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Every conflict since World War II has seen an increasingly bigger role of air power. This study highlights the major air power lessons major conflicts, and explains air power roles and missions. It also discusses the somewhat contentious subject of air power in support of surface forces and traces the IAF's contribution in war and peace in the years since independence.
Over a century of its existence, air power has created its own salience as an independent military instrument of force and a vital component of national security. Its unique capabilities and place in a country's security and military strategies, have long been acknowledged and leveraged globally. Over the last ninety-one years since its inception, the Indian Air Force (IAF), as the true keeper of the nation's air power, has been steadfast in defending the skies and serving the country in war and peace. Given the challenges to India's growth trajectory and rise in power in a turbulent geo-political environment, the book analyses the wider role of air power in the multi-dimensional and rapidly evolving dynamics of modern warfare. This book provides an insider perspective of the IAF, as it looks at Indian air power from a holistic 360 view, provides an honest assessment of its operational legacy, and establishes its unique contemporary and future capabilities. The collection is a study of the wide range of the kinetic and non-kinetic applications of air power, which covers the entire spectrum of war, no-war-no-peace, and peace. It also offers an extensive analysis of Indian air power's vital offensive strategic role and its joint warfare credentials. It's future place as an invaluable instrument of asymmetric deterrence in India's continental security, and its inadequately leveraged array of hard and soft power future options in the maritime domain towards regional peace and security, are extensively discussed in the book. The book will be of immense value for policy makers, defence services, strategic community, as well as all students of national security, strategy and air power.
The Forgotten Few is the first contemporary attempt to produce a historical narrative of the nation's contribution, specifically to the Air Force component, of World War II, which was an important part of our journey to Independence and national identity. Close to three million Indians served in uniform during the War. And yet, the Indian chapter of this globe-straddling story, reverberations of which still echo today, are barely known - a symptom of which was the recent controversy over the absence of Indians in the Christopher Nolan film Dunkirk. This book brings to light some of the lost stories of Indian aviators who built the very foundations of human and physical infrastructure for what is now the world's fourth largest air force. It benefits from several first-person interviews with some of the last Indian survivors of World War II, enabling a level of fidelity that is quite rare among Indian histories.
This book examines the security dynamics of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, concentrating upon an analysis and evaluation of the air power capabilities of the various powers active in the two regions. The volume is designed to help improve understanding of the heritage and contemporary challenges confronting the global community in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, as well as to illuminate the policies of the various powers involved in the affairs of these regions, and the military capabilities that are available in support of those policies. The 16 individual chapters examine both the traditional and the non-traditional threats that confront the various Indian Ocean and Western Pacific powers, and assess the roles played by land-based and naval, fixed-wing and rotary-wing, manned and unmanned aircraft, as well as by offensively and defensively capable ballistic and cruise missiles in addressing these challenges. In doing so, the various chapters analyze and evaluate the air power doctrine, capabilities, deployment patterns, and missions of the respective states. In addition, they assess the future issues, challenges, and responses involving air power as it, acting in concert with other military instruments, seeks to contribute to securing and promoting the interests of the state. This book will be of much interest to students of air power, strategic studies, Asian and Middle Eastern politics, and International Relations.
Indian Air Force now completes 80 years since it was formed as an independent component of India’s armed forces. Time and again, the air force has performed magnificently even against severe odds, and built up a professional reputation that is the envy of leading air forces of the word. This volume, as the Second Edition of the earlier volume published in 2007 has been extensively revised and updated. Air Forces are unique in the sense that they are the only national military institution exclusively devoted to military operations in the aerospace continuum. The Indian Air Force is no different. But their dominant role in modern warfare, the high costs of aerospace power, and a host of other factors demand closer attention to their role in modern defence and the protection of national interests. Air Forces don’t win wars by themselves; and no one in the Indian Air Force has ever claimed it. But no war can be won without them. We learnt that seminal lesson the hard way when we did not use the potent force of the IAF’s combat fleet in the Sino-Indian War of 1962. It is from this perspective that this study — or rather an interpretative essay reflecting on the significant issues and events of the past 80 years — approaches the challenges the Indian Air Force faces in the coming decades. IAF combat force levels have slumped while its commitments are rapidly growing in consonance with our expanding economic and political interests well beyond our territorial boundaries.
The Indian Air Force which was initially created as an independent military force proved to be an independent and versatile component of India’s military power in 1971 War. This book provides insightful essays and material to critically review and revalidate some of the continuing concepts and approaches to the planning and execution of military operations. This edited version delves into the national interest protection and legitimate compulsions for India to go into war. The compilation also lays out the canvass for a comparison study with the one in 1965. The analyses on military strategy of Pakistan and avenues of shortcoming in joint planning bring out important lessons in force employment. The aggressive dimensions of offensive actions by all the three Services have been well documented. The 1971 War proved the heroism, steadfastness and courage of junior leadership that, incidentally, has also been the hallmark during Kargil in 1999. Despite frequent criticisms on jointness, instances of combined resoluteness and mutual trust during 1971 War contributed immensely to the victory. Valuable lessons can be inferred from instances where objectivity in political decisions brought about judicious outcomes through demonstrable use of military power. The book also provides a few analytical horizons on the background framework of Simla Agreement and certain events in the past that could have developed a different template for history. Air power may be difficult to understand but an evaluation of the purpose, cost and expected gains as evident from various instances of history including 1971 War would bring an end to many irreconcilable and inchoate debates. This book makes for a compelling read for those in quest of understanding the competence of air power and its dominant influences to shape victory.
