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Due to the changing climate, food security for the increasing population has raised a great threat globally. Therefore, it is imperative to find alternate solutions for enhancing agricultural sustainability through plant stress physiology. The concept of plant stress physiology has been well-established over the past 60 years due to the increasing trends of environmental stress. Researchers have found that crop stress physiology has an association with two main areas, one is concerned with agronomy, the other concerned with plant breeding. The contents of the current book emphasize the integration of both breeding and agronomy strategies to ensure agricultural productivity and environmental safety under changing climate.
This book brings together current knowledge of terrestrial C sequestration in Central Asia. The themes treated include: biophysical environments, water resources, sustainable agriculture, soil degradation, the effects of irrigation schemes on secondary salinization, soil management and its relationship to carbon dynamics; the relationship between f
The risks and opportunities of climate change for agriculture can be effectively dealt only by aligning policies, developing institutional capabilities, and investing in infrastructure and farms, as per the experiences of Albania, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan.
This Food Policy Report presents research results that quantify the climate-change impacts mentioned above, assesses the consequences for food security, and estimates the investments that would offset the negative consequences for human well-being.
Agricultural, botanical, and social scientists from the four quarters of the world address the impact of climate change on crop productivity, some approaches to adapt plants to both biotic and abiotic stresses, and measures to reduce greenhouse gases. They cover predictions of climate change within the context of agriculture, adapting to biotic and abiotic stresses through crop breeding, sustainable and resource-conserving technologies for adapting to and mitigating climate change, and new tools for enhancing crop adaptation to climate change. Specific topics include economic impacts of climate change on agriculture to 2030, breeding for adaptation to heat and drought stress, managing resident soil microbial community structure and function to suppress the development of soil-borne diseases, and applying geographical information systems (GIS) and crop simulation modeling in climate change research.
Central Asia is vulnerable to water scarcity because it is located in semiarid and arid vegetation zones and large parts of its economy depend on water for irrigation and energy. Climate-change scenarios predict temperature increases and a rising number of extreme weather events, which will exacerbate water shortages in the future. In addition, the population of Central Asia is growing more rapidly than the rate of food production which is resulting in food insecurity in many parts of the region too. This volume reports the deliberations of politicians, scientists and representatives of water management organizations from throughout Central Asia. Their contributions not only highlight areas of concern, but also propose numerous ideas for improving the long-term water- and food security in the region.