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The object of this volume is to try and lessen the number of dreadful pauses which so many hostesses have experienced with their guests when no one bad courage enough to propose a new game, or had foresight enough to come prepared with a mental list of games that have a right good swing to them. This collection will sufice as a background for working purposes, and while many of them may be familiar, at the same time one does not always think of them readily, and will welcome these as a friend in need. The games under the heading Competitions need preparing in advance, as they cannot be rushed at the last minute. It is as well to decide before sending out the invitations what is to be the principal game of the evening, and then write it on the invitation card. An Evening with Kate will arouse the curiosity of those who do not know the games, and make them all the more anxious to come and find out...
More than 150 games, from quiet games to energy-burning activities that need minimal set-up time and supplies found around the house.
This entertaining little book was first published in 1923. The author wrote it with the intention of its contents providing amusement at parties for both children and adults. Its success was proven by demand, with several republications at that time. The books one hundred and eighteen pages contain over one hundred games and other amusements guaranteed to suit all tastes, from those of very young children anxious to play some quiet simple game, to those of adults who have not forgotten that the best way of warding off old age is to "think young." Many of the games and tricks are illustrated with simple and easy to understand black and white illustrations. This book will prove a boon to frustrated parents seeking to keep their children occupied on inclement days, school holidays and party days. What child, or even adult could fail to be entertained and intrigued by thought reading, age guessing, jumping eggs, magic matches, edible candles, blindfold driving, cock fighting and many other period games and tricks. Although the book was penned over eighty years ago and was aimed at the pre-war family without influence of television and computer, its contents, when utilised at the appropriate time cannot fail to amuse and mystify. READ BOOKS specialise in Facsimile Reprints of 19th and 20th Century books that are both informative and amusing. These are published in affordable, high quality, modern editions using the original text and artwork.
INTRODUCTION "Let the child imbibe in the full spirit of play. There is nothing like it to keep him on the path of health, right thinking and mind development." That is the guiding purpose of the author. The reader will find in this book a collection of old and present day games. The student of Play has long realized that there are no new games, that all our games of today are built on the old timers. The purpose of My Book of Indoor Games is to furnish amusement, entertainment and to be the means of sociability. So very often the question comes up-"What shall we do?" In many cases this book serves only as a reminder, the games and parlor tricks are well known but cannot be recalled at the critical moment. A combination, such as this, of the best of the old-fashioned games and a carefully compiled list of the games of today will furnish much help to the young in their search of entertainment and amusement. But the book will be equally useful to grownups. The author has seen staid, respectable people play "Lubin Loo" with as much zest and spirit as the youngest group of children. All of us have played "Going to Jerusalem." The spirit must be there; there is nothing so contagious as the spirit of play. INDOOR GAMES Twirl the Trencher This is a game which almost any number of children can play. The players seat themselves in a circle, and each takes the name of some town, or flower, or whatever has been previously agreed upon. One of the party stands in the middle of the circle, with a small wooden trencher, or waiter, places it upon its edge, and spins it, calling out as he does so the name which one of the players has taken. The person named must jump up and seize the trencher before it ceases spinning, but if he is not very quick the trencher will fall to the ground, and he must then pay a forfeit. It is then his turn to twirl the trencher. A very similar game to this is "My Lady's Toilet." The only difference is that each player must take the name of some article of a lady's dress, such as shawl, earring, brooch, bonnet, etc. Cross Questions and Crooked Answers To play this game it is best to sit in a circle, and until the end of the game no one must speak above a whisper. The first player whispers a question to his neighbor, such as: "Do you like roses?" This question now belongs to the second player, and he must remember it. The second player answers: "Yes, they smell so sweetly," and this answer belongs to the first player. The second player now asks his neighbor a question, taking care to remember the answer, as it will belong to him. Perhaps he has asked his neighbor, "Are you fond of potatoes?" and the answer may have been, "Yes, when they are fried!" So that the second player has now a question and an answer belonging to him, which he must remember. The game goes on until every one has been asked a question and given an answer, and each player must be sure and bear in mind that it is the question he is asked, and the answer his neighbor gives, which belong to him....