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Eurit 86: Developments in Educational Software and Courseware provides information pertinent to innovative prototypes, design and development approaches, product evaluation, organization of production, and implementation. This book discusses the integration of information technology in education. Organized into seven parts encompassing 104 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the educational policy in relation to its response to information technology. This text then provides a brief summary of the development of courseware with emphasis on the problems encountered in implementing it in schools. Other chapters consider the use of technology in the science laboratory, which can provide useful experience with regard to its effects on the science curriculum. This book discusses as well the implementation strategies for computers in education. The final chapter deals with the economics of educational software. This book is a valuable resource for software developers, engineers, computer programmers, researchers, courseware developers, teachers, and teacher trainers.
Chaque annee, le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde de la Banque mondiale met en vedette un sujet d'importance capitale pour le developpement mondial. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 - APPRENDRE pour realiser la promesse de l'education - est le premier consacre integralement a l'education. Et le moment s'y prete particulierement : l'education a toujours ete essentielle au bien-etre de l'etre humain, mais elle l'est plus encore en cette periode de rapides mutations economiques et sociales. Le meilleur moyen de preparer les enfants et les jeunes a l'avenir est de placer l'apprentissage au centre de toutes les interventions de promotion de l'education. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 aborde quatre themes majeurs :La promesse de l'education. L'education est un levier important pour eradiquer la pauvrete et promouvoir une prosperite partagee. Mais pour qu'elle puisse realiser ce potentiel, il faut ameliorer les politiques - a l'interieur comme en dehors du systeme educatif.La necessite de mettre l'apprentissage en lumiere. En depit des progres accomplis en matiere d'acces a l'education, les recentes evaluations des acquis scolaires revelent que de nombreux jeunes a travers le monde, particulierement ceux qui sont issus des couches pauvres ou marginalisees de la population, quittent l'ecole sans avoir acquis ne seraient-ce que les competences necessaires a la vie. En meme temps, des evaluationsscolaires comparables sur le plan international montrent que les competences disponibles dans de nombreux pays a revenu intermediaire sont nettement inferieures a ce que ces pays ambitionnent. Et trop souvent, ces lacunes sont cachees - par consequent, pour faire face a la crise de l'apprentissage, il est crucial de commencer par la mettre en lumiere en ameliorant l'evaluation des acquis des eleves.Comment mettre l'ecole au service de l'ensemble des apprenants ? Les travaux de recherche sur le cerveau, l'innovation pedagogique et la gestion des etablissements scolaires, entre autres, ont identifie des interventions qui favorisent l'apprentissage en faisant en sorte que les apprenants soient mieux prepares, que les enseignants soient a la fois competents et motives, et que d'autres moyens soient mis en oeuvre pour soutenir larelation entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant.Comment faire en sorte que le systeme favorise l'apprentissage ? Pour realiser les objectifs d'apprentissage a travers le systeme educatif dans son ensemble, il ne suffit pas de transposer a plus grande echelle les interventions efficaces. Les pays doivent aussi surmonter des obstacles techniques et politiques en ayant recours a des outils de mesure et indicateurs suffisamment parlants pour mobiliser les acteurs concernes etsuivre les progres, en formant des coalitions au service de l'apprentissage et en adoptant une approche de reforme evolutive.
These original essays summarize a decade of fruitful research and curriculum development using the LISP-derived language Logo. They discuss a range of issues in the areas of curriculum, learning, and mathematics, illustrating the ways in which Logo continues to provide a rich learning environment, one that allows pupil autonomy within challenging mathematical settings.Essays in the first section discuss the link between Logo and the school mathematics curriculum, focusing on the ways in which pupils' Logo activities relate to and are influenced by the ideas they encounter in the context of school algebra and geometry. In the second section the contributions take up pedagogical styles and strategies. They tackle such cognitive and metacognitive questions as, What range of learning styles can the Logo setting accommodate? How can teachers make sense of pupils' preferred strategies? And how can teachers help students to reflect on the strategies they are using? Returning to the mathematical structures, essays in the third section consider a variety of mathematical ideas, drawing connections between mathematics and computing and showing the ways in which constructing Logo programs helps or does not help to illuminate the underlying mathematics.
Although gender and non-gender scholars have studied men, such an academic exercise requires a critical and focused study of masculine subjects in particular social contexts, which is what this book attempts to do. This empirically rich collection of essays, the seventh of the CODESRIA Gender Series, deals with critical examinations of various shades and ramifications of Africa's masculinities and what these portend for the peoples of Africa and for gender relations in the continent. So much has changed in terms of notions and expressions of masculinities in Africa since ancient times, but many aspects of contemporary masculinities were fashioned during and since the colonial period. The papers in this volume were initially discussed at the 2005 month-long CODESRIA Gender Institute in Dakar. The contributors are gender scholars drawn from various disciplines in the wide fields of the humanities and the social sciences with research interests in the critical study of men and masculinities in Africa. The CODESRIA Gender Series aims at keeping alive and nourishing the African social science knowledge base with insightful research and debates that challenge conventional wisdom, structures and ideologies that are narrowly informed by caricatures of gender realities. The series strives to showcase the best in African gender research and provide a platform for emerging new talents to flower.