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The purpose of our present work is to review the fundamental studies on inhibition of soil urease activity and the applied studies on improving efficiency of urea fertilizers by inhibition of soil urease activity. The general literature on these topics covers 65 years, and the patent literature comprises a period of nearly 40 years. Studies related to inhibition of soil urease activity were performed in a great number of countries' well representing all the continents. Full texts of the papers describing these studies were published in one of 18 languages·'. The literature data reviewed are structured into 10 chapters, 81 subchapters, and 224 sections. The bibliographical list consists of 830 papers cited. ·In alphabetical order: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belorussia, Brazil. Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba. Czech RepUblic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia (Gruzia), Germany, Hungary, India, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy. Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka. Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America. Uzbekistan .
Nitrogen (N) losses in the form of ammonia volatilization limit the efficiency of urea-based fertilizers world-wide. Urease inhibitor, N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) is a promising additive to reduce this N loss. Studies were conducted to test the efficacy of a relatively new NBPT formulation, ARM U (18% NBPT m/v), containing a proprietary polymer that allows for a low NBPT application rate in reducing ammonia volatilization from urea-based fertilizers. The results showed that ARM U reduced ammonia volatilization by an average of 85% across three soils and its effectiveness was not significantly different from other commercial NBPT formulations whose NBPT concentrations were 33-67% greater than ARM U. Further studies showed that delaying N fertilizer application until late-fall, as recommended on the Canadian prairies, did not stop ammonia volatilization from urea-based fertilizers. Across 4 site-year, total ammonia volatilization (% of applied N) from untreated urea-based fertilizers applied in the fall and spring were 14 and 16%, respectively. We found that the reduction of ammonia volatilization by NBPT was significantly greater in the fall (65%) than in the spring (40%) across 4 site-year and the addition of NI with NBPT (double inhibitor, DI) reduced the efficacy of NBPT in decreasing ammonia volatilization from spring-applied urea by 27%. The conserved N by NBPT and DI improved the crop N use efficiency at one of the two sites in this study. Investigation on the interaction between NBPT and NI on urea hydrolysis in five soils at 21 oC and six soils at 5, 15, and 25 oC showed that while NBPT reduced the rate of urea hydrolysis across soils and temperatures, the addition of NI reduced the inhibitory effect of NBPT on urea hydrolysis. Hence, reduction in ammonia volatilization is less with DI than only NBPT. Overall, the research shows that (i) NBPT effectively reduced ammonia volatilization even at a low concentration (ii) significant ammonia volatilization could occur from urea-based fertilizers even at soil temperature below 3 oC (iii) use of NBPT to bridge crop urea use efficiency is site-specific (iv) NI impaired the effectiveness of NBPT in suppressing urea hydrolysis and ammonia volatilization.
This book addresses basic and applied aspects of two nexus points of microorganisms in agro-ecosystems, namely their functional role as bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides. Readers will find detailed information on all of the aspects that are required to make a microbe “agriculturally beneficial.” A healthy, balanced soil ecosystem provides a habitat for crops to grow without the need for interventions such as agro-chemicals. No organism in an agro-ecosystem can flourish individually, which is why research on the interaction of microorganisms with higher forms of life has increasingly gained momentum in the last 10-15 years. In fact, most of plants’ life processes only become possible through interactions with microorganisms. Using these “little helpers” as a biological alternative to agro-chemicals is a highly contemporary field of research. The information presented here is based on the authors’ extensive experience in the subject area, gathered in the course of their careers in the field of agricultural microbiology. The book offers a valuable resource for all readers who are actively involved in research on agriculturally beneficial microorganisms. In addition, it will help prepare readers for the future challenges that climate change will pose for agriculture and will help to bridge the current gaps between different scientific communities.
