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The author thoughtfully proves the infinite scope of the "great and last sacrifice," describing its power and breadth and explaining how Christ's atonement redeems all mankind. This edition is filled with stunning, full-color illustrations by James C. Christensen, Simon Dewey, Greg Olsen, Walter Rane, and many other artists.
Jesus Christ did not die on the cross so you and I could have a nice day. Ministers and teachers who water down the gospel of Christ in order to make it more popular and appealing may be leading their fun-loving audiences down the road to eternal punishment. This book is John MacArthur's unflinching, unapologetic treatise on the modern tendency to alter the true message of Christianity in order to meet the whims and desires of a culture hoping for nonconfrontational messages, easy answers, and superficial commitments. Too many people just want a Madison Avenue Jesus to make them well, make them happy, and make them prosperous. But Jesus Christ isn't a personal genie. He is the Savior. He died in agony to satisfy the wrath of a holy God and to forgive the sins of humankind. Faith in Him demands a willingness to make any sacrifice He asks. The hard truth about Christianity is that the cost is high, but the rewards are priceless: abundant and eternal life that comes only from faithfully follwing Christ.
In this last work, Kenan Osborne addresses the intersection between new scientific insights into the origin of the human species and the growing awareness of a multicultural and multi-religious world with our contemporary understanding of God. After a review of current presentations of Trinitarian theology, he analyzes in detail the biblical record for the names of God and develops a cogent description of the thinking about God in the first six centuries. Complementing his 2015 volume The Infinity of God and A Finite World, A Franciscan Approach, this present work challenges theologians and believers in two distinct ways: Do the terms “Father” and “Son” have any essential meaning for divinity? From a human standpoint, God is essentially neither a “Father” nor a “Son.” Nor do these two words have some exclusive meaning when they refer to divinity. What then do we mean when we talk about God? Second, in many theological textbooks, the term “infinite” is considered as an “attribute” of God. Infinity is in no way an attribute, even a divine attribute. It is rather an essential description of God, as the Franciscan philosophical theologian John Duns Scotus argues. And if this is so, can we really understand God, or are all our views and descriptions of an infinite God partial insights into a transcendent infinite God who embraces all human creatures from the beginning of homo sapiens sapiens to the present?
When Jesus comes back at the Second Coming, He will provide us with Antigravity vehicles, teleportation, Super intelligent Robots, Memory Absorption machines that will allow us to put memory from computers directly into our brain (no more school), He will provide us with Spaceships, some 7000 miles long or just one mile long. Jesus will provide the medical cure for aging or wrinkles (women take note). Also He will give us Transmutation capability to change dirt or any substance to any other substance. We can take dirt and rearrange it into- food, tomatoes, bananas, meat or a one ton car.- Anything you want- Just ask Him. Jesus will give the nations universes to live in. United African Continent has already petitioned Him for 10 billion galaxies in this universe and a trillion universes in the Mega, Mega, universe. What will China, Russia, Vietnam, Iran, Japan etc petition Jesus when He comes back ? The Parallel futures of the White race , the Black race and the Asian race. They will all be given universes to live in by The God of Israel. Jesus was Melchizedec ( Heb 7). So He must have been King of Salem in Genesis. Jesus was also King over the Canaanites ! Satan has never been to hell and when he does go there at the Second coming it is to be beaten and thrown out of hell by the inhabitants thereof. (Is 14). The Bible says it took God Generations (Gen 2:4)- not just Seven days to create the earth. That means Evolutionists are right about the time span and method. Theologians misunderstood. God designed and guided Evolutionary process is correct. Generations is to be noted. Where is Jesus? Whatever happened to the end time war between Christians and the U.S.S.R.? Did you know during Moses plagues the God of Israel turned Satans nation to look like frogs, bugs and lice etc. What did you think real demons looked like? Read this book for more.
