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This is a new volume from the Book of Mormon Academy at Brigham Young University. This volume explores the relationship between the Nephite and the Jaredite records culturally, politically, literarily, and theologically. The first approach is a cultural-historical lens, in which elements of Jaredite culture are discussed, including the impact of a Jaredite subculture on Nephite politics during the reign of the judges, and a Mesopotamia perspective as seership and divination, and the brother of Jared's experience as a liminal one. The second grouping looks at the book of Ether through a narratological lens, all three papers exploring different aspects of Moroni's construction of the book of Ether. The third grouping explores the book of Ether's depiction of women, as it contains one of the most descriptive, yet ambivalent female figures in the Book of Mormon, both historically and in our contemporary era. Finally, the book of Ether is reviewed via a teaching lens. In Alma 37, Alma the Younger explained the teaching value of the Jaredite records, these last two studies examine ways in which the book of Ether in particular can be taught to a modern audience.
Under the guidance of some of the best thinkers on the Book of Mormon, the Abinadi narrative springs to life as each chapter approaches Abinadi¿s story and words from a different perspective. Whether viewed through a sociopolitical, literary, theological, philosophical, or historical lens, new insights and a new appreciation for the richness of Abinadi¿s discourse will help readers reignite their passion for the beauty and depth of the Book of Mormon.This volume is written for an informed, Latter-day Saint audience, and seeks to fill a gap in high-quality research and writing on the Book of Mormon. It is produced by members of Brigham Young University¿s Book of Mormon Academy, a group of scholars dedicated to research on the Book of Mormon. As the narrative is viewed from a variety of angles, its richness, beauty, and profound meaning come more clearly into focus.
This book, one of the doctrinal classics by Elder James A. Talmage, contains 104 essays by Elder Talmage on various gospel topics that are unique to Mormonism. Topics include the Articles of Faith, the Book of Mormon and the Bible, prophets, apostles, modern revelation, laws and the constitution, democracy, and the nature of God. Elder Talmage is widely recognized as a premier LDS scholar. His seminal work, Jesus the Christ, has been read by generations of missionaries and others seeking to learn more about the life of Christ and become His disciples. Jesus the Christ was first published in 1915, four years before this book. In addition to Jesus the Christ, Talmage is also the author of Articles of Faith, Articles of Faith, Great Apostasy, House of the Lord, Story and Philosophy of “Mormonism”, as well as hundreds of General Conference talks and articles for LDS Church publications. The writings of Elder Talmage are filled with faith and have the power to bring those who seek diligently closer to Jesus Christ. I hope that they will strengthen your faith as they have mine.
"Includes fourteen of the papers presented at "Chiasmus: An Open Conference on the State of the Art," held at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, on August 15-16, 2017. Assesses the current use of chiastic analysis in a wide-ranging body of languages and texts, including the Hebrew Bible, Babylonian epics, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, and Mayan inscriptions"--
On a summer day in 1828, Book of Mormon scribe and witness Martin Harris was emptying drawers, upending furniture, and ripping apart mattresses as he desperately looked for a stack of papers he had sworn to God to protect. Those pages containing the only copy of the first three months of the Joseph Smith's translation of the golden plates were forever lost, and the detailed stories they held forgotten over the ensuing years--until now. In this highly anticipated work, author Don Bradley presents over a decade of historical and scriptural research to not only tell the story of the lost pages but to reconstruct many of the detailed stories written on them. Questions explored and answered include: Was the lost manuscript actually 116 pages? How did Mormon's abridgment of this period differ from the accounts in Nephi's small plates? Where did the brass plates and Laban's sword come from? How did Lehi's family and their descendants live the Law of Moses without the temple and Aaronic priesthood? How did the Liahona operate? Why is Joseph of Egypt emphasized so much in the Book of Mormon? How were the first Nephites similar to the very last? What message did God write on the temple wall for Aminadi to translate? How did the Jaredite interpreters come into the hands of the Nephite kings? Why was King Benjamin so beloved by his people? Despite the likely demise of those pages to the sands of time, the answers to these questions and many more are now available for the first time in nearly two centuries in The Lost 116 Pages: Reconstructing the Book of Mormon's Missing Stories.
"Following the destruction of the Nephite people, Moroni works in solitude to complete a long-promised translation of an ancient record: the Jaredite plates. Discovered amid the ruins of a lost civilization, this record has captivated Nephites' imaginations for centuries. Now Moroni sees foreshadowed therein the spiritual wonders and historical tragedies of his own people." -- publisher
This third volume by the Book of Mormon Academy at Brigham Young University is a study of the sermon of Samuel the Lamanite by means of four analytical lenses. The first, a prophetic lens, discusses the roles of prophets, the prophetic promise of "prolonged days," and Samuel's prophecies. The second lens is pedagogical, providing readers with a greater understanding of how to teach the sermon. Readers who take advantage of the third lens, which is cultural-theological, will discover a useful framework for comprehending the ethics of wealth in the sermon, witness how Samuel stands up to Nephite discrimination, and benefit from a detailed reading of the sermon that will enable them grasp how spiritual death divides both Christ and human beings. Lastly, the fourth set of lenses, literary in nature, assists the reader in recognizing a newly identified type-scene, traces possible sources Samuel may have relied on, explores sources Mormon may have turned to as he abridged the work, and studies parallels between the ancient sermon and a form of early American speech known as the "jeremiad."
My first impression in reading this text was that it was rightly named in its title. Indeed the author intends to lead the reader through an exploration of a book that he describes as an imperfect book, and does so in a way that enables the book to speak for itself. Given the fact that so many approach the Book of Mormon through lenses already adjusted to read the text for apologetic purposes, I found the author's engagement of the Book of Mormon to be respectfully and critically refreshing. Feeling unable to rely on historians, archeologists, self-designated authorities, or others with sure knowledge of the Book of Mormon, the author turns to the book itself for what it might reveal about itself. Rather than turning to external evidences to vindicate the central claims of the Book of Mormon, the author invites the reader to explore internal evidences to be discovered in the book itself. He does this while engaging a broad range of contemporary scholarship. Dale E. Luffman, Association for Mormon Letters
Too often readers approach the Book of Mormon simply as a collection of quotations, an inspired anthology to be scanned quickly and routinely recited. In Beholding the Tree of Life Bradley J. Kramer encourages his readers to slow down, to step back, and to contemplate the literary qualities of the Book of Mormon using interpretive techniques developed by Talmudic and post-Talmudic rabbis. Specifically, Kramer shows how to read the Book of Mormon closely, in levels, paying attention to the details of its expression as well as to its overall connection to the Hebrew Scriptures—all in order to better appreciate the beauty of the Book of Mormon and its limitless capacity to convey divine meaning.