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Wild Steelhead Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in the Puget Sound are currently in decline, and very little is known about the early life history of these threatened fish. This study evaluated consequences of early life growth in terms of survival to smolt or adult stages. The objectives of this study were to determine whether significant size-selective mortality (SSM) in Steelhead could be detected between freshwater stages and returning adults; and if so, how the magnitude of size selectivity varied among reaches categorized by three different precipitation zones (snow, mixed rain-snow, or rain). Wild Steelhead in the Skagit River basin were sampled as juveniles, smolts, and adults, and scales were measured to compare back-calculated freshwater growth rates and size distributions of rearing juveniles with individuals that survived from an earlier life stage to the smolt and adult stages. Linear regression of scale radius (SR) and fork length indicated that SR was a reasonable predictor of fork length during freshwater residency. Back-calculated size-at-annulus estimates indicated that fish sampled as adults grew significantly faster to age 1, 2, and 3 annuli compared to fish sampled as juveniles, and faster to the age 2 and 3 annuli compared to fish sampled as smolts. Within precipitation zones, fish sampled as juveniles were consistently smaller at each freshwater annulus compared to those same freshwater annuli on fish sampled as adults. An increased disparity in size-at-annuli 2 and 3 between fish sampled as juveniles, smolts, and adults suggests that fast growth during the period at which Steelhead smoltify is vitally important to survival to adulthood. These findings provide evidence that survival among life stages is an important dynamic in wild Steelhead, and can be attributed, in part, to size attained at earlier life stages. Efforts for recovery of threatened Puget Sound Steelhead could benefit by considering growth- and size-selective mortality in freshwater environments, and identifying factors that limit early life growth at a finer scale of habitat, for example among sub-basins or precipitation zones.
A number of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations are at risk throughout Oregon, including five populations that are federally listed as threatened or endangered. However, little is known about behavior and survival of these fish as they transition from freshwater to seawater. We investigated whether estuarine survival varies on a temporal scale within or between years, on a spatial scale between zones within the estuary, and between basins within the same distinct population segment. We implanted acoustic transmitters on 69 wild steelhead smolts in the Nehalem basin and 70 in the Alsea basin and compared run timing, migration rate, and estuarine residence times between basins. We also measured gill ATP-ase levels and parasite loads in each basin to evaluate the relationship between these indices and migration timing, life history strategy or age of smoltification. In general, only 40-50% of the wild steelhead smolts tagged at upstream smolt traps were detected entering the ocean, although survival was highly variable among years. The majority of "mortality" occurred in the lower estuary near the mouth. Wild steelhead smolts spent a median of 0.72 and 0.83 d in the estuary in the Nehalem and Alsea basin, respectively, in 2009. This research provides a baseline by which we can monitor temporal changes in the survival and behavior of juvenile salmon in the estuary. Such information is vital for monitoring the impact of estuarine restoration and reiterates the importance of the lower river and estuary environment for smolt survival.
Steelhead and rainbow trout are common names for marine-migratory (anadromous) and freshwater-resident forms of Oncorhynchus mykiss, a partially migratory salmonid fish. Anadromous and resident forms are sympatric and can produce offspring with a life history different from their own (i.e., steelhead parents can produce rainbow trout offspring and vice versa). The expression of these alternative life histories is a plastic response to individual patterns of energy acquisition, assimilation, and allocation during juvenile life stages. Individual performance during early stream life is of particular interest because of potential carry-over effects on subsequent growth and developmental trajectories. In a series of experiments in laboratory streams, I determined the influence of individual variation in energy metabolism on behavior, growth, and life-history expression in O. mykiss. Individual variation in energy metabolism was a strong predictor of feeding territory acquisition by juvenile fish during the transition from dependence on maternal provisioning of egg yolk reserves to independent feeding. Feeding territory acquisition was positively associated with standard metabolic rate (SMR) under conditions of an abundant and predictable food supply. When the density of intraspecific competitors was manipulated, the association between SMR and territory acquisition was strongest at intermediate stocking densities, moderate at the highest stocking densities, and weakest at the lowest stocking densities. However, reducing the spatial predictability of food resources within streams reversed the influence of SMR on competitive outcomes. These experiments determined that variation in ecological conditions during early life stages imposes different selection regimes on juvenile O. mykiss and results in physiological divergence among cohorts. Subsequent rearing experiments determined that behavioral dominance influences rates of anadromy and freshwater maturation, most likely through the association between SMR and territory acquisition. In addition to the effects of behavioral dominance, I observed a significant influence of sex, rearing temperature, and individual growth trajectories on the expression of anadromy and freshwater maturation. Partially migratory populations of O. mykiss maintain an exceptionally diverse portfolio of life-history strategies. Results from this work lend insight into a suite of behavioral and physiological processes influencing individual life histories.
