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Written between the years 1923 and 1938, this collection of 168 essays addresses all the spheres of life, from science and nature to the arts, society and economics, sex and sexuality, the family, women's issues, religion, race, and God.
In the Light of Truth Selected lectures from the Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin
For guidance!The bandage falls and belief becomes conviction. The mind only feels itself free and at peacewhen it is convinced. I am only addressing serious seekers. They must be capable and willing tojudge from an unbiased standpoint. Religious fanatics and irresponsible enthusiasts may holdaloof, for they are only detrimental to the truth and, as for the malevolent and the prejudiced, they will find their sentence in the Word.This message will only touch those who have a grain of truth left in them, and who wish torepresent a human being as he should be.To all such it will be a lamp to their feet and a staff in their hand, and will safely lead themout of the chaos and confusion prevalent today.The following exposition does not promulgate a new religion, it is intended as a guide for allhearers and readers to the way upwards, to the longed-for goal.Only he who starts of his own accord can advance spiritually. The fool who appropriates andmakes use of the ready-made opinions of others, is like one who dismembers his own sturdy legsand walks on crutches.As soon, however, as he boldly summons his slumbering abilities (they lie waiting to becalled to help him), he is putting his talent to account in obedience to the Will of the Almightyand will easily overcome all obstacles that seek to deter him.Therefore awake! Right faith is conviction and conviction only comes after submitting aquestion absolutely impartially to the test. See that you are awake and alive in God Almighty'swonderful Creation!Abdruschi
In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message is a classic work that offers clear and perceptive answers to questions which challenge every human being. Written between the years 1923 - 1937, it is a collection of 168 essays addressing all spheres of life ranging from God and the Universe to the Laws in Creation, the meaning of life, responsibility, free will, intuition and the intellect, the ethereal world and the beyond, justice and love. It answers eternal questions such as what does it mean to be human, what is the purpose of life on Earth, and what happens to "me" when I die. In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message explains the causes and significance of the unprecedented crises facing humanity, and our responsibilities to the future. Concerning In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message, Abd-ru-shin writes: "I wish to fill in the gaps which have so far always remained unanswered in the souls of men as burning questions, and which never leave any serious thinker in peace, if he honestly seeks the Truth." Throughout the Grail Message readers are urged to weigh questions and answers intuitively, to confront them within their own life experiences, and only to believe that which they can perceive inwardly. Only through this process can one reach true conviction in one's life.