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La mayoría de ataques informáticos tienen un componente desafiante, doloroso, como un rugido. Sin embargo un ingeniero social experimentado es un arma letal contra la que resulta casi imposible defenderse. Su singularidad y arriesgadas soluciones pueden arreglar las vulnerabilidades técnicas más imprevistas. Chris Hadnagy ha escrito el libro definitivo sobre ingeniería social y conseguido unánimes elogios. Meticulosamente documentado y repleto de aplicaciones prácticas, esta obra define, explica y analiza cada principio para ilustrarlo con historias reales y estudios de casos prácticos, dando soluciones a los problemas y peligros del mundo virtual. Además revela las estrategias utilizadas por los intrusos hoy en día y permite adquirir los conocimientos para detectar los ataques. Descubra los secretos de manipuladores y estafadores experimentados. No importa lo sofisticados que sean sus procedimientos y sistemas de seguridad, su punto más vulnerable es, y ha sido siempre, la prevención social. Lea con atención estas páginas y descubrirá quien es su enemigo.
The first book to reveal and dissect the technical aspect of many social engineering maneuvers From elicitation, pretexting, influence and manipulation all aspects of social engineering are picked apart, discussed and explained by using real world examples, personal experience and the science behind them to unraveled the mystery in social engineering. Kevin Mitnick—one of the most famous social engineers in the world—popularized the term “social engineering.” He explained that it is much easier to trick someone into revealing a password for a system than to exert the effort of hacking into the system. Mitnick claims that this social engineering tactic was the single-most effective method in his arsenal. This indispensable book examines a variety of maneuvers that are aimed at deceiving unsuspecting victims, while it also addresses ways to prevent social engineering threats. Examines social engineering, the science of influencing a target to perform a desired task or divulge information Arms you with invaluable information about the many methods of trickery that hackers use in order to gather information with the intent of executing identity theft, fraud, or gaining computer system access Reveals vital steps for preventing social engineering threats Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking does its part to prepare you against nefarious hackers—now you can do your part by putting to good use the critical information within its pages.
Harden the human firewall against the most current threats Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking reveals the craftier side of the hacker’s repertoire—why hack into something when you could just ask for access? Undetectable by firewalls and antivirus software, social engineering relies on human fault to gain access to sensitive spaces; in this book, renowned expert Christopher Hadnagy explains the most commonly-used techniques that fool even the most robust security personnel, and shows you how these techniques have been used in the past. The way that we make decisions as humans affects everything from our emotions to our security. Hackers, since the beginning of time, have figured out ways to exploit that decision making process and get you to take an action not in your best interest. This new Second Edition has been updated with the most current methods used by sharing stories, examples, and scientific study behind how those decisions are exploited. Networks and systems can be hacked, but they can also be protected; when the “system” in question is a human being, there is no software to fall back on, no hardware upgrade, no code that can lock information down indefinitely. Human nature and emotion is the secret weapon of the malicious social engineering, and this book shows you how to recognize, predict, and prevent this type of manipulation by taking you inside the social engineer’s bag of tricks. Examine the most common social engineering tricks used to gain access Discover which popular techniques generally don’t work in the real world Examine how our understanding of the science behind emotions and decisions can be used by social engineers Learn how social engineering factors into some of the biggest recent headlines Learn how to use these skills as a professional social engineer and secure your company Adopt effective counter-measures to keep hackers at bay By working from the social engineer’s playbook, you gain the advantage of foresight that can help you protect yourself and others from even their best efforts. Social Engineering gives you the inside information you need to mount an unshakeable defense.
A global security expert draws on psychological insights to help you master the art of social engineering—human hacking. Make friends, influence people, and leave them feeling better for having met you by being more empathetic, generous, and kind. Eroding social conventions, technology, and rapid economic change are making human beings more stressed and socially awkward and isolated than ever. We live in our own bubbles, reluctant to connect, and feeling increasingly powerless, insecure, and apprehensive when communicating with others. A pioneer in the field of social engineering and a master hacker, Christopher Hadnagy specializes in understanding how malicious attackers exploit principles of human communication to access information and resources through manipulation and deceit. Now, he shows you how to use social engineering as a force for good—to help you regain your confidence and control. Human Hacking provides tools that will help you establish rapport with strangers, use body language and verbal cues to your advantage, steer conversations and influence other’s decisions, and protect yourself from manipulators. Ultimately, you’ll become far more self-aware about how you’re presenting yourself—and able to use it to improve your life. Hadnagy includes lessons and interactive “missions”—exercises spread throughout the book to help you learn the skills, practice them, and master them. With Human Hacking, you’ll soon be winning friends, influencing people, and achieving your goals.
