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This book is an encouragement for the Christian walk, showing that our God lives and loves people very much. It is for the unbeliever, and it tells of His goodness, mercy, love, and existence demonstrated in His work of creation that favors a relationship with mankind. God is omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresent; He describes Himself as I Am that I Am (Exodus 3:14). Man disappointed God by committing sin in the Garden of Eden, but He did not give up on man (John 3:16). Jesus, the Son of God, journeyed to the cross of Calvary to pay for our sins. Gods grace is greater than all our sins. The inspiration about the book came from Isaiah 6:9: To go and tell the story of Gods love to His people to be healed. It is resourced the word of truth from the Holy Bible, and the author is privileged by grace to give her humble narratives. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). Jesus is talking about eternal life and abundant living by His providence.
Fifty-two museum-quality illustrations, with accompanying text by the artist, brilliantly depict the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. A masterpiece and Gold Medallion winner.
Jesus (which means ‘The LORD saves) the Christ is also named Immanuel, which means God with us. Isaiah 7:10-14, AMP ..... Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us). Matthew 1:23 Amplified Bible (AMP) “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.” There are many indicators pointing to Jesus in the Old Testament scriptures. In this book, we would like to focus on just one; Immanuel. Old Testament scriptures are peppered with “Immanuel”. In the unfolding pages, we have compiled portions of the relevant scriptures for the reader to explore and savor. This is by no means exhaustive and reader is encouraged to examine the scriptures for themselves. The sole objective of the book is to whet the appetite of the reader(s) for the Word of God.
Christmas can be a hectic and even heavy time for some- especially if you've experienced crisis or tragedy. Immanuel is always with us. His presence is predetermined, not conditional. He's with us when it's good and He's with us when it's not. Granted there are times when it's more difficult to see or feel His nearness, but nonetheless He is here and He is near. "The Word became flesh and walked among us." He still does. "I will never leave you or forsake you." He is Immanuel God with us. This devotional contains a short reading for each day, counting down the days until Christmas.
All too often we feel God has abandoned us. Troubles and despair enter our life. Has God left us, or does He keep his promise to be with us until the end of the age? This book begins by looking at the broad arena of creation and narrows the focus down to our personal life.
Millennials have disrupted almost every major industry. Whether you’re a parent trying to raise them, a pastor trying to reach them, or an employer trying to retain them, they’re disruptive. As the largest living generation, millennials are one of the most studied but misunderstood groups of our day. And the chasm between the generations is only getting wider. Speaker and founder of the Initiative Network Grant Skeldon pulls back the confusing statistics about millennials to reveal the root issue: it’s not a millennial problem, it’s a discipleship problem. Millennials are known for their struggle to hold jobs, reluctance to live on their own, and alarming migration away from the church. And now our culture is feeling the results of a mentor-less, fatherless generation. But how do you start discipling young people when you struggle to connect with them? Written by a millennial, The Passion Generation will guide you beyond the stats of what millennials are doing to the why they’re doing it and how we can all move toward healthy community. With wit, compassion, and startling insights, this book shares stories and studies drawn from Skeldon’s years of working to bridge generational gaps. In his signature conversational style, Skeldon offers researched strategies that will spark healthy connections, and practical methods that will help you disciple the millennials you love. This book is your guide to understanding the millennials in your life who are seemingly reckless but far from hopeless, for the future of the church that depends on them.
Explore events foundational to our faith in this six-session study of the book of Exodus. Israel is enslaved in Egypt, wondering whether God's covenantal promises to Abraham will be fulfilled. Suffering under oppression and violence, Israel cries out, and God hears, remembers, and acts. Through miraculous signs and wonders, God warns Pharaoh to relent, delivers Israel through the Red Sea, and brings the people into covenant at Mount Sinai. What will be Israel's response? The defining events of Exodus shape Israel's identity throughout the biblical narrative, from Joshua to Jesus. With your Bible in one hand and this study in the other, join us as we take an in-depth look at Exodus, the character of God, and the call of Israel as God's chosen people. Discover foundational truths with the lessons of Israel: The Hebrew people were not just freed from slavery but also freed for a purpose. As Israel carried God's presence into the world, they were called to live differently so the world would know there is a God in Israel. The six sessions include God Hears: God cares about Israel's oppression and the oppressed in our world. God Acts: God acts and begins a rescue plan for Israel. God Rescues: Israel is delivered, and God's rescue plan begins in full. God Reigns: Israel comes to the Red Sea and cries out in despair, yet Miriam is prepared to sing of God's deliverance. God Covenants: God invites Israel to become his people, betrothed to him alone. God Dwells: It is not just "freedom from" slavery but "freedom for" a purpose.