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A landmark in the study of international relations, this reprint of the 1951 Alfred Knopf publication calls on Americans to recognize the primacy of national interest in the formulation of foreign policy. A controversial thesis in 1951, this statement of ideas has stood the test of time well into the 1980s. The author argued that it was essential to relearn on a continuing basis the enduring principles of international politics. He never abandoned the conviction that the national interest, expanded and redefined to make possible the mitigation and relief of novel and unprecedented threats to human survival, was fundamental.
This edited volume covers the development of the thought of the political realist Hans J. Morgenthau from the time of his arrival in America from Nazi-dominated Europe through to his emphatic denunciation of American policy in the Vietnam War. Critical to the development of thinking about American foreign policy in the post-war period, he laid out the idea of a national interest defined in terms of power, the precarious uncertainty of the international balance of power, the weakness of international morality, the decentralized character of international law, the deceptiveness of ideologies, and the requirements of a peace-preserving diplomacy. This volume is required reading for students of American foreign policy, and for anyone who wishes to understand the single most important source of the ideas underpinning American foreign policy since the end of the Second World War.
Hans J. Morgenthau is primarily considered a theorist of power politics, often associated with the six principles of realism and the national interest. Shedding new light on the theorist by digging into his archives to show his wide-ranging views on politics, these selected lectures demonstrate the broad set of political themes that were important to Morgenthau and his ability to engage classical political philosophy in a contemporary setting. This book reveals a scholar who drew on Aristotelian insights to understand the politics of the Mafia in New York City, regime change in Latin America, and the foreign policy of the United States. Based on Aristotle's The Politics, these lectures discuss a wide spectrum of history and theory in order to examine the realm of politics. This collection serves as the only published seminars from Morgenthau, revealing him as both a teacher and a thinker. Topics include: Equality to Freedom; Ethics and Politics; Justice and Revolution.
Combines a historical and philosophical perspective to examine in detail the concept of political realism as it is developed by Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, diplomat historian George Kennan, and political theorist Hans Morgenthau, presenting suggestions for lines along which sound political principles may lie.