Except in a few instances, since World War II no American soldier or sailor has been attacked by enemy air power. Conversely, no enemy soldier orsailor has acted in combat without being attacked or at least threatened by American air power. Aviators have brought the air weapon to bear against enemies while denying them the same prerogative. This is the legacy of the U.S. AirForce, purchased at great cost in both human and material resources.More often than not, aerial pioneers had to fight technological ignorance, bureaucratic opposition, public apathy, and disagreement over purpose.Every step in the evolution of air power led into new and untrodden territory, driven by humanitarian impulses; by the search for higher, faster, and farther flight; or by the conviction that the air way was the best way. Warriors have always coveted the high ground. If technology permitted them to reach it, men, women andan air force held and exploited it-from Thomas Selfridge, first among so many who gave that "last full measure of devotion"; to Women's Airforce Service Pilot Ann Baumgartner, who broke social barriers to become the first Americanwoman to pilot a jet; to Benjamin Davis, who broke racial barriers to become the first African American to command a flying group; to Chuck Yeager, a one-time non-commissioned flight officer who was the first to exceed the speed of sound; to John Levitow, who earned the Medal of Honor by throwing himself over a live flare to save his gunship crew; to John Warden, who began a revolution in air power thought and strategy that was put to spectacular use in the Gulf War.Industrialization has brought total war and air power has brought the means to overfly an enemy's defenses and attack its sources of power directly. Americans have perceived air power from the start as a more efficient means of waging war and as a symbol of the nation's commitment to technology to master challenges, minimize casualties, and defeat adversaries.
This is an analytical account of the entire operational history of the IAF. Within five years of its creation the fledgling Flights of No 1 Squadron were undergoing trials by fire in the NWFP. During the World War II, the IAF expanded nine-fold and made valiant contributions in turning the tide of Japanese onslaught. Hardly had the guns fallen silent across the globe and India emerged independent breaking the centuries old yoke of colonialism, once again the IAF was called into operations in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) war in 1947-48. The IAF was at its innovative best in the un-chartered virgin territory of Himalayan heights. From 1948 till 1962, the IAF witnessed slow and lopsided growth. The debacle in 1962 Sino-Indian war and refusal to use the combat component of the IAF was the nadir of Indian integrated decision-making. The realisation of the need for having well-structured defence forces and resultant expansion of defence forces including the IAF had begun. This reorganisation measure was disrupted half way by the Pakistani attack in J&K. The 1965 war was on. The IAF was launched into conflict at an extremely short notice of one hour and stemmed the advancing enemy tanks from severing the lifeline of J&K. It was only the 1971 war, which enabled the IAF to prepare itself properly and prosecute a well-crafted war plan. The exceptionally swift victory in East Pakistan in a matter of 12 days and with 93,000 Pakistani troops surrendering revealed the might of the Indian Armed Forces. The IAF contributed a lion’s share. Its precision attacks on Governor’s house had strategic results. Pakistani intrusions in 1999 in Dras, Kargil and Haneef sectors again saw restricted committal of the IAF along with the Army. Despite restrictive rules of engagement IAF operated with innovations and was the major reason for Pakistan to vacate the intrusion. In its history of 80 years the IAF has also operated in counter-insurgency role on many occasions.
If the Indian Air Force had not put our troops airlifted in the early hours of 27th October, 1947 from Delhi on the ground at Srinagar which was menacingly threatened by Pakistan forces, the history and map of India might well have been quite different. In those momentous hours the Indian Army and Indian Air Force, in a heroic joint operation, began to roll back the blatant aggression of Pakistani military and save Jammu & Kashmir from the marauders. Independent India's first war started with no other means available to assist the beleaguered local forces; and Indian Army troops were moved by air under grave emergency conditions from Delhi to stem the enemy's advance. From this point started the saga of the an almost forgotten war: the first and the longest war independent India was forced to fight, and where the fledgling air force, emaciated by partition, and preoccupied with relief and rescue operations following massive riots and demographic movements played a crucial role in India's defence. Indian Air Force continued to play a vital role during that most incredible war; and this book chronicles the history of its role, where all the bits and pieces have been brought together by the painstaking persistence of the author to share the glorious record of the Indian Air Force. The men in blue, knowing the challenges of an aggressive military, the weather and terrain of high altitude, and the difficulties of supplying our troops, working closely with the army knew that it executed one of most brilliant military campaigns in its history under the most daunting circumstances - feats that it has continued to repeat ever since then. But time and again the air force moved troops into critical battles and provided extensive combat support in uncharted areas to turn the tide. Within the IAF; the deeds of pilots, engineers, technicians and other personnel during that war became legend and inspired succeeding generations. But little has been written or known in and outside the service about how our inheritance was shaped by so few. This volume tells the story for the first time, painstakingly put together from extensive research and interviews by the author.