This study describes a special type of learning objects, called Learning's Evaluative Objects (LEO), whose fundamental role is to assess the competencies and skills acquired through different learning options. This project aims to analyze the use of Learning's Evaluative Objects in the evaluation of skills development the area of Computer security in higher education students, as well as related aspects. Also, this project plans to student motivation through Learning's Evaluative Objects, seeking to develop their own skills, which enable them unusual creative solutions in the Computer Security area. This analysis of the results, will allow academics, and especially teachers, to show the advantages of the use of Learning's Evaluative Objects, to integrate this component to your educational culture in order to motivate the students' creativity, thinking about their professional development.
Existe amplia información sobre Ingeniería Social en internet y otros medios (Description in English below). Lo que diferencia este libro de la literatura existente es precisamente la descripción de las prácticas y herramientas que constituyen el punto de partida para quien se inicie en esta disciplina. Aquí se describen todo tipo de técnicas, físicas y lógicas, para perpetrar ataques basados en Ingeniería Social: phising, obtención de información a través de fuentes abiertas (OSINT), técnicas de manipulación de personas, operaciones psicológicas (PSYOPS), métodos de suplantación, detección de mentiras, programación neurolingüística (PNL), lockpicking, etc. Description in English:
It is widely agreed throughout the world that education and access to education are human rights. In order to accommodate the educational needs of people globally, technology will be required that supports inclusion and promotes equity for both learning processes and governance in educational institutions. In order to achieve this, technological resources must be designed to be accessible and usable for all individuals by implementing user-centered design (UCD) and user experience design (UXD) processes. UXD and UCD Approaches for Accessible Education is an academic research publication that explores thoughts and experiences on accessible and equitable education from perspectives on human-computer interaction, user research, and design thinking. It seeks to improve the understanding on how technology should be designed to truly contribute to and support accessibility and equity in education. Featuring a wide range of topics such as online courses, inclusive education, and virtual reality, this publication is essential for academicians, curriculum designers, researchers, instructional designers, educational software developers, IT consultants, policymakers, administrators, and students.
Bienvenidos al horrible mundo real La Ingenier�a Social Aplicada es la mejor herramienta de hacking, no se puede poner un antivirus a un cerebro humano. Esta es la historia de un hombre horrible, un hacker llamado Timothy va a guiarnos por las herramientas avanzadas para crear m�todos de Ingenier�a Social Aplicada. En este viaje estupendo vamos a descubrir las diferencias entre todos los tipos de hackers y crackers, las clasificaciones de Ingenier�a Social, una gran cantidad de m�todos p�blicos de estafa online y las herramientas para defendernos. Estudiaremos creaci�n de proyectos avanzados para ataques de pentesting mediante ingenier�a social, dejaremos al descubierto la seguridad personal del usuario medio y acabaremos visitando los bajos fondos de internet para vender y blanquear el dinero de nuestro m�todo en la Deep Web. -Este es el trabajo de varios a�os de estudio, un peque�o libro de hacking para desarrollar t�cnicas y defendernos de ellas. -El libro tiene una versi�n editable gratuita, todas las ganancias ser�n donadas a investigaci�n de enfermedades. -Antes de comprarlo, recomendamos leerlo: creemos que la cultura tendr�a que ser libre y no tendr�as que comprar algo que no fuera bueno y te gustara.
En el presente trabajo se describe un tipo especial de objetos de aprendizaje, denominados Objetos Evaluativos del Aprendizaje (OEA), cuya función fundamental es la de evaluar las competencias y habilidades adquiridas a través de diferentes opciones de aprendizaje. Simplificadamente, primero, se detalla la estructura y funcionalidades de los objetos evaluativos del aprendizaje, y en segundo, se analizan los resultados obtenidos al utilizar un objeto evaluativo del aprendizaje en el área de la Seguridad Informática. El presente proyecto pretende analizar la utilización de los objetos evaluativos del aprendizaje en la evaluación del desarrollo de habilidades el área de la seguridad informática en los estudiantes de educación superior, así como también sus aspectos asociados.