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This book is issued by blue ink publication house consisting 50 amazing different co authors .our publishing house has been serving from 3 years looking forward to make an impact through their work . which includes the author who has devoted their write-ups in this book . And helps to reunite co author from across the country which basically gives a platform to showcase their capabilities to inspire and guide people under their remarkable work..
One hundred and fifty years ago, Florida was shaken by battle, blockade, economic deprivation, and the death of native sons both within and far outside its borders. Today, tributes to the valor and sacrifice of Florida’s soldiers, sailors, and civilians can be found from the Panhandle to the Keys. Authors Lees and Gaske look at the diversity of Civil War monuments built in Florida between Reconstruction and the present day, elucidating their emblematic and social dimensions. Most monuments built in Florida honor the Confederacy, praising the valor of Southern soldiers and often extolling the righteousness of their “Lost Cause.” At the same time, a fascinating minority of Union monuments also exists in the state—and these bear notably muted messages. Recalling Deeds Immortal shows how the creation of these bronze and stone monuments created new social battlegrounds as, over the years, groups such as the Ladies’ Memorial Associations, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Grand Army of the Republic competed to control the messages behind the memorialization of fallen soldiers and veterans. Examining the evolution of Civil War monuments, the authors demonstrate that the construction of these memorials is itself an important part of Civil War and post-Civil War history.
Grieving over the loss of his love, werewolf Bowen MacRieve enjoys a passionate encounter with his enemy, the witch Mariketa the Awaited, but when sinister forces threaten her life, Bowen must use all his skills to keep her alive.
Life is the most important possession we have. Without it, there is nothing. Only by the resurrection at the second coming of Christ will anyone have life after death. After the resurrection, the fate of those who are in Christ: [1] Eternal life [Romans 6:23] [2]"Shall inherit eternal life" [Matthew 19:29] [3] After the judgment they "shall go away into eternal life" [Matthew 25:46] [4] Will "have eternal life" [John 3:5] [5] Christ will raise them up on the last day [John 6:40] [6] Will be immortal after the resurrection [1 Corinthians 15:5156] [7] Will have incorruption [1 Corinthians 15:42] [8] Will have glory [1 Corinthians 15:43] [9] Will be like Christ "We shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is" [1 John 3:2] [10] Are "heirs according to the hope of eternal life" [Titus 3:7] [11] Will have a spiritual body [1 Corinthians 15:44] [12] "And as we have borne the image of the earthly (The earthly flesh and blood body of Adam was made to live on this earth but it "cannot inherit the kingdom of God" 1 Corinthians 15:50), we shall also bear the image of the heavenly" (Shall be like the spiritual body of Christ for life in Heaven) [1 Corinthians 15:4756] [13] "Will never perish" [John 10:28] [14] Forever with the Lord [1 Thessalonians 4:17] [15] Many mansions in my father's house: "In my Father's house (Who is in Heaven, Matthew 5:16; 5:45; 5:48; 6:1; 6:9; 7:21; 10:3233) are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you."
Reprint of the original, first published in 1867.