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Youth obesity is an ongoing problem in the United States. Obese children and adolescents are likely to be obese as adults and have an increased risk of developing chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, earlier in life. The multifactorial nature of obesity continues to challenge researchers and health professionals to determine methods for preventing and reducing childhood obesity. Research has suggested that obesity is a normal response to an "obesigenic" environment. Emerging as one of the most influential environments in obesity and behavior development is the home food environment. However, little is understood about the role of the home food environment in obesity and disease development in youth. The purpose of this research was to examine factors that influence the home food environment as well as the relationship between the home food environment and dietary intake, obesity, and disease development in a nationally representative sample of U.S. youth aged 6-19 years from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Race-ethnicity and poverty income ratio (PIR) were found to influence home food availability, family meal patterns, and family food expenditures, three aspects of the home food environment. Race-ethnicity, PIR, and home food availability appeared to influence dietary consumption in youth. However, home food availability did not appear to be related to overweight or obesity in youth. Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents was associated with adverse lipid concentrations. The home food environment is complex but may serve as a modifiable area for nutrition educators to influence dietary intake in youth. Racial and socioeconomic disparities in home food environments should be addressed in the development of effective public policy and nutrition education development. Although the home food environment was not found to be related to obesity in youth, research should continue assessing environmental factors of obesity development as obesity is related to disease development earlier in life.
Childhood is a crucial period for establishing lifelong healthy nutritional habits. The environment has an important influence on children’s dietary intake. This book focuses on the influence of environmental factors on the dietary intake of children and adolescents (0–18 years of age) within various settings including home, early care and education, school, college, holiday clubs, neighborhoods, and supermarkets. The reported studies examine a variety of factors within these settings, including the influence of cooking and parenting, teacher style, resources and barriers within various settings, marketing, and many other factors. The dietary intake behaviors examined include snacking, fruit and vegetable intake, beverage intake, and also nutrition in general. In addition, several papers focus on problems caused by inadequate nutrition, such as hunger and obesity. This work underlines the importance of the environment in influencing children’s and adolescents’ dietary intake. In addition, the papers identified some crucial barriers and facilitators for the implementation of environmental changes to enable a healthy diet for young children. Therefore, it provides some important directions for both future research and practice.
This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication. This study includes estimates of how each child¿s consumption of food away from home, food from school, and caloric sweetened beverages affects that child¿s diet quality and calorie consumption. Compared with meals and snacks prepared at home, food prepared away from home increases caloric intake of children, esp. older children. Each food-away-from-home meal adds 108 more calories to daily total intake among children ages 13-18 than a snack or meal from home. Both food away from home and all food from school also lower the daily diet quality of older children. Among younger children, the effect of food from school on caloric intake and diet quality does not differ significantly from that of food from home. Charts and tables.
More children born today will survive to adulthood than at any time in history. It is now time to emphasize health and development in middle childhood and adolescence--developmental phases that are critical to health in adulthood and the next generation. Child and Adolescent Health and Development explores the benefits that accrue from sustained and targeted interventions across the first two decades of life. The volume outlines the investment case for effective, costed, and scalable interventions for low-resource settings, emphasizing the cross-sectoral role of education. This evidence base can guide policy makers in prioritizing actions to promote survival, health, cognition, and physical growth throughout childhood and adolescence.
The prevalence of childhood obesity is so high in the United States that it may reduce the life expectancy of today's generation of children. While parents and other adult caregivers play a fundamental role in teaching children about healthy behaviors, even the most positive efforts can be undermined by local environments that are poorly suited to supporting healthy behaviors. For example, many communities lack ready sources of healthy food choices, such as supermarkets and grocery stores. Or they may not provide safe places for children to walk or play. In such communities, even the most motivated child or adolescent may find it difficult to act in healthy ways. Local governments-with jurisdiction over many aspects of land use, food marketing, community planning, transportation, health and nutrition programs, and other community issues-are ideally positioned to promote behaviors that will help children and adolescents reach and maintain healthy weights. Local Government Actions to Prevent Childhood Obesity presents a number of recommendations that touch on the vital role of government actions on all levels-federal, state, and local-in childhood obesity prevention. The book offers healthy eating and physical activity strategies for local governments to consider, making it an excellent resource for mayors, managers, commissioners, council members, county board members, and administrators.
