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Disenchanted India and Beyond: Musings on the Lockdown Alternatives engages with the lineages of the present disenchantment and everyday issues of people in India and beyond. It depicts local, regional, national and global transitions in politics, economy and society. It rejects the ideals that promotes ‘there is no alternative’ narratives. It unravels the way reactionary and right-wing forces weaponize pessimism that helps capitalist forces and undermines working classes. The book examines existing and available alternatives for a prosperous and peaceful society. The book argues for pluriversal political and philosophical praxis to consolidate and defend the progressive achievements of the working-class struggles.
Gordon Brown's book will offer insight into the events that led to the fiscal downward spiral and the reactions of world leaders as they took steps to avoid further disaster. The book will also offer measures Brown believes the world should adopt to regain fiscal stability. Long admired for his grasp of economic issues, Brown's book will be a work of paramount interest during these uncertain financial times and is sure to attract intense media coverage. The book offers a unique perspective on the financial crisis as well as innovative ideas that will help create a sound economic future and will help readers understand what really has happened to our economy. Mr Brown has this to say: 'We now live in a world of global trade, global financial flows, global movements of people and instant global communications. Our economies are connected as never before, and I believe that global economic problems require global solutions and global institutions. In writing my analysis of the financial crisis, I wanted to help explain how we got here, but more importantly to offer some recommendations as to how the next stage of globalisation can be managed so that the economy works for people and not the other way around'
This book provides a focused and comprehensive overview of criminal psychology in different socio-economic and psycho-sociological contexts. It informs readers on the role of psychology in the various aspects of the criminal justice process, starting from the investigation of a crime to the rehabilitation or reintegration of the offender. Current research in criminology and psychology has been discussed to understand the minds of various offenders, how to interact with them during investigation and conviction effectively and how to bring about positive changes in various stages of the criminal justice process—investigation, prosecution, incarceration, rehabilitation—to increase the efficacy of the correctional system and improve public confidence in the justice system. It thoroughly addresses the bigger issues of holistically reducing the increase in crime rates and susceptibility in society. Each chapter builds on leading scholarship in this field from Western scholars and supplements these theories with research findings from a South Asian perspective, particularly in the Indian criminal justice system. This book successfully encapsulates the foundations of criminal psychology literature while incorporating interdisciplinary avenues of study into criminal behaviour and legal psychology, bringing into the provincial discourse lacunas of the justice system and avenues for alternative correctional and rehabilitative programs.
This volume foregrounds some of the unknown or lesser-known incidents of xenophobia and genocide from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Rwanda. It critically analyses the cultural and structural contexts triggering these various forms of genocides and xenophobia, and situates them within modern histories of violence and human tribulations. The book discusses various non-Western case studies, which include the communal violence incited by anti-CAA protests in Delhi; the expulsion and displacement of Kashmiri Pandits; xenophobic attitudes against illegal immigrants in Assam; genocide in Sylhet during the Liberation War of Bangladesh; the 1994 genocide in Rwanda; and incidences of human rights violations across the world. A comprehensive and transdisciplinary text, the book will be useful for students and researchers of human geography, sociology, political science, social work, anthropology, colonialism and postcolonialism, nationalism, imperialism, human rights, and history.
Gen Z. Workplace Spirituality. Talent Acquisition. Remote Working. Leadership. Artificial Intelligence. Career Management This book is a ready reckoner for theoretical and practical guidance on the above-mentioned topics and many more. It aims to give a holistic perspective on issues surrounding the current and incoming era characterized by changing workforce demographics, hybrid working, technological upgradation, the interplay between each of these variables and the challenges involved. A wonderful combination of experience sharing, best practices, and theoretical framework; this book is a must have for anyone wanting to deeply understand the nuances of the changing times.
India has emerged as a confident and engaging partner in international arena, metamorphosing from the image of a reluctant power in the late 20th century, reflecting a realization by its polity of the potential and benefits of such engagements in India's larger interests. While tons of literature delve on India's relations with the west, far and near, scholarly studies relating to the Far East or Greater Central Asia, however remain limited. This book attempts bridge this gap. Drawing on broad range of schools of thoughts and a number of different approaches, it presents the learned views of scholars applying a variety of methodological techniques. While keeping Mongolia at the centre of interest, the scholarly approaches look at India's Look East and Look North Policies, Mongolia's relations with Russia, the Third Neighbour Dilemma, USA-Mongolia relations, and India-Tajik relations, including the play of soft power in international relations.
This book aims to provide an overview of the challenges and available technologies to improve rice and provide a response to the challenge posed by increasing world population and the resultant food shortages. Nutritional aspects of rice products and omics and the molecular technologies currently being used are covered in depth. As a staple food for over 50% of the world ́s population, an estimated 9 billion people will need to be fed by 2050, and healthy and uncontaminated foods need to reach consumers in developed and developing countries.This makes quality beyond productivity incredibly important and is one of the overriding themes of this work. The Future of Rice Demand: Quality Beyond Productivity offers researchers a better understanding of the nutritional aspects of rice. Omics technologies applied to cereal grain quality have been scarce in the literature published to date, making this text an excellent single source for researchers in regions where rice is a major crop. The first section of the book focuses on the major aspects of the industrial processing of all rice types. Further sections look at contamination prevention and biofortification, special rice types, and omics and other molecular tools used in the mass production and processing of healthy rice products.
Featured as One of the Best Hinduism History Books To Read by Book Authority About the Book: The book is journey through 5000 years of evolution of Hinduism, and is outcome of seven years of study to understand the roots of Hinduism. Tracing the genesis of Hinduism to pre-Indus Valley period, the book explains Hindu, Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma, before it takes one through Hinduism’s oldest scriptures - the four Vedas, the four components of each Veda, and what they contain. How all original translations of Vedic texts were done by Western Sanskrit scholars, and why their works have left scope for doubt about the fidelity of translations. The yajnas (yagya) like Ashvamedha, Rajsooya, Vajpeya, etc., about which we only hear on TV serials and talk shows, have been demystified. The reader will be taken aback reading the sheer size and scale of Soma yajna, described step by step, in great detail. Hinduism’s journey to the Age of Reason, the Upanishads, its encounter with Buddhism, and its transformation into idol worshipping society with many gods and a multitude of stories about its millions of gods is lucidly explained. Puranas, what they contain and what was the reason they were created, has been described and explained next. Hinduism's journey to its modern form - idol worship, the modern puja, detailed description of puja and Sanskaras like Vivaha, their detailed description, the meaning of each action and how they are conducted, the gift to the priest, types of idols, their consecration, all are explained to help a reader understand the why and the how of what we do as a Hindu. The book concludes with a discussion of - Do mantras have power? & Do rituals have meaning? About the Author: Author, Ashok Mishra, a double post graduate in electronic engineering was CEO of a Indo Japanese manufacturing venture and Director of International Management Consultancy. He runs manufacturing business producing defense grade electronic components for US & other markets.