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For some years, specification of software and hardware systems has been influenced not only by algebraic methods but also by new developments in logic. These new developments in logic are partly based on the use of algorithmic techniques in deduction and proving methods, but are alsodue to new theoretical advances, to a great extent stimulated by computer science, which have led to new types of logic and new logical calculi. The new techniques, methods and tools from logic, combined with algebra-based ones, offer very powerful and useful tools for the computer scientist, which may soon become practical for commercial use, where, in particular, more powerful specification tools are needed for concurrent and distributed systems. This volume contains papers based on lectures by leading researchers which were originally given at an international summer school held in Marktoberdorf in 1991. The papers aim to give a foundation for combining logic and algebra for the purposes of specification under the aspects of automated deduction, proving techniques, concurrency and logic, abstract data types and operational semantics, and constructive methods.
The Marktoberdorf Summer Schools on Informatics were started in 1970, with the intention to convene every second or third year a group of top researchers in computing, devoted to preach their most recent results to an elite of advanced students - young and most promising people - and prepared to stand their questions, criticism and suggestions. The themes of these Advanced Study In stitutes under the sponsorship of the NATO Scientific Affairs Division varied slightly over the years, oscillating more or less around Programming Methodo logy, as the following list shows: 1970 Data Structures and Computer Systems 1971 Program Structures and Fundamental Concepts of Programming 1973 Structured Programming and Programmed Structures 1975 Language Hierarchies and Interfaces 1978 Program Construction 1981 Theoretical Foundations of Programming Methodology 1984 Control Flow and Data Flow: Concepts of Distributed Programming 1986 Logic of Programming and Calculi of Discrete Design 1988 Constructive Methods in Computing Science 1989 Logic, Algebra, and Computation Logic, Algebra, and Computation is the theme of the summer school to which this volume is devoted. It is the tenth in succession, but it is also the first in a new series (the "blue" series) that is intended to alternate in future with the traditional (the "red" series) arrangement; in fact the tenth summer school in the "red" series with the title "Programming and Mathematical Method" , held in 1990, was the subject of celebrating both its serial number and the twenty years of Marktoberdorf Summer Schools altogether.
This volume contains the proceedings of CONCURRENCY 88, an international conference on formal methods for distributed systems, held October 18-19, 1988 in Hamburg. CONCURRENCY 88 responded to great interest in the field of formal methods as a means of mastering the complexity of distributed systems. In addition, the impulse was determined by the fact that the various methodological approaches, such as constructive or property oriented methods, have not had an extensive comparative analysis nor have they been investigated with respect to their possible integration and their practical implications. The following topics were addressed: Specification Languages, Models for Distributed Systems, Verification and Validation, Knowledge Based Protocol Modeling, Fault Tolerance, Distributed Databases. The volume contains 12 invited papers and 14 contributions selected by the program committee. They were presented by authors from Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.
This handbook volume covers fundamental topics of semantics in logic and computation. The chapters (some monographic in length), were written following years of co-ordination and follow a thematic point of view. The volume brings the reader up to front line research, and is indispensable to any serious worker in the areas.
David Chalmers develops a picture of reality on which all truths can be derived from a limited class of basic truths. The picture is inspired by Rudolf Carnap's construction of the world in Der Logische Aufbau Der Welt. Carnap's Aufbau is often seen as a noble failure, but Chalmers argues that a version of the project can succeed. With the right basic elements and the right derivation relation, we can indeed construct the world. The focal point of Chalmers' project is scrutability: the thesis that ideal reasoning from a limited class of basic truths yields all truths about the world. Chalmers first argues for the scrutability thesis and then considers how small the base can be. The result is a framework in "metaphysical epistemology": epistemology in service of a global picture of the world. The scrutability framework has ramifications throughout philosophy. Using it, Chalmers defends a broadly Fregean approach to meaning, argues for an internalist approach to the contents of thought, and rebuts W.V. Quine's arguments against the analytic and the a priori. He also uses scrutability to analyze the unity of science, to defend a sort of conceptual metaphysics, and to mount a structuralist response to skepticism. Based on Chalmers's 2010 John Locke lectures, Constructing the World opens up debate on central philosophical issues concerning knowledge, language, mind, and reality.