Symposiumverslagen over: de omvang van ureum als meststof op de wereldmarkt; bodem-, milieu- en beheersfactoren die de ammoniakvervluchtiging beinvloeden; factoren die de ureumhydrolyse beinvloeden; de chemische balans m.b.t. de ammoniakvervluchtiging; modelmatige weergave voor het voorspellen van de vervluchtiging; vergelijking van methoden voor ammoniakmetingen; ontwikkelingen omtrent de toepassing van remstoffen bij de urease-vorming; mechanismen bij de urease-vorming; ammoniakvervluchtiging van ureumfosfaatmeststoffen
Ureases: Foundations, Classes, and Applications provides a thorough, practical analysis of ureases—enzymes of growing relevance across a range of biotechnological applications and drug discovery. Unique in many aspects, ureases are one of the few enzymes to have nickel in their active sites. Ureases covers all aspects of this enzymatic class. Starting with foundational overview, the book discusses historical urease research and the current state, from basic biochemistry to the use of ureases as hallmarks in enzymology, crystallography, and bioinorganic chemistry. The different classes of ureases, structurally diverse but chemically equivalent, are individually discussed. The multi-protein, multi-step activation of ureases (with chemical modification of residues, transport, and transfer of nickel ions) are examined in-depth, along with the catalytic mechanisms of ureolysis and its inhibitors. The final two sections of the book address multiple applications of ureases in health and biotechnology, respectively, going from gastric ulcer treatment to architectural uses in buildings and engineering. Future applications and next steps in research are also considered. Considers fundamental aspects of urease biochemistry, ureolysis and urease inhibitors Discusses urease research across a range of applications, from drug discovery to biosensors, water purification, architecture and the food industry Features chapter contributions from international leaders in the field
This book addresses in detail multifaceted approaches to boosting nutrient use efficiency (NUE) that are modified by plant interactions with environmental variables and combine physiological, microbial, biotechnological and agronomic aspects. Conveying an in-depth understanding of the topic will spark the development of new cultivars and strains to induce NUE, coupled with best management practices that will immensely benefit agricultural systems, safeguarding their soil, water, and air quality. Written by recognized experts in the field, the book is intended to provide students, scientists and policymakers with essential insights into holistic approaches to NUE, as well as an overview of some successful case studies. In the present understanding of agriculture, NUE represents a question of process optimization in response to the increasing fragility of our natural resources base and threats to food grain security across the globe. Further improving nutrient use efficiency is a prerequisite to reducing production costs, expanding crop acreage into non-competitive marginal lands with low nutrient resources, and preventing environmental contamination. The nutrients most commonly limiting plant growth are N, P, K, S and micronutrients like Fe, Zn, B and Mo. NUE depends on the ability to efficiently take up the nutrient from the soil, but also on transport, storage, mobilization, usage within the plant and the environment. A number of approaches can help us to understand NUE as a whole. One involves adopting best crop management practices that take into account root-induced rhizosphere processes, which play a pivotal role in controlling nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. New technologies, from basic tools like leaf color charts to sophisticated sensor-based systems and laser land leveling, can reduce the dependency on laboratory assistance and manual labor. Another approach concerns the development of crop plants through genetic manipulations that allow them to take up and assimilate nutrients more efficiently, as well as identifying processes of plant responses to nutrient deficiency stress and exploring natural genetic variation. Though only recently introduced, the ability of microbial inoculants to induce NUE is gaining in importance, as the loss, immobilization, release and availability of nutrients are mediated by soil microbial processes.
It is the aim of this book to present reviews on a wide range of aspects of bacterial respiratory systems. Because the on-going publication elsewhere of reviews on bacterial respiration, ablanket coverage of the field has not been attempted. Rather, a range of topics have been selected, either because they are of special current interest, they have not been reviewed recently, or they have never been reviewed.
Here is the most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of one of the hottest areas of chemical research. The treatment of fundamental kinetics and photochemistry will be highly useful to chemistry students and their instructors at the graduate level, as well as postdoctoral fellows entering this new, exciting, and well-funded field with a Ph.D. in a related discipline (e.g., analytical, organic, or physical chemistry, chemical physics, etc.). Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere provides postgraduate researchers and teachers with a uniquely detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative resource. The text bridges the "gap" between the fundamental chemistry of the earth's atmosphere and "real world" examples of its application to the development of sound scientific risk assessments and associated risk management control strategies for both tropospheric and stratospheric pollutants. Serves as a graduate textbook and "must have" reference for all atmospheric scientists Provides more than 5000 references to the literature through the end of 1998 Presents tables of new actinic flux data for the troposphere and stratospher (0-40km) Summarizes kinetic and photochemical date for the troposphere and stratosphere Features problems at the end of most chapters to enhance the book's use in teaching Includes applications of the OZIPR box model with comprehensive chemistry for student use
Advances in Agronomy continues to be recognized as a leading reference and a first-rate source for the latest research in agronomy. As always, the subjects covered are varied and exemplary of the myriad of subject matter dealt with by this long-running serial. Maintains the highest impact factor among serial publications in agriculture Presents timely reviews on important agronomy issues Enjoys a long-standing reputation for excellence in the field
Nitrogen (N) is potentially one of the most complex elements on the Earth. It is necessary for all biological activity, but creates negative impacts on water and air quality. There is a balancing act between deficiency and surplus and the forms of N available further complicate our understanding of the dynamics. Biological fixation provides some plants with N supply while others are totally dependent upon N being available in the soil profile for the roots to extract. Nevertheless, the demand for N will increase because the human population with its increasing growth requires more protein and thus more N. Understanding the global N cycle is imperative to meeting current and future nitrogen demands while decreasing environmental impacts. This book discusses availability, production, and recycling of N in air, water, plants, and soils. It features information on N impacts to soil and water quality, management of N in agroecosystems, and techniques to maximize the use efficiency while minimizing the risks of leakage of reactive N into the environment. This volume in the Advances in Soil Science series is specifically devoted to availability, production, and recycling of N with impact on climate change and water quality, and management of N in agroecosystems in the context of maximizing the use efficiency and minimizing the risks of leakage of reactive N (NO-3, N¬2O) into the environment.