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Can the church of today truly be united in doctrine? This is a burning question it seems of late, and one of pressing urgency. For most, the answer will be a resounding 'no'. We are after all divided on so many things regarding doctrine, just consider the debate around the Trinity, predestination, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the Law and grace. Granted, we will be divided on some things, which are fine, but such things as we will mostly find are religious. This is Churchianity stuff - like what clothes to wear, the kind of music to play, the décor, use of titles and clergy structures. Thus man-made traditions. Why quarrel over things that have no bearing on the Kingdom? Jesus was not proclaiming the good news of a denomination or a church but the everlasting and eternal Kingdom. One fears, however, that we have settled for division regarding doctrine, thus the truths of the Kingdom. And we use the adage that we should settle on agreeing on disagreeing. And yes, as children of God we can still work together because of doctrinal differences, but maybe, just maybe, the church is falling into a rather strange trap of delusion and deception, and this trap is accepting division as being the norm and the status quo. Has the church not been lulled into a false sense of peace, thus no longer pursuing doctrinal unity but instead pursuing agendas to prosper personal beliefs?
A committed Lutheran excommunicated from his own church, a friend to Catholics and Calvinists alike, a layman who called himself a “priest of God,” a Copernican in a world where Ptolemy still reigned, a man who argued at the same time for the superiority of one truth and the need for many truths to coexist—German astronomer Johannes Kepler was, to say the least, a complicated figure. With The Pursuit of Harmony, Aviva Rothman offers a new view of him and his achievements, one that presents them as a story of Kepler’s attempts to bring different, even opposing ideas and circumstances into harmony. Harmony, Rothman shows, was both the intellectual bedrock for and the primary goal of Kepler’s disparate endeavors. But it was also an elusive goal amid the deteriorating conditions of his world, as the political order crumbled and religious war raged. In the face of that devastation, Kepler’s hopes for his theories changed: whereas he had originally looked for a unifying approach to truth, he began instead to emphasize harmony as the peaceful coexistence of different views, one that could be fueled by the fundamentally nonpartisan discipline of mathematics.
This is an in-depth study into the Holy Spirit, who is not a mere force. He is not energy. The Holy Spirit is a person and part of the Trinity along with the Father and the Son. God is Sovereign, and just so God wills and moves according to His will. Just so, the Spirit of the Lord moves and acts never out of His own accord, but always follows the leading of the Father. So the Spirit is interdependent, as there is a mutual dependency within the Trinity. The work of the Spirit is far greater in scope than merely the spiritual gifts, for the Spirit of the Lord leads us in our calling on the narrow path to the glory of the Lord. It is of utmost necessity for the Church to be one that is utterly and completely Spirit-filled and not led by the flesh. For only in the Spirit can we fulfil the Great Commission, be true disciples and walk in His truth, His way and His life.
The word Disciple in Greek is transliterated mathetes (literally, the learning one) and is derived from the verb manthano which means “to learn”. It means “one who learns instruction from another‟, or a disciple is likened to an apprentice who learns from his master tradesman. Thus, a disciple is someone who gains knowledge from the teacher and acts upon it. A disciple, therefore, follows and a disciple learns from the Teacher. The disciple never replaces the one true Teacher or takes the role of the teacher. Jesus remains our Teacher and our Lord. This study series into discipleship explores what it means to be a disciple, within the context of the Great Commission of Matthew 28. The series highlights how for a long time we have failed to make disciples according to the blueprint as shown by Jesus. True disciples are activated active and mobilised, meaning all believers are active in the work of ministry to the glory of God.
Why talk about the heart? We read in “Matthew 22: 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.” It is that simple. We must love God WITH ALL OUR HEARTS. Not part of it. Not proportionally. In totality. We must be consumed by a love for God, for He is must be our first love. Our heart must beat for God in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, yes every second of the day! Our hearts must yearn for God, for God is glorious and wonderful. God is jealous of our love. He wants our hearts. He wants our affection, attention and devotion. There is nothing greater for your heart to beat for God and for God to live in your hearts through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Only when our hearts yield to God, can we seek a path of purity, joy, peace, and love. For God calls our hearts to beat in sync with His heart. Do you know the heartbeat of God? Do you know what His heart beats for? For His heart speaks of love, of beauty and majesty. God calls for a pure heart, a good heart, and a heart that seeks the light of His splendour and glory.
In the Old Testament, the prophet would guide the king, therefore the people, by speaking the will of God, and many times the will of God will include correction, judgment and warnings. Prophets were often ignored in the Old Testament, while even back in those days among the true prophets you found many speaking deceptions and lies. Today, nothing has changed, because God does not change (Hebrews 13:8). Prophets are still called to lead the corporate church by speaking and declaring the will, the purpose and the mandate of God. What the prophet utters may contain correction or judgment, or it may speak of encouragement, direction or wisdom. Prophets still speak to nations, or even to a multitude of nations, declaring the will of God not just unto the Church but unto secular leaders as to warn, to guide, to direct and to declare the heart and mind of God. Thus from the old to the new, nothing has changed in regard to the prophet. Yet the office is often misunderstood, and also shrouded in mystery, erroneous perceptions and terrible abuse. This series divides the truth from the myriad of lies, misconceptions, fallacies and erroneous teachings regarding the prophetic.
Christians cannot remain indifferent to the divisions in the Church today. In this study guide companion, Chan draws on the gospel infused message of Until Unity to remind readers that Church unity is not optional. This study guide includes: Deeper exploration of every chapter in Until Unity Free original videos with Francis Chan Tips for leading and participating in a small group Scripture passages and reflection questions Prompts for group and individual prayer Chan’s emphasis on worship and praise, along with his passionate teaching, make this guide a unique and life-changing exploration of why unity is not just God’s wish for His Church—it’s His command.
Revival is back in the spotlight with what is happening in America at the start of 2023. This book explores what is true revival and a spiritual awakening. Prophetically, it delves into what God has been saying for a long time, which is that the Lord will sweep the earth with revival in the end times which will ignite many followers with His holy fire. What will this revival look like? This is the big question, and one would rather say it will not be a singular event, but a sequence of Godly movements across the globe that will be infectious, contagious and real. In an awakening, the Holy Spirit gives unbelieving people - who are dead in their trespasses and sins -a new awareness of their needs. A revival is connected to the people of God and it is when those who are in churches - those who are professing believers - are ministered to by the Holy Spirit in such a way that they are renewed in their devotion to the Lord. The time is ripe for the one final great harvest, yet this calls for the revived church, full of the fire of the Holy Spirit, to go into the fields, to awaken the lost and the forgotten and broken, and to bring them into the loving embrace of a God who is full of compassion, grace and mercy. This is the time of spiritual latter rains, and now is the time to welcome the embrace of a God who is real, alive, and who calls us all into His arms to reflect His beauty and greatness. It is not God’s Will that any soul He created should perish, but that all men should come to the knowledge of God and be saved. God is calling on all believers to cast their net in the deep for the harvest of souls.