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Provides an overview of the great thinkers and philosophical leaders from across Asia who helped change and shape the modern continent, including Tagore and Gandhi in India, Liang Qichao in China and Abdurreshi al Ibrahim in the Ottoman Empire.
En "Los imperios del mundo y el ultimo reino", vas a encontrar los tesoros escondidos y los secretos ocultos que operaron a lo largo de la historia antigua, en cada uno de los personajes de los grandes imperios del mundo.Este libro es un regalo de amor para tu vida en estos tiempos y en los venideros, de tal modo que desde el primer momento en que empieces la lectura, emprenderas un viaje de transformacion al mundo antiguo, y veras como el Creador ha estado vigente y presente en la vida de todos esos grandes personajes de la historia, hasta ser impulsados a la gobernabilidad; de igual manera, te sorprenderas como El va a estar presente en tu vida, para que puedas comprender el proposito especial para el que fuiste creado.Preparate a emprender el viaje a traves del tiempo, porque el pasado, el presente y el futuro estan en las manos de tu Creador, y tu puedes acceder a El, de modo que puedas comprender acerca del tiempo que estamos viviendo, y de todo lo que viene.De tal modo que este libro, sera para cada uno de ustedes un proceso de vida, por el que sus corazones llegaran a ser transformados, tal y como lo hizo con todas las personas a quienes El llamo y preparo en los tiempos antiguos, para que estuvieran capacitados de cumplir sus disenos.Esta obra es una verdadera oportunidad para tu vida y todos los que estan alrededor de ti, sin importar la condicion personal que tengas. !Recuerda que es un regalo de amor!
Trajectories of Empire extends from the beginning of the Iberian expansion of the mid-fifteenth century, through colonialism and slavery, and into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in Latin American republics. Its point of departure is the question of empire and its aftermath as reflected in the lives of contemporary Latin Americans of African descent and of their ancestors in the historical processes of Iberian colonial expansion, colonization, and the Atlantic slave trade. The book’s chapters explore what Blackness means in the so-called racial democracies of Brazil and Cuba today. Among the historical narratives and themes it covers are the role of medical science in the objectification and nullification of Black female personhood during slavery in nineteenth-century Brazil; the protocols of portraiture in the colonial period that, in including enslaved individuals, pictorially highlight and freeze their supposed inferiority vis-à-vis their owners; and those aspects of discourse that promote colonial capture and oppression in terms of evangelization and the saving of souls, or simply create the discursive template as early as the fifteenth century, for their continued alienation and marginalization across generations. Trajectories of Empire’s contributions come from the fields of literary criticism, visual culture, history, anthropology, popular culture (rap), and cultural studies. As the product of an interdisciplinary collective, this book will be of interest to scholars in Iberian or Hispanic studies, Africana studies, postcolonial studies, and transatlantic studies, as well as the general public.
The largest rebellion in the history of Spain's American empire—a conflict greater in territory and costlier in lives than the contemporaneous American Revolution—began as a local revolt against colonial authorities in 1780. As an official collector of tribute for the imperial crown, José Gabriel Condorcanqui had seen firsthand what oppressive Spanish rule meant for Peru's Indian population. Adopting the Inca royal name Tupac Amaru, he set events in motion that would transform him into Latin America's most iconic revolutionary figure. Tupac Amaru's political aims were modest at first. He claimed to act on the Spanish king's behalf, expelling corrupt Spaniards and abolishing onerous taxes. But the rebellion became increasingly bloody as it spread throughout Peru and into parts of modern-day Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. By late 1780, Tupac Amaru, his wife Micaela Bastidas, and their followers had defeated the Spanish in numerous battles and gained control over a vast territory. As the rebellion swept through Indian villages to gain recruits and overthrow the Spanish corregidors, rumors spread that the Incas had returned to reclaim their kingdom. Charles Walker immerses readers in the rebellion's guerrilla campaigns, propaganda war, and brutal acts of retribution. He highlights the importance of Bastidas—the key strategist—and reassesses the role of the Catholic Church in the uprising's demise. The Tupac Amaru Rebellion examines why a revolt that began as a multiclass alliance against European-born usurpers degenerated into a vicious caste war—and left a legacy that continues to influence South American politics today.
De nuevo la panda de los últimos de la clase entra en acción... ¿Lograrán rescatar a su profesor de matemáticas secuestrado por unos Números muy revoltosos? Todo un reto como autor para Antonio de la Fuente Arjona, conseguir convertir en acción, en vivencia teatral, algo tan abstracto como un problema matemático.
Capitalism in its modern form has become universal and has a presence in practically every country in the world, including those which once called themselves Communist. This book studies its effects on different labor markets, from those linked to highly tertiary economies (EU-27, USA and Japan, to the most productive economies, such as China, and on to economic models that are in full transition from secondary to tertiary economies, as is the case in several Latin American countries.
This book explores the origins, process, and consequences of forty years of nearly continual political violence in southeastern Mexico. Rather than recounting the well-worn narrative of the Caste War, it focuses instead on how four decades of violence helped shape social and political institutions of the Mexican southeast. Rebellion Now and Forever looks at Yucatán's famous Caste War from the perspective of the vast majority of Hispanics and Maya peasants who did not join in the great ethnic rebellion of 1847. It shows how the history of nonrebel territory was as dramatic and as violent as the front lines of the Caste War, and of greater significance for the larger evolution of Mexican society. The work explores political violence not merely as a method and process, but also as a molder of subsequent institutions and practices.
Carlos de Gante empieza su vertiginosa carrera aún antes de nacer. Su abuelo Maximiliano I había concebido un brillante plan para que su estirpe, la de los Habsburgo llegaran a consolidar un imperio como nunca se volveria a ver. A la corta edad de 16 años, con un golpe de astucia se proclama Rey de España junto con su madre, la Reina Juana, ademas recibe de su padre Felipe el Hermoso los Países Bajos, más tarde con ayuda de los banqueros Fugger se ciñe la Corona del Imperio alemán, consolida tras mucho batallar contra Francia su dominio sobre el Milanesado y las posesiones italianas. Como heredero de los Reyes Catolicos dispone de las inmensas riquezas en oro y plata que vienen de las Américas, Magallanes y Elcano, conquistan para él las Filipinas, confirmando así el hecho que en su imperio nunca se ponía el sol.
Segregation in America at the beginning of the 20th century was at its peak. The Jim Crow laws enforced racial discrimination. In this political situation, a black man had a hard time wishing to go to college. A smart young man Belton Piedmont faces numerous difficulties. He has no money to go to college, and when he finally finds financing, he is to face all the pains of segregation: inequality, social ostracism, and despise. In these conditions, he has to overcome different challenges, like a false accusation, mob attacks, unfair court hearing, and finding the strength to unite with the fellows to fight back.
This edition contains a wide variety of information on both foreign relations and internal administration and is one of the most important historical documents surviving from the Middle Byzantine period.