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The purpose of this book is to look and examine oneself, in order to know if you are living and meeting the standards and expectations of the Living God. The objective is to identify where you fit within the Body of Christ. Are you displaying some of the characteristics of Jesus to such a degree it is obvious and recognizable to all who see you? Look at these characteristics listed below: • Crucified with Christ (living a surrendered life to the glory of God) • United with Jesus in a new life, through the renewing of your mind • Empowered with the anointing of God to live a holy and sanctified life • Submitting to Jesus authority and leadership under the direction of the Holy Spirit • Living a discipline and obedient life through God’s Holy Word • Purged and consecrated: assessable for use • Faith and commitment lived out daily At the end of reading the examples mention above, if you are not displaying some of the characteristics – then you my friend are living below your privilege as a child of God. Draw nearer to take a closer look in this mirror which I am offering through the pages of this book. Sit down, prepare to relax and look into the pages which will allow you to come face to face with your inner man. Allow the journey you will take to change your life on how you view and perceive yourself as a Christian.
Kathleen already had two boys to raise by herself, but when she went out with Richard, she thought he had her best interests at heart. He had been a childhood friend and knew her first husband had abandoned her. He also knew about her bouts of mania and depression, and he would not take advantage of that ... would he? But after missing her period and not hearing from Richard, Kathleen determined that her worst fear had come true—she’d gotten pregnant again. She did not want to give her baby up for adoption, but she felt she had no choice. Years later, her daughter, Suzanne, seeks to discover the truth of her birth, but she does not end up finding answers until age forty. In this book, Suzanne relives her journey of seeking answers, describing the circumstances, challenges, heartache, and the hope associated with giving a child up for adoption and fulfilling the dreams of a barren couple. Told through the eyes of multiple personas—her birth mother, her adoptive parents, and herself—the author provides a record, partly fictionalized, of the ordeal that families go through when going through adoption.
Not so much a text as a philosophical adventure story, this book explores questions of consciousness, dreams vs. reality, the nature of the self, the search for wisdom, and the meaning of life.
We are surrounded with portraits: from the cipher-like portrait of a president on a bank note to security pass photos; from images of politicians in the media to Facebook; from galleries exhibiting Titian or Leonardo to contemporary art deploying the self-image, as with Jeff Koons or Cindy Sherman. In antiquity portraiture was of major importance in the exercise of power. Today it remains not only a part of everyday life, but also a crucial way for artists to define themselves in relation to their environment and their contemporaries. In Portrayal and the Search for Identity, Marcia Pointon investigates how we view and understand portraiture as a genre and how portraits function as artworks within social and political networks. Likeness is never a straightforward matter, as we rarely have the subject of a portrait as a point of comparison. Featuring familiar canonical works and little-known portraits, Portrayal seeks to unsettle notions of portraiture as an art of convention, a reassuring reflection of social realities. Pointon invites readers to consider how identity is produced pictorially and where likeness is registered apart from in a face. In exploring these issues, she addresses wide-ranging problems such as the construction of masculinity in dress, representations of slaves, and self-portraiture in relation to mortality.
Think Michele Guinness meets Bill Bryson. Finding Myself In Britain is a witty, insightful look at faith, identity and the quirks of British life by a stranger-turned-friend. With a conversational style, this book explores rooting our faith in Christ to weather any storm and flourish in the sunshine. It helps readers look at Britain and its culture with fresh eyes while finding Jesus in the midst of it. "You don't have to be an American to enjoy this book. Or British. Or a vicar's wife. You just have to be somebody who has found themselves in an unusual place, felt a bit out of their depth, and wondered where God was in all of that. That's most of us, I think." Bob Hartman.
The volume begins with a historical overview of the self in social judgment and outlines the major issues. Subsequent chapters, all written by leading experts in their respective areas, identify and elaborate four major themes regarding the self in social judgment: · the role of the self as an information source for evaluating others, or what has been called 'social projection' · the assumption of personal superiority as reflected in the pervasive tendency for people to view their characteristics more favorably than those of others · the role of the self as a comparison standard from or toward which other people's behaviors and attributes are assimilated or contrasted · the relative weight people place on the individual and collective selves in defining their attributes and comparing them to those of other people
When he was ten years old, Paul Fronczak was snooping around for Christmas presents in a crawl space in his family’s Chicago home. There, he found hundreds of old newspaper clippings about the kidnapping of a one-day-old infant in a hospital in 1964. He also learned that, two years later, the boy was found and returned to his family—and that the boy was him. Nearly fifty years later, Paul, acting on long-held suspicions, took a DNA test that proved he was not the kidnapped boy. In an instant, he found himself at the center of two half-century-old mysteries—who was he, and where was the real Paul? True Identity is about three separate major investigations—the hunt for the real Paul Fronczak; the search for the author’s missing twin sister Jill; and finally, the investigation into his true identity, his heart and soul and the demons inside him—inherited and created—that still need to be confronted.
