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Conservatives are busy trying to save the world. The world is going to heck in a handbasket, and liberals are trying to figure out whether to hold angry peace rallies or celebrate the environment by leaving their signs on the grass for productive people to clean up. If only they knew how many trees and bunny rabbits were murdered on 9/11 by people unconcerned with carbon emissions. Liberals like to declare every conservative on the planet to be either evil or stupid. Ideological Idiocy is about their declaration of our being unenlightened dolts. This is ideological idiocy. Having liberals declare the author stupid is like listening to members of the KKK call him insensitive. Conservatives must remember that our critics do not matter. Nobody listens to these crying children. For those that do not have a blunt instrument nearby, or are looking for a solution that avoids jail, humor is a powerful weapon. Use it against the left every moment they breathe. They may get offended, but that is the point. The only thing that the author wants to communicate in this book is that without love and laughter, there is no life. Nothing he does will change the world, but if it gets a stiff person to lighten up and smile, he is pleased.
Why do well-educated antiwar activists call the president of the United States “the new Hitler” and argue that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks? Why does Al Gore believe that cars pose “a mortal threat to the security of every nation”? Why does the Princeton professor known as the father of the animal rights movement object to humans eating animals but not to humans having sex with them—and why does PETA defend that position? In other words, why do smart people fall for stupid ideas? The answer, Daniel J. Flynn reveals in Intellectual Morons, is ideology. Flynn, the author of Why the Left Hates America, shows how people can be so blinded to reality by the causes they serve that they espouse bizarre, sometimes ridiculous, and often dangerous positions. The most influential social movements have spawned ideologues who do not care whether an idea is good or bad, true or false, but only whether it can serve their cause. It is startling how many Americans—and particularly how many media, academic, and political elites—fall for bad ideas. The trouble is, their lies become institutionalized as truth, and we all suffer as a result. In Intellectual Morons, Flynn reveals: •How rabid anti-Americans simply parrot the delusional claims of a few gurus •How the environmental movement, spawned by a “scientist” whose doomsday predictions are almost always wrong, has bred fanaticism, stupidity, and dishonesty •How the hero of the animal rights crowd is a crank who promotes infanticide and euthanasia •How a scientific fraud—and pervert—launched the sexual revolution •How abortion rights activists ignore (or cover up) the fact that their matron saint advocated eugenics and concentration camps •How our universities have become hothouses of leftist ideology •How historians and journalists have airbrushed history to turn a racial separatist into a civil rights icon Filled with jaw-dropping lapses in common sense from even our most celebrated opinion leaders, Intellectual Morons is a welcome reality check for the glaring excesses of today’s political and cultural debates. "This is a sophisticated pile driver of a book, guiding us through the wiles of great luminaries of the netherworld. And such liveliness in the writing, and such erudition. I was quite fascinated by Intellectual Morons."—William F. Buckley, Jr. "Intellectual Morons is exceptionally aptly named. The thought of all that brainpower going down the intellectual drain is sad, but Daniel Flynn's description of it is hilariously on point. This is must reading."—G. Gordon Liddy "Intellectual Morons is a delight—a wonderful intellectual history of the past hundred years. Flynn ably describes the purveyors of the bad ideas that have undermined our free society."—Burton W. Folsom, Jr., professor of history, Hillsdale College "A famous bit of folk wisdom says, 'You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.' Some of the crackpot notions now fashionable in academic circles, as here documented by Daniel Flynn, suggest that saying is an understatement. If you want to know how crazy, and scairy, intellectual morons can get, you have to read this book."—M. Stanton Evans, author of The Theme Is Freedom, contributing editor to Human Events