Creating an environment in which children in the United States grow up healthy should be a high priority for the nation. Yet the prevailing pattern of food and beverage marketing to children in America represents, at best, a missed opportunity, and at worst, a direct threat to the health prospects of the next generation. Children's dietary and related health patterns are shaped by the interplay of many factorsâ€"their biologic affinities, their culture and values, their economic status, their physical and social environments, and their commercial media environmentsâ€"all of which, apart from their genetic predispositions, have undergone significant transformations during the past three decades. Among these environments, none have more rapidly assumed central socializing roles among children and youth than the media. With the growth in the variety and the penetration of the media have come a parallel growth with their use for marketing, including the marketing of food and beverage products. What impact has food and beverage marketing had on the dietary patterns and health status of American children? The answer to this question has the potential to shape a generation and is the focus of Food Marketing to Children and Youth. This book will be of interest to parents, federal and state government agencies, educators and schools, health care professionals, industry companies, industry trade groups, media, and those involved in community and consumer advocacy.
The study found that the home food checklist showed acceptable validity and reliability and can be used independently by parents to assess the foods in the home. Additionally, the study found that overweight children and adolescents had lower scores of total unhealthy foods and total unhealthy refrigerator foods visible compared to healthy weight children. Overweight among children was inversely associated with refrigerator visibility of unhealthy foods in the home, and children who had family meals more frequently were less likely to be overweight. The study determined that while parents faced numerous challenges in promoting healthy eating in the home, they utilized several strategies in providing healthy foods. The home environment is complex and multifactorial and continues to warrant further research to understand fully the impact of the home environment on a child's weight.
Child and adolescent diets in the United States are high in fat and sodium and low in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and dairy foods. Parental practices and foods provided in the home greatly influence children's food related behaviors. This impact may change as children progress through adolescence and other factors begin to play a role, such as peers, media, and convenience of food. This study aimed to investigate longitudinal relationships between parenting around food/eating, foods available in the home, and future child diet quality in younger versus older children. The National Impact on Kids (NIK) Study was a prospective cohort study with two time points, baseline and 2-year follow-up. Parental surveys were used to collect data on home food environment and 24-hour food recalls were used to collect child dietary intake. Child diet quality indicators include DASH score, fruit and vegetable intake, and high-energy beverage intake. In this secondary data analysis, participants were dichotomized in to two groups: younger (ages 6-8.99) versus older (ages 9-12.5) at study initiation. Hierarchical linear regression models were used to assess the association between initial parenting around food/eating and foods available in the home and future child diet quality indicators. Participants were 50.7% female and predominantly Non-Hispanic White (70.2%). A significant overall change in DASH scores (p=.053), total fruit and vegetable intake (p=.017), and high-energy beverage consumption (p
Childhood is a crucial period for establishing lifelong healthy nutritional habits. The environment has an important influence on children's dietary intake. This book focuses on the influence of environmental factors on the dietary intake of children and adolescents (0-18 years of age) within various settings including home, early care and education, school, college, holiday clubs, neighborhoods, and supermarkets. The reported studies examine a variety of factors within these settings, including the influence of cooking and parenting, teacher style, resources and barriers within various settings, marketing, and many other factors. The dietary intake behaviors examined include snacking, fruit and vegetable intake, beverage intake, and also nutrition in general. In addition, several papers focus on problems caused by inadequate nutrition, such as hunger and obesity. This work underlines the importance of the environment in influencing children's and adolescents' dietary intake. In addition, the papers identified some crucial barriers and facilitators for the implementation of environmental changes to enable a healthy diet for young children. Therefore, it provides some important directions for both future research and practice.
The childhood obesity epidemic is an urgent public health problem. The most recent data available show that nearly 19 percent of boys and about 15 percent of girls aged 2-19 are obese, and almost a third of U.S. children and adolescents are overweight or obese (Ogden et al., 2012). The obesity epidemic will continue to take a substantial toll on the health of Americans. In the midst of this epidemic, children are exposed to an enormous amount of commercial advertising and marketing for food. In 2009, children aged 2-11 saw an average of more than 10 television food ads per day (Powell et al., 2011). Children see and hear advertising and marketing messages for food through many other channels as well, including radio, movies, billboards, and print media. Most notably, many new digital media venues and vehicles for food marketing have emerged in recent years, including Internet-based advergames, couponing on cell phones, and marketing on social networks, and much of this advertising is invisible to parents. The marketing of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and beverages is linked to overweight and obesity. A major 2006 report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) documents evidence that television advertising influences the food and beverage preferences, requests, and short-term consumption of children aged 2-11 (IOM, 2006). Challenges and Opportunities for Change in Food Marketing to Children and Youth also documents a body of evidence showing an association of television advertising with the adiposity of children and adolescents aged 2-18. The report notes the prevailing pattern that food and beverage products marketed to children and youth are often high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium; are of low nutritional value; and tend to be from food groups Americans are already overconsuming. Furthermore, marketing messages that promote nutrition, healthful foods, or physical activity are scarce (IOM, 2006). To review progress and explore opportunities for action on food and beverage marketing that targets children and youth, the IOM's Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity Prevention held a workshop in Washington, DC, on November 5, 2012, titled "New Challenges and Opportunities in Food Marketing to Children and Youth."