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The Special Issue contains theoretical and experimental works that report on studies of impurities in quantum gases, fundamental properties and universal aspects of quasiparticles and other related many-body phenomena. Particular focus is placed on the Fermi and Bose polarons. The Special Issue contains ten research articles and two reviews. M. G. Skou et al. report on the experimental observation of time dynamics of Bose polarons. Theoretical studies by H. Tajima et al., L. A. Ardila, and G. Panochko and V. Pastukhov touch upon the physics of multiple impurities, in particular, the induced impurity-impurity interactions in different spatial dimensions and the formation of multi-polaron states. G. M. Koutentakis et al. elaborate on the phenomenon of temporal orthogonality catastrophe in low dimensions. Polaritons in an electron gas are discussed by M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani et al. M. Brooks et al. describe the emergence of anyons originating from angulons. F. Scazza et al. provide an overview of our current understanding of repulsive Bose and Fermi polarons. C. D'Errico and M. G. Tarallo explicate the effects of disorder in bosonic systems. The Special Issue also includes studies of correlated atom pairs in bosonic mixtures by O. Alon, the behavior of the three-body decay rate coefficients into shallow dimers in mass-imbalanced three-atom systems by P. Giannakeas and C. H. Greene, population and angular momentum transfer in Raman-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates by K. Mukherjee et al.
The rapidly developing topic of ultracold atoms has many actual and potential applications for condensed-matter science, and the contributions to this book emphasize these connections. Ultracold Bose and Fermi quantum gases are introduced at a level appropriate for first-year graduate students and non-specialists such as more mature general physicists. The reader will find answers to questions like: how are experiments conducted and how are the results interpreted? What are the advantages and limitations of ultracold atoms in studying many-body physics? How do experiments on ultracold atoms facilitate novel scientific opportunities relevant to the condensed-matted community? This volume seeks to be comprehensible rather than comprehensive; it aims at the level of a colloquium, accessible to outside readers, containing only minimal equations and limited references. In large part, it relies on many beautiful experiments from the past fifteen years and their very fruitful interplay with basic theoretical ideas. In this particular context, phenomena most relevant to condensed-matter science have been emphasized. Introduces ultracold Bose and Fermi quantum gases at a level appropriate for non-specialists Discusses landmark experiments and their fruitful interplay with basic theoretical ideas Comprehensible rather than comprehensive, containing only minimal equations
Recent years have seen tremendous progress in research on cold and controlled molecular collisions, both in theory and in experiment. The advent of techniques to prepare cold and ultracold molecules and ions, to store them in optical lattices or in charged quasicristalline structures, and to use them in crossed or merged beam experiments have opened many new possibilities to study the most fundamental aspects of molecular interactions. At the same time, theoretical work has made progress in tackling these problems and accurately describing quantum effects in complex systems, and in proposing viable options to control chemical reactions at ultralow energies. Through tutorials on both the theoretical and experimental aspects of research in cold and ultracold molecular collisions, this book provides advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers with the foundations needed to understand this exciting field.
Modern techniques from quantum field theory are applied in this work to the description of ultracold quantum gases. This leads to a unified description of many phenomena including superfluidity for bosons and fermions, classical and quantum phase transitions, different dimensions, thermodynamic properties and few-body phenomena as bound state formation or the Efimov effect. The non-perturbative treatment with renormalization group flow equations can account for all known limiting cases by solving one single equation. It improves previous results quantitatively and brings qualitatively new insights. As an example, new quantum phase transitions are found for fermions with three spin states. Ultracold atomic gases can be seen as an interesting model for features of high energy physics and for condensed matter theory. The research reported in this thesis helps to solve the difficult complexity problem in modern theoretical physics.
This thesis describes the experimental realisation and characterisation of three non-trivial trapping geometries for ultracold atoms. The double-well, ring and to some degree shell trap are examples of a highly versatile class of traps called time-averaged adiabatic potentials (TAAPs). In this experiment the TAAPs arise from the combination of three independent magnetic fields; a static quadrupole field dressed by a uniform radio-frequency field is time- averaged by a bias field oscillating in the kHz regime. The result is a very smooth potential, within which ultracold atoms can be evaporatively cooled to quantum degeneracy, and subsequently manipulated into new geometries without destroying the quantum coherence. The vertically offset double-well potential provided the first example of ul- tracold atoms confined in a TAAP. The same potential is used to demonstrate efficient evaporative cooling across the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) phase transition using only the Landau-Zener loss mechanism. Switching off the time- averaging fields loads atoms from the double-well TAAP into the rf-dressed shell trap. A characterisation of this potential measured low heating rates and life- times of up to 58 s. With efforts ongoing to increase the trap anisotropy, this potential shows promise for research into the static and rapidly rotating 2D systems. In the presence of a single time-averaging field, the shell geometry is transformed into a ring-shaped trap with an adjustable radius. The ring trap can be controllably tilted and progress towards multiply connected condensates is being made. A rotation scheme to spin up atoms in the ring trap has been demonstrated, presenting the opportunity to investigate the dynamics of super- flow in degenerate quantum gases.
This thesis is a contribution at the intersection of a number of active fields in theoretical and experimental condensed matter, particularly those concerned with disordered systems, integrable models, lattice gauge theories, and non-equilibrium quantum dynamics. It contributes an important new facet to our understanding of relaxation in isolated quantum systems by conclusively demonstrating localization without disorder for the first time, answering a long-standing question in this field. This is achieved by introducing a family of models – intimately related to paradigmatic condensed matter models – and studying their non-equilibrium dynamics through a combination of exact analytical mappings and an array of numerical techniques. This thesis also makes contributions relevant to the theory of quantum chaotic behaviour by calculating novel, and often intractable, entanglement measures and out-of-time-ordered correlators. A concrete and feasible proposal is also made for the experimental realization and dynamical study of the family of models, based on currently available technologies.
On June 19th 1999, the European Ministers of Education signed the Bologna Dec laration, with which they agreed that the European university education should be uniformized throughout Europe and based on the two cycle bachelor master’s sys tem. The Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University quickly responded to this new challenge and created an international master’s programme in Theoret ical Physics which started running in the summer of 2000. At present, the master’s programme is a so called prestige master at Utrecht University, and it aims at train ing motivated students to become sophisticated researchers in theoretical physics. The programme is built on the philosophy that modern theoretical physics is guided by universal principles that can be applied to any sub?eld of physics. As a result, the basis of the master’s programme consists of the obligatory courses Statistical Field Theory and Quantum Field Theory. These focus in particular on the general concepts of quantum ?eld theory, rather than on the wide variety of possible applica tions. These applications are left to optional courses that build upon the ?rm concep tual basis given in the obligatory courses. The subjects of these optional courses in clude, for instance, Strongly Correlated Electrons, Spintronics, Bose Einstein Con densation, The Standard Model, Cosmology, and String Theory.
In recent years, there has been much synergy between the exciting areas of quantum information science and ultracold atoms. This volume, as part of the proceedings for the XCI session of Les Houches School of Physics (held for the first time outside Europe in Singapore) brings together experts in both fields. The theme of the school focused on two principal topics: quantum information science and ultracold atomic physics. The topics range from Bose Einstein Condensates to Degenerate Fermi Gases to fundamental concepts in Quantum Information Sciences, including some special topics on Quantum Hall Effects, Quantum Phase Transition, Interactions in Quantum Fluids, Disorder and Interference Phenomenoma, Trapped Ions and Atoms, and Quantum Optical Devices.