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This book analyses soldiers’ memoirs from the Great War of 1914-18 from Britain, France and Germany. It considers both the authors’ composition of the memoirs and the public response to them. It provides contextual analysis through a survey of the different types of contemporary writing about the Great War, through an analysis of changes in the language used to describe combat, and through an analysis of those people whose accounts of the war were either excluded or marginalised. It also considers the international response to the most successful of the texts. The purpose of the analysis is to show how soldiers’ memoirs contributed to the collective memory of the war and how they influenced public opinion about the war. These texts are both autobiographical and historical and their relationship to the fields of autobiography and historical writing is also considered, as well as to the distinction between fact and fiction.
During the First World War, the Jewish population of Central Europe was politically, socially, and experientially diverse, to an extent that resists containment within a simple historical narrative. While antisemitism and Jewish disillusionment have dominated many previous studies of the topic, this collection aims to recapture the multifariousness of Central European Jewish life in the experiences of soldiers and civilians alike during the First World War. Here, scholars from multiple disciplines explore rare sources and employ innovative methods to illuminate four interconnected themes: minorities and the meaning of military service, Jewish-Gentile relations, cultural legacies of the war, and memory politics.
What does it mean when a radical understanding of National Socialism is inextricably embedded in the work of the twentieth century’s most important philosopher? Martin Heidegger’s sympathies for the conservative revolution and National Socialism have long been well known. As the rector of the University of Freiburg in the early 1930s, he worked hard to reshape the university in accordance with National Socialist policies. He also engaged in an all-out struggle to become the movement’s philosophical preceptor, “to lead the leader.” Yet for years, Heidegger’s defenders have tried to separate his political beliefs from his philosophical doctrines. They argued, in effect, that he was good at philosophy but bad at politics. But with the 2014 publication of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, it has become clear that he embraced a far more radical vision of the conservative revolution than previously suspected. His dissatisfaction with National Socialism, it turns out, was mainly that it did not go far enough. The notebooks show that far from being separated from Nazism, Heidegger’s philosophy was suffused with it. In this book Richard Wolin explores what the notebooks mean for our understanding of arguably the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, and of his ideas—and why his legacy remains radically compromised.
Nurse Memoirs from the Great War in Britain, France, and Germany examines an understudied corpus of memoirs in English, French, and German stemming from the unprecedented involvement of women in the war effort. Jerry Palmer considers the memoirs in relationship to public opinion, collective memory and other women’s writing about the war. Through close-readings of the memoirs and their contexts, the book identifies themes present in the texts and considers the nurse memoir as rhetoric—examining to what extent the texts are promoting or countering arguments in the public sphere about their involvement or more widely about women’s position in society. Palmer explores the multiple contexts related to the nurse memoirs, including public response to volunteer wartime nursing, the organisation of the military health services of the three nations and their conduct in the war, and changes in the post-war organization of public health services and the professionalization of nursing.
This book throws new light on the question of authorship in the Latin literature of the later medieval and in the early modern periods. It shows that authorship was not something to be automatically assumed in an empathic sense, but was chiefly to be found in the paratextual features of works and was imparted by them. This study examines the strategies and tools used by authors ca. 1350-1650, to assert their authorial aspirations. Enenkel demonstrates how they incorporated themselves into secular, ecclesiastical, spiritual and intellectual power structures. He shows that in doing so rituals linked to the ceremonial of ruling, played a fundamental role, for example, the ritual presentation of a book or the crowning of a poet. Furthermore Enenkel establishes a series of qualifications for entry to the Respublica litteraria, with which the authors of books announced their claims to authorship.
Der Band Von Richthofen bis Remarque ergänzt und schließt formal und inhaltlich an den von Hans Wagener 1997 herausgegebenen Band zur deutschen Kriegsprosa nach 1945, Von Böll bis Buchheim (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik 42), an, indem die Beiträge einzelne deutschsprachige Prosatexte zum I. Weltkrieg thematisieren. Der Schwerpunkt der Analyse in den 23 Beiträgen liegt auf den in den repräsentativen Beispieltexten vermittelten Kriegsbildern und bezieht die Rezeption der Texte und ihre Wirksamkeit für das Bild vom I. Weltkrieg sowohl in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit als auch in der Gegenwart ein. Unter der Prämisse der Analyse der Wandlung des Bildes vom ‘modernen’ Krieg, als dessen paradigmatisches Beispiel der I. Weltkrieg bis heute gilt, in der deutschsprachigen Kriegsprosa beschränkt sich die Auswahl der Texte nicht nur auf die heute dem Kanon der Kriegsliteratur zugerechneten Texte (Remarque, Renn, Koeppen etc.). Mit einbezogen werden Texte, die aufgrund ihrer Verbreitung (Plüschow, Flex, Richthofen, Zöberlein), ihrer kontroversen Rezeption (Carossa, Vogel) oder der vermeintlich historisch-’authentischen’ Darstellung (Schlachten des Weltkrieges) zur Diskussion um das ‘wahre’ Bild des Krieges in der Weimarer Republik und bis in die Gegenwart beigetragen haben. Die Textauswahl strebt darüber hinaus Repräsentativität an, indem auch Texte von Autorinnen (Adrienne Thomas), eine Briefsammlung (Witkop) sowie ein Bild/Text-Band (Schauwecker) einbezogen werden sowie nahezu alle in der Weimarer Republik vertretenen politischen Richtungen berücksichtigt wurden.