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The major topics discussed included, inter alia, proposals for a revision of the CECAF-FAO fishing area 34 statistical divisions, shared small pelagic fisheries management in North-West Africa, review of project proposal for strengthening the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic, and global emerging issues in fisheries development and management relevant to the region. Le Comite a examine, entre autres, les questions suivantes: proposition de revision de la zone de peche 34 des divisions statistiques de la FAO-COPACE; amenagement des pecheries de petits pelagiques sur les stocks partages en Afrique nord; revue du projet pour le renforcement du COPACE; questions mondiales emergentes pertinentes dans le developpement et la gestion des peches pour la region."
Several working documents, including 'State of world aquaculture 2006' and 'Prospective analysis of future aquaculture development' were presented at the meeting for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee agreed to the International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to ensure implementation of priority activities during the intersessional period. The Sub-Committee agreed that its next session should be held in 2008 and appreciated the offer by the Government of Chile to host it.
Several working documents, including 'State of world aquaculture 2006' and 'Prospective analysis of future aquaculture development' were presented at the meeting for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee agreed to the International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to ensure implementation of priority activities during the intersessional period. The Sub-Committee agreed that its next session should be held in 2008 and appreciated the offer by the Government of Chile to host it.
Fish Spawning Aggregations (FSAs) are very important as they are the sole reproductive event, and face a global challenge for being reduced in both number and size, threatening the continued existence of the species, along with the livelihood of fishing communities with a multiplier effect on the economics, social cohesion and survival of benthic areas. Efforts have been made to reduce and reverse their decline but are insufficient. It is against this backdrop that the Regional Fish Spawning Aggregation Draft Fishery Management Plan (FSAMP) was developed at the request of the Working Group. The goals of the 4th meeting of the SAWG are to address any comments received from members and partners on the draft FSAMP, as well as to provide updates on the communications strategy and advance implementation of Recommendation WECAFC/XVII/2019/24 adopted at the 17th Session of WECAFC (WECAFC 17). Las agregaciones de desove (AD) constituyen el principal evento reproductivo, y se enfrentan a un reto global por su reducción en número y tamaño. Una situación que amenaza la continuidad de las especies y los medios de vida de las comunidades pesqueras, con un efecto multiplicador en la economía, la cohesión social y la supervivencia de las zonas bentónicas. Se han realizado esfuerzos para reducir y revertir su declive, pero son insuficientes. En este contexto y, a petición del GTAD, se elaboró el proyecto del Plan regional de ordenación pesquera de las especies que forman agregaciones de desove (PROPEFAD). Los objetivos de la cuarta reunión del GTAD son estudiar los comentarios formulados por miembros y socios sobre el proyecto del PROPEFAD, proporcionar información actualizada sobre la estrategia de comunicación, y avanzar en la implementación de la Recomendación COPACO/17/2019/24, adoptada en la decimoséptima reunión de la COPACO (COPACO 17).
This workshop examined past efforts to develop a regional cooperation mechanism for aquaculture development in the region, the main objective of the meeting being to reactivate an aquaculture cooperation network in the Americas. After agreeing that the network should be an intergovernmental entity, the countries elected Brazil as its initial host, with the mandate to conduct the elaboration of the network statutes and a plan of action for the short and medium terms and with the support of an executive secretary. The delegates of the participating countries subscribed a letter of intent, which ratifies their interest and commitment to establish an intergovernmental cooperation network for aquaculture, open to all countries of the Americas. El Taller analizo los antecedentes de la cooperacion regional para el desarrollo de la acuicultura siendo el objetivo central de la reunion la reactivacion de una red de cooperacion en acuicultura de las Ameritas. Luego de acordar que la red sea una entidad intergubernamental, los paises eligieron a Brasil como sede inicial de la misma, con la encomienda de conducir la elaboracion de los estatutos de la red y un plan de trabajo para el corto y mediano plazos y con la subvencion inicial de un secretario ejecutivo. Los delegados de los paises participantes subscribieron una carta de intencion que ratifica su interes y compromiso de conformar una red intergubernamental de cooperacion para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura en las Americas."
The sixth session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries was held in Cape Town, South Africa from 26 to 30 March 2012 at the kind invitation of the Government of South Africa. It was attended by 47 members of FAO and by observers from seven intergovernmental and three international non-governmental organizations. Several working documents were presented by the Secretariat for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. A consultative seminar on the Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture for Africa review was also held after the plenary session of the Sub-Committee from 26 to 27 March 2012 and the outcome was reported to the plenary. A Special Event on Genetic Resources and Technologies in Aquaculture Development was also held during the session. This document contains the report of the session adopted by the Sub-Committee. Ce document contient le rapport de la session tel qu'adopte par le Sous-Comite. El presente documento contiene el informe de la sesion adoptado por el Subcomite. "
This document presents the adopted report of the tenth session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), held in Trondheim, Norway from 23 to 27 August 2019. The Sub-Committee provides a forum for consultation and discussion on aquaculture-relevant topics, advises COFI on related technical and policy matters, and provides guidance for the future work. Le présent document est le rapport de la dixième session du Sous-Comité de l’aquaculture du Comité des pêches de la FAO, qui s’est tenue à Trondheim (Norvège) du 23 au 27 août 2019. Le Sous-Comité offre un espace de consultation et de débat sur l’aquaculture et conseille le Comité des pêches sur les questions techniques et politiques liées à ce secteur, ainsi que sur les activités futures dans ce domaine. En este documento se presenta el informe aprobado por el Subcomité de Acuicultura del Comité de Pesca (COFI) de la FAO en su 10.ª reunión, celebrada en Trondheim (Noruega) del 23 al 27 de agosto de 2019. El Subcomité ofrece un foro para mantener consultas y debates sobre temas pertinentes para la acuicultura, asesora al COFI sobre asuntos técnicos y de políticas relacionados con la acuicultura y proporciona orientación sobre los trabajos futuros.