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Evaluates various means of inducing compliance with international humanitarian law by state and non-state actors.
The number of armed conflicts featuring extreme violence against the civilian population in areas with no or little state authority has risen significantly since the early 1990s. This phenomenon has been particularly prevalent in the African Great Lakes Region. This collection of essays evaluates, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the various traditional and alternative instruments for inducing compliance with international humanitarian law. In particular, it explores the potential of persuasion, as well as hierarchical means such as criminal justice on the international and domestic level or quasi-judicial mechanisms by armed groups. Furthermore, it evaluates the role and potential of human rights bodies, peacekeeping missions and the UN Security Council's special compliance system for children and armed conflicts. It also considers how Common Article 1 to the Geneva Conventions and the law of state responsibility could both potentially increase compliance with international humanitarian law.
This book analyzes civil wars over the past twenty years and examines what motivates some rebel groups to abide by international law.
Según los términos del Artículo 1 Común a los cuatro Convenios de Ginebra de 1949, los Estados partes quedan sujetos a una obligación de respetar y de hacer respetar el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH). En este libro se analiza si la Unión Europea (UE) y dos de sus Estados Miembros –Francia y España– ejecutan su obligación de hacer respetar el DIH. Concretamente, se trata de analizar cómo dos corpus jurídicos originalmente indiferentes el uno del otro, el DIH y el Derecho de la Unión, llegaron a converger y entrelazarse. Se sostiene que la aplicación del DIH ha de ser analizada desde una perspectiva multinivel. Mientras el DIH depende de los Estados para asegurar su efectividad, el proceso de integración europea obliga a añadir el nivel supranacional: la UE. Esta configuración genera un círculo virtuoso de cumplimiento del DIH según el cual la autoridad jurídica del Artículo 1 Común queda reforzada, lo cual conlleva una mejor implementación del DIH. Asimismo, la UE proyecta sus valores en la escena internacional y se ve reforzada en su calidad de líder en materia de derechos humanos. Además, la UE constituye un nivel adicional tanto de garantía como de actuación para sus Estados Miembros, que la usan para dar efecto a sus obligaciones derivadas del DIH. Se sostiene pues, que la UE se ha establecido como un actor esencial del DIH en la escena internacional. La UE –un autoproclamado líder en materia de derechos humanos– y sus Estados Miembros no solamente quedan vinculados por el Artículo 1 Común, sino que han aceptado de ejecutar su mandato de manera efectiva en la escena internacional.
An evaluation of the importance of reciprocity in considering states' legal obligations in armed conflicts.
The third edition of this work sets out a comprehensive and analytical manual of international humanitarian law, accompanied by case analysis and extensive explanatory commentary by a team of distinguished and internationally renowned experts.
International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is in a state of some turbulence, as a result of, among other things, non-international armed conflicts, terrorist threats and the rise of new technologies. This incisive book observes that while states appear to be reluctant to act as agents of change, informal methods of law-making are flourishing. Illustrating that not only courts, but various non-state actors, push for legal developments, this timely work offers an insight into the causes of this somewhat ambivalent state of IHL by focusing attention on both the legitimacy of law-making processes and the actors involved.
This first book-length treatment of the law of international humanitarian relief in non-international armed conflicts examines the rights and duties of fighting parties and international humanitarian relief actors and provides practical guidance for frontline humanitarian negotiators and legal professionals.
This book grapples with international humanitarian law's long-standing compliance problem.It asks why international humanitarian law is often violated, partially implemented and under-enforced; and what this reveals about its normativity: the capacity to bind and guide all the individuals and institutions to which it is directed. The book explores international humanitarian law's existing compliance framework, inter-relating the duty to respect and ensure respect for Geneva Law in all circumstances, the obligation to disseminate IHL and include it in military instruction and training, the provision of legal advisers, command responsibility to prevent and suppress violations, and the prosecution or extradition of those suspected of involvement in grave breaches. Building on interdisciplinary accounts of atrocity crimes and compliance with IHL, the book offers a multi-level framework of IHL's normativity: for soldiers and armed group fighters, commanders and superiors, government officials, and diplomats. This innovative study will be welcomed by academics in the field, but also by military lawyers and NGOs.