Ready to find the true you? You won't have to look far. Beneath the layers of society's expectations, the roles you fill, and the messages you've been told, you'll find your whole, perfect, and worthy self. This empowering book is filled with exercises and actions you can take today to begin experiencing more of your life in the best way ever--as you!
WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DEFINES YOU? WHAT IS YOUR IDENTITY? How you answer those questions affects every aspect of your life: personal, public, and spiritual. So it’s vital to get the answer right. Pastor and best-selling author Mark Driscoll believes false identity is at the heart of many struggles—and that you can overcome them by having your true identity in Christ. In Who Do You Think You Are?, Driscoll explores the question, “What does it mean to be ‘in Christ’?” In the process he dissects the false-identity epidemic and, more important, provides the only solution—Jesus. “This book will give you an unshakeable, biblical understanding of who you are in Christ. When you know who you are, you’ll know what to do.” —Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor of and author of Soul Detox, Clean Living in a Contaminated World “I spent years in ministry for Christ without understanding my identity in Christ. I know now that I was not alone. When, by the grace of God, we understand who we are in Christ, everything else can crumble and we will still be standing. I highly commend this book to you.” —Sheila Walsh, speaker and author of God Loves Broken People
Der Autor geht auf Fragen ein, die jeden Adventisten interessieren (sollten): Wie kamen die Adventisten zu den Glaubensüberzeugungen, die sie heute vertreten? Wie haben sich die Lehrauffassungen im Laufe der Jahre verändert? Würden die adventistischen Pioniere alle 27 Glaubenspunkte unterschreiben wollen, die heute von der Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten als verbindlich anerkannt werden? George Knight bezweifelt das. Er legt in wohltuender Offenheit die unterschiedlichen Strömungen innerhalb der Adventgeschichte dar und verdeutlicht, dass Adventgläubige nicht aufhören dürfen, Suchende und Lernende zu sein. So aufwühlend dies klingen mag, so beruhigend wird der Leser feststellen können: An allen untersuchten Beispielen wird erkennbar, wie wunderbar Gott die Adventgemeinde geführt hat. - How did Adventists come to believe what they believe? How have those beliefs changed over the years? With compelling candor George Knight captures the ebb and flow of the doctrinal currents within Adventism, including controversies over the shut door, the law in Galatians at the 1888 General Conference, the Trinity, pantheism, Fundamentalism, the nature of Christ, and inspiration. The Adventist Church was founded by independent thinkers who would have disagreed with several of the church's current 27 fundamental beliefs. But over the years strength arose out of contention, and consensus out of debate. From William Miller to Desmond Ford, Knight catalogues the colorful personalities who shaped the discussion, and shows how God has led Adventism into a broader and deeper understanding of His eternal truth. - A Word to the Reader, A Note From the Author, List of Abbreviations, Chapter 1: The Dynamic Nature of "Present Truth", Present Truth: Fluid Rather Than Static, The Avoidance of Creedal Rigidity, The Pathway of Progressive Understanding, Chapter 2: Adventism Wasn't Born in a Vacuum, The Theological Roots of Adventism, Millennial Visions, Chapter 3: The Millerite Theological Foundation, Miller's Use of the Bible, Miller on the Second Advent, The First and Second Angels' Messages, The Seventh-Month Movement and the Great Disappointment, Chapter 4: What Is Adventist in Adventism? (1844-1885), The Centrality of the Shut Door and the Struggle for Identity, A People of "the Book", Moving Toward an Understanding of the Sanctuary, The Sabbath and the Third Angel's Message, The Final Doctrinal Pillar: Conditional, Immortality, Putting It All Together, Refining the First and Second Angels' Messages, Other Post-1850 Theological Refinements, Perspective, Chapter 5: What Is Christian in Adventism? (1886-1919), A Setting for Disagreement, Still a People of the Book? The Issue of Authority, Uplift Jesus: Righteousness by Faith and the Third Angel's Message, Uplift Jesus: The Trinity, Full Divinity of Jesus, and Personhood of the Holy Spirit, Uplift Jesus: A Two-Track Exploration Into the Human Nature of Christ, Perspective, Chapter 6: What Is Fundamentalist in Adventism? (1919-1950), A Polarizing Theological Context, Adventism Moves Toward a More Rigid Position on Inspiration, A People of the Book or a People of the Books?, A Revived Interest in Righteouness by Faith, The Crucial Role of M.L. Andreasen and His "Last Generation" Theology, Moves to Make Adventism Look More Christian, Perspective, Chapter 7: Adventism in Theological Tension (1950- ), Some Significant Developments, Track 1: The Search for Historic Adventism, Track 2: The Search for the Meaning of 1888, Track 3: The Search for Ellen White's Role and Authority, Track 4: The Search for a Theology of Inspiration Perspective, Chapter 8: What Does All This Mean?, Lessons on Polarization, Lessons on "Theological Rigor Mortis", Lessons on Theological Essentials, And What About the Advent?, Appendix: Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists, Index