Sit at the feet of Pope Francis as he preaches to you! This collection includes highlights of the Holy Father's homilies and addresses on Gospels texts, beginning with the birth of Jesus and ending with the resurrection appearances. Short, digestible reflections provide plenty of food for thought and prayer. Pope Francis continually urges his flock to read the Gospels in order to get to know Jesus. This book will help you do so. As always, you can count on the pope's words to both challenge and comfort you as you seek to live out your faith in concrete ways.
Everyone worships. But Jesus tells us that God is seeking a particular kind of worshiper. In True Worshipers, a seasoned pastor and musician guides readers toward a more engaging, transformative, and biblically faithful understanding of the worship God is seeking. True worship is an activity rooted in the grace of the gospel that affects every area of our lives. And while worship is more than just singing, God’s people gathering in his presence to lift their voices in song is an activity that is biblically based, historically rooted, and potentially life-changing. Thoroughly based in Scripture and filled with practical guidance, this book connects Sunday worship to the rest of our lives—helping us live as true worshipers each and every day.
Messages given by Our Lord to Mother Louise Margaret (1868-1915) about the burning love of the Sacred Heart for men. 274 short extracts from her intimate notes; conferences and letters. Says God demands docility to His will and absolute confidence in His paternal love and that His very essence is "Infinite Love." These writings have been translated into many languages and been spread far and wide.
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If you live as a purpose, objective driven person, a human being of persistence and substance, you will find this book very informative, a perspective of how to be successful in any of your positive endeavours, spiritual in objectivity, scientific in perspective and written with a real eye for service to other people. If your desires are only material in nature, this may not fit your profile as this book is a combination of success of spiritually and scientifically driven people, materially and spiritually with a major touch of helping other people as this is the real intention of the writer, learning and knowing how to serve others as service to others is service to the CREATOR. Abundance is a positive way of helping people and the Universe supplies everyone this wealth continuously, endlessly and without exhaustion!! Chapters I, II and III are devoted to our Maker, the Infinite Creator, Infinity, the Source Energy and names he is often called ALL THERE IS/ALL THAT IS. God gave us free will and no one, not even the Angels and the Higher Beings, RA, Christ or other Icons can violate this, otherwise they will come back to the Wisdom vibration and density of soul development. We have guardians, confederates and spiritual guides who are always there to guide us but they can never violate this rule, FREE WILL is given to us humans and all the entities of creation be they at the 4th or the seventh density of existence. Human beings have a penchant for discovery of things that have been discovered in the past. We always say we discovered, innovated or created when in fact as you read from artifacts of yore or the libraries of Nineveh discovered in Southern Iraq or Mesopotamia, almost everything we have today have been discovered or are in use during those times including lap tops, geodetic laser measuring devices, jet planes, helicopters, airplanes even tractors. Tractors are described as roaring machines that cultivates the soil in Africa. Take it from author Zechariah Sitchin and you will wonder. Thus the human being is a Creator itself created by the Maker to create beautiful things so Infinity can experience it thru us. We even duplicated and know and applied in our power systems the basic creation of God, Fusion. The olden civilizations, that in Egypt, and the Americas are filled with facts that detail achievements of the human race and teachings that are truth but today have been adulterated to appear as possible witchcraft when in fact are real descriptions of the Law of One taught by the golden people of Venus, that of RA social memory complex and the higher beings of nearby stars which can be seen at our dark night stars of Arcturus and Sirius. The Orion star are of the negative origin and their teachings are yes, negatives like that one we call Yahweh who masquerade teaching positive but in the real sense negative. Again these are the teachings of Thou Shalt Not as it gives to you the negatives. Why would you teach thou shalt not kill! You can simply say Though shall love thy neighbour as you love thyself! This is the positive way, never an inkling of bad that will definitely sink in our one year old brain, always a year old so says the adept. Our world has been a belligerent, troubled civilization as far as my memories can remember, World War I, II and the Cold War, from my childhood to the present. The nuclear bombs stored in various countries o