic of transsexuality (regarding people who change their sex). This topic has permeated our society, affecting business, commerce, our military, our educational system, legal and moral viewpoints on human sexuality and marriage, bathroom usage policies, and beyond. Given its impact, how should Christians and the Church approach this issue? Living Life Between Two Worlds was written to bring God's truth about this subject into the light so that Christians can have a resource they can turn to for answers. It is also written to give hope to those that struggle with the problem, so they can know that there is freedom through God. It tells the unique story of the author, who because of life circumstances and experiences, lived with the turmoil and emotional pain of transsexuality for over 30 years. Not only that, but it testifies about the miraculous power of God, how God divinely visited the author and revealed the truth about transsexuality, and then how God powerfully brought the author out of bondage and into freedom and peace through that deliverance experience. However, Living Life Between Two Worlds does not stop there. It tells the truth about human sexuality and challenges the theories that support transsexuality. It presents scriptures telling God's opinion on the subject. It tells how a conflicted person can combat transsexuality. It discusses the spiritual aspect of transsexuality. It tells how the Church can approach the subject in love. In short, this book attempts to be a guide about this topic from God's viewpoint with the hope that the truth contained within its pages will touch and change the lives of those suffering from the conflict, just as it changed the author's life.
Although immigrants enter the United States from virtually every nation, Mexico has long been identified in the public imagination as one of the primary sources of the economic, social, and political problems associated with mass migration. Between Two Worlds explores the controversial issues surrounding the influx of Mexicans to America. The eleven essays in this anthology provide an overview of some of the most important interpretations of the historical and contemporary dimensions of the Mexican diaspora.
Soul initiation is an essential spiritual adventure that most of the world has forgotten — or not yet discovered. Here, visionary ecopsychologist Bill Plotkin maps this journey, one that has not been previously illuminated in the contemporary Western world and yet is vital for the future of our species and our planet. Based on the experiences of thousands of people, this book provides phase-by-phase guidance for the descent to soul — the dissolution of current identity; the encounter with the mythopoetic mysteries of soul; and the metamorphosis of the ego into a cocreator of life-enhancing culture. Plotkin illustrates each phase of this riveting and sometimes hazardous odyssey with fascinating stories from many people, including those he has guided. Throughout he weaves an in-depth exploration of Carl Jung's Red Book — and an innovative framework for understanding it.
This book’s primary focus is an understanding of the change to the formulas of Initiation brought about by the advent of the New Aeon—the Aeon of the Child—in 1904. It draws deeply from Jungian psychology, world mythology and religion, the teachings of Aleister Crowley, and the doctrines of the Mystery traditions. It explains how the revelations unique to this stage of human evolution impact the work of the individual aspirant. Much of what is written here is revealed for the first time, with every attempt to do so in clear and precise language.
The global debt and adjustment crisis has challenged the World Bank to become the leading agency in North-South finance and development. The many dimensions of this challenge--which must be comprehensively addressed by the Bank's new president--are the subject of this important volume in the Overseas Development Council's U.S.-Third World Policy Perspectives series. The Bank's ability to design and implement a comprehensive response to global economic needs is threatened by competing objectives and uncertain priorities. Can the Bank design programs attractive to private investors that also serve the very poor? Can it emphasize efficiency while transferring technologies that maximize labor absorption? Can it aggressively condition loans on policy reforms without attracting the criticism that has accompanied IMF programs? Can it meet the needs of the 1990s with the internal organization and staff of the early 1980s? The contributors to this volume assess the role that the World Bank can play in the period ahead. They argue for new financial and policy initiatives and for new conceptual approaches to development, as well as for a restructuring of the Bank as it takes on new systematic responsibilities in the new decade.