The importance of salmon to the Pacific Northwestâ€"economic, recreational, symbolicâ€"is enormous. Generations ago, salmon were abundant from central California through Idaho, Oregon, and Washington to British Columbia and Alaska. Now they have disappeared from about 40 percent of their historical range. The decline in salmon numbers has been lamented for at least 100 years, but the issue has become more widespread and acute recently. The Endangered Species Act has been invoked, federal laws have been passed, and lawsuits have been filed. More than $1 billion has been spent to improve salmon runsâ€"and still the populations decline. In this new volume a committee with diverse expertise explores the complications and conflicts surrounding the salmon problemâ€"starting with available data on the status of salmon populations and an illustrative case study from Washington state's Willapa Bay. The book offers specific recommendations for salmon rehabilitation that take into account the key role played by genetic variability in salmon survival and the urgent need for habitat protection and management of fishing. The committee presents a comprehensive discussion of the salmon problem, with a wealth of informative graphs and charts and the right amount of historical perspective to clarify today's issues, including: Salmon biology and geographyâ€"their life's journey from fresh waters to the sea and back again to spawn, and their interaction with ecosystems along the way. The impacts of human activitiesâ€"grazing, damming, timber, agriculture, and population and economic growth. Included is a case study of Washington state's Elwha River dam removal project. Values, attitudes, and the conflicting desires for short-term economic gain and long-term environmental health. The committee traces the roots of the salmon problem to the extractive philosophy characterizing management of land and water in the West. The impact of hatcheries, which were introduced to build fish stocks but which have actually harmed the genetic variability that wild stocks need to survive. This book offers something for everyone with an interest in the salmon issueâ€"policymakers and regulators in the United States and Canada; environmental scientists; environmental advocates; natural resource managers; commercial, tribal, and recreational fishers; and concerned residents of the Pacific Northwest.
Post-release behavior of steelhead fry was profoundly influenced by approximately 3 months of rearing in a hatchery. Hatchery-reared fry differed from wild fry (from the same parent population) in their use of various stream habitats. Hatchery- and wild-reared fry competed directly for territories. Although wild fry had some competitive advantage (perhaps prior residence) to counteract the larger size of hatchery-reared fry, wild fry were displaced from the most heavily utilized areas by hatchery-reared fry. Supplementation programs designed to rebuild depleted or declining populations will likely increase in light of continual declines in anadromous salmonid populations. Managers must consider potential consequences regarding genetically-based changes concomitant with environmental influences of hatcheries on important behavioral attributes of juvenile steelhead and other anadromous salmonids.
Juvenile steelhead are known to associate with shiner groups, though they also compete for food. Steelhead form dominance hierarchies within cohorts and aggressively defend feeding territories against all other fish. This study focused on the differential effect of shiner competition on steelhead of different social standing. Survival of subordinate juvenile steelhead was significantly enhanced by the presence of redside shiner under laboratory conditions. A factorial experiment in 80 L tanks examined the relative effects of 0, 3, and 9 shiner at 15° and 20°C on the growth and survival of 3 juvenile steelhead per tank. No temperature effect was detected and there was no significant difference in steelhead growth though statistical power was low (n=5). The largest steelhead did not die in any treatment and no steelhead died in the presence of 9 shiner. In treatments where no shiner were present mortality in the smallest steelhead was 80% (p-value