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The Consultation stressed the benefits of internationally agreed guidelines aimed at avoiding the misuse of ecolabelling schemes through, inter alia, preventing them becoming barriers to trade. In the course of in-depth discussions, the Consultation was able to make good progress in completing the guidelines, in particular the part dealing with the procedural and institutional aspects of ecolabelling schemes. The Consultation nevertheless acknowledged that more work was still necessary on, inter alia, terms and definitions and the minimum substantive requirements and criteria. - Ont assist� � la Consultation cinquante-sept Membres de la FAO et des observateurs de quatre organisations intergouvernementales et de neuf organisations internationales non gouvernementales. La Consultation a soulign� les avantages de directives convenues sur le plan international visant � �viter que les syst�mes d'�co�tiquetage ne puissent �tre utilis�es pour faire obstacle au commerce international. - A la Consulta asistieron 57 Miembros de la FAO y observadores de cuatro organizaciones intergubernamentales y nueve organizaciones no gubernamentales internacionales. La Consulta subray� las ventajas de unas directrices acordadas a nivel internacional destinadas a evitar la utilizaci�n incorrecta de los sistemas de ecoetiquetado del pescado, entre otras cosas impidiendo que se conviertan en obst�culos al comercio. Como resultado de su examen en detalle de las Directrices, la Consulta hizo considerables progresos con vistas a completarlas, en particular la parte relativa a los aspectos de procedimiento e institucionales de los sistemas de ecoetiquetado.
An Expert Consultation on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management was held in response to a call from the Reykjavik Declaration on Responsible Fisheries, to develop technical guidelines for best practice with regard to introducing ecosystems considerations into fisheries management. The meeting was attended by 17 experts from 15 countries who drafted guidelines for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) that will be published in the series of the FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries.
The Consultation stressed the benefits of internationally agreed guidelines aimed at avoiding the misuse of ecolabelling schemes through, inter alia, preventing them becoming barriers to trade. In the course of in-depth discussions, the Consultation was able to make good progress in completing the guidelines, in particular the part dealing with the procedural and institutional aspects of ecolabelling schemes. The Consultation nevertheless acknowledged that more work was still necessary on, inter alia, terms and definitions and the minimum substantive requirements and criteria. - Ont assist� � la Consultation cinquante-sept Membres de la FAO et des observateurs de quatre organisations intergouvernementales et de neuf organisations internationales non gouvernementales. La Consultation a soulign� les avantages de directives convenues sur le plan international visant � �viter que les syst�mes d'�co�tiquetage ne puissent �tre utilis�es pour faire obstacle au commerce international. - A la Consulta asistieron 57 Miembros de la FAO y observadores de cuatro organizaciones intergubernamentales y nueve organizaciones no gubernamentales internacionales. La Consulta subray� las ventajas de unas directrices acordadas a nivel internacional destinadas a evitar la utilizaci�n incorrecta de los sistemas de ecoetiquetado del pescado, entre otras cosas impidiendo que se conviertan en obst�culos al comercio. Como resultado de su examen en detalle de las Directrices, la Consulta hizo considerables progresos con vistas a completarlas, en particular la parte relativa a los aspectos de procedimiento e institucionales de los sistemas de ecoetiquetado.
The Sub-Committee took note of recent developments concerning international trade in fishery products. It also considered specific issues related to international trade and sustainable fisheries development.
Issues discussed include: the state of fishery resources, and the situation and trends of fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) region, increasing the contribution of small-scale capture fisheries to poverty alleviation and food security; and progress in the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.