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A five-week Bible study guide that uses scenes, themes and ideas from the TV adaptation of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens, starring David Tennant and Michael Sheen, to explore Christian themes of sacrifice, birth and rebirth, Good and Evil, justice, love and salvation. With suggested clips from the show to watch, biblical commentaries, questions for reflection, prayers and activities, the book is intended for individual use but is adaptable for use in small group study.
THE most ancient special devotion of Christians is doubtless that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Son of God. The holy Sacraments and the other objects of devotion did not yet exist, when the Blessed Virgin Mary found her delight in worshiping the most Sweet Heart of her Jesus; already did Holy Joseph clasp that Heart to his bosom; even then were the Shepherds and the Magi, Simeon and Anna, the Apostles and the Disciples attracted to It and by It: they longed to show to It the affection and love of their hearts. But after Jesus had called upon all men to learn, “that He is meek and humble of Heart;” after He had drawn from the treasury of His Heart that best of all gifts, the Sacrament of the Most Blessed Eucharist; lastly, after He had willed that, upon the Cross, His Heart should be opened, and continue open, as a place of refuge for all; then was devotion to His Divine Heart wonderfully increased. Aeterna PressAeterna Press