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Under a realist grand strategy of restraint, the United States would cooperate more with other powers, reduce its forward military presence, and end some security commitments. The authors identify unanswered questions about such a strategy.
The United States, Barry R. Posen argues in Restraint, has grown incapable of moderating its ambitions in international politics. Since the collapse of Soviet power, it has pursued a grand strategy that he calls "liberal hegemony," one that Posen sees as unnecessary, counterproductive, costly, and wasteful. Written for policymakers and observers alike, Restraint explains precisely why this grand strategy works poorly and then provides a carefully designed alternative grand strategy and an associated military strategy and force structure. In contrast to the failures and unexpected problems that have stemmed from America’s consistent overreaching, Posen makes an urgent argument for restraint in the future use of U.S. military strength. After setting out the political implications of restraint as a guiding principle, Posen sketches the appropriate military forces and posture that would support such a strategy. He works with a deliberately constrained notion of grand strategy and, even more important, of national security (which he defines as including sovereignty, territorial integrity, power position, and safety). His alternative for military strategy, which Posen calls "command of the commons," focuses on protecting U.S. global access through naval, air, and space power, while freeing the United States from most of the relationships that require the permanent stationing of U.S. forces overseas.
The rules of patient restraint and seclusion have changed. Is your staff up to speed? As of January 2007, CMS requires that your hospital comply with new Conditions of Participation for patient restraint and seclusion. The new requirements focus on patient rights and include additional staff training requirements regarding restraint and seclusion.Don t take chances with reimbursement and patient rights. Equip every member of your staff with "The CMS Restraint Training Requirements Handbook. "Sold in packs of 25, these portable handbooks are a necessary resource for easily and effectively informing your staff about the new CMS restraint and seclusion rules. This staff training tool explains the specifics of the new training requirements, including the following prescriptive requirements: Application of restraints Implementation of seclusion Monitoring of patients in restraint/seclusion Assessment of patients in restraint/seclusion Providing care for a patient in restraint or seclusion Concise and easy-to-use, the handbook also includes sample competency assessment skill sheets for staff who are involved in restraint and seclusion. "The CMS Restraint Training"" Requirements Handbook" offers a cost-effective and convenient way to ensure your staff knows how to comply with the latest rules. "
This simple interrupted time-series quasi-experimental study examined the effectiveness of a restraint reduction policy implemented in order to reduce the use of physical restraint in a residential treatment facility for children in the southeastern United States. Aggregate data on monthly physical restraint episodes from the agency were analyzed over a period of 4 years. A 22-month period was used as the baseline and the succeeding 26 months- when the restraint reduction policy was implemented- was the intervention phase. A regular regression model, estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS), modeled the effect of the policy change, and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were used to represent the autocorrelation structure of the residuals from the regression model, in the data analysis. Two ARIMA models, an ARIMA (1,0,0) and an ARIMA (0,0,1), were used to model the autocorrelation structure of the residuals from the OLS regression. The convergence of findings from these models suggested that the results of the analysis of the time-series data from this study were robust in a statistical sense because both models led to the same conclusion. There was a statistically significant decrease of about 1 restraint per child each month when the new policy of verbal de-escalation was implemented during the treatment phase. The rate of physical restraint was reduced by 70% with the implementation of the restraint reduction policy in both models. Although a significant reduction in the rate of physical restraints was associated with the implementation of the restraint reduction policy, interrupted time-series designs such as that used in this study are not strong enough for making cause-effect inferences.
The second half of the 20th century featured a strategic competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. That competition avoided World War III in part because during the 1950s, scholars like Henry Kissinger, Thomas Schelling, Herman Kahn, and Albert Wohlstetter analyzed the fundamental nature of nuclear deterrence. Decades of arms control negotiations reinforced these early notions of stability and created a mutual understanding that allowed U.S.-Soviet competition to proceed without armed conflict. The first half of the 21st century will be dominated by the relationship between the United States and China. That relationship is likely to contain elements of both cooperation and competition. Territorial disputes such as those over Taiwan and the South China Sea will be an important feature of this competition, but both are traditional disputes, and traditional solutions suggest themselves. A more difficult set of issues relates to U.S.-Chinese competition and cooperation in three domains in which real strategic harm can be inflicted in the current era: nuclear, space, and cyber. Just as a clearer understanding of the fundamental principles of nuclear deterrence maintained adequate stability during the Cold War, a clearer understanding of the characteristics of these three domains can provide the underpinnings of strategic stability between the United States and China in the decades ahead. That is what this book is about.
The CMS restraint and seclusion guidelines continue to be a top concern among healthcare facilities. These handbooks, sold in packs of 10, contain everything your staff need to know, giving them the confidence they need to run a successful restraints program. "
The Secure Training Centre (Amendment) Rules (SI 2007/1709, ISBN 9780110773742) which amended the Secure Taining Centre Rules 1998 (SI 1998/472, ISBN 9780110656083) came into force in July 2007 without Parliamentary debate. They amend the existing Rules to permit Secure Training Centres (STCs) to use force against detained children and young people to "ensure good order and discipline". The Amendment Rules were criticised and the Government promised a review. A judicial review of the Amendment Rules by the High Court, held that they represented a "significant change in policy" The Joint Committee on Human Rights considers in this report their compatibility with the UK's human rights obligations. Restraint allowed in STCs is known as Physical Control in Care (PCC) and comprises a range of restraint holds and so called "distraction techniques" The Minister of Justice, for the Department of Justice, states the Government does not sanction violence against children, but the Committee considers that this is the effect of current UK law. In the Committee's view the Amendment Rules have created more confusion and have widened the scope for the use of force in an unacceptable manner. It recommends new Amendment Rules to make clear that physical restraint is not permissable for the purposes of good order and discipline and recommends careful monitoring of the effect of the Amendment Rules with regular reports by Government to Parliament on the number of restraint incidents. The Committee does welcome the creation of the Youth Justice Unit along with the re-establishment of the Medical Review Panel and also welcomes the Government's suspension of two restaint techniques in December 2007. The Committee further recommends the abolition of all distraction techniques and suggests a series of measures to ensure compliance by STCs with human rights standards as well as the publication of the PCC training manual in full and disseminated to all staff who use restraint.