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Security Council resolutions have undergone an important evolution over the last two decades. While continuing its traditional role of determining state-specific threats to peace and engaging accordingly in various peaceful or coercive measures, the Security Council has also adopted resolutions that have effectively imposed legal obligations on all United Nations member states. This book seeks to move away from the discussions of whether the Security Council – in the current composition and working methods – is representative, capable or productive. Rather it assesses whether legislative activity by the Security Council can be beneficial to international peace and security. The authors examine and critique the capacities of the Security Council to address thematic international threats - such as terrorism, weapons proliferations, targeting of civilians, recruitment of child soldiers, piracy – as an alternative to the traditional model of addressing country-specific situations on a case-by-case basis. Ultimately, the book seeks to assess the efficacy of the Security Council as global legislator in terms of complementing the Security Council’s mandate for the maintenance of international peace and security with a preventative and norm-setting capacity. The book presents views from a diverse range of Security Council stakeholders including academic scholars, political analysts, and international lawyers. This resource will be of great interest to students of international relations, international organizations and international security studies alike.
This volume evaluates the impact of coercive arms control efforts to curb the spread of weapons of mass destruction in the twenty-first century. A new paradigm in arms control is gradually replacing the idea that mutually agreed restrictions on armaments can improve international security. Thus, Hedley Bull’s classic definition of arms control as the "cooperation between antagonistic pairs of states in military affairs" needs to be amended by a new notion of coercive arms control as the set of non-cooperative and non-reciprocal measures to restrict the weapons or military capabilities of certain states. This volume addresses the topic of how this ongoing paradigmatic shift will affect the effectiveness of arms control as a conflict management instrument.While some argue that new instruments can complement and strengthen traditional, multilateral and inclusive arms control regimes, others maintain that conflicts and contradictions between coercive and cooperative arms control regimes will severely limit their effectiveness. This volume provides a forum for academics and practitioners from around the globe to discuss these developments in depth and to assess the specific strengths and weaknesses of these new instruments of arms control. This book will be of much interest to students of arms control, global governance, foreign policy and IR/Security Studies in general.
The book considers the implications of the nuclear energy revival for global governance in the areas of safety, security and non-proliferation. Increased global warming, the energy demands of China, India and other emerging economic powerhouses and the problems facing traditional and alternative energy sources have lead many to suggest that there will soon be a nuclear energy ‘renaissance’. This book examines comprehensively the drivers of and constraints on the revival, its nature and scope and the possibility that nuclear power will spread significantly beyond the countries which currently rely on it. Of special interest are developing countries which aspire to have nuclear energy and which currently lack the infrastructure, experience and regulatory structures to successfully manage such a major industrial enterprise. Of even greater interest are countries that may see in a nuclear energy program a ‘hedging’ strategy for a future nuclear weapons option. Following on from this assessment, the author examines the likely impact of various revival scenarios on the current global governance of nuclear energy, notably the treaties, international organizations, arrangements and practices designed to ensure that nuclear power is safe, secure and does not contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The book concludes with recommendations to the international community on how to strengthen global governance in order to manage the nuclear energy revival prudently. This book will be of much interest to students of energy security, global governance, security studies and IR in general.
This book examines actors, tools, and issues associated with the changing nature of the environment in which the United Nations operates; the ways in which it has responded and might respond to technological and political problems; and the questions and difficulties that arise for the world organization. Issues covered in the book include doctrinal questions on the use of force, the regional dynamics of nuclear proliferation, and the growing concern that nuclear order established by the NPT may collapse or simply be overtaken by events.--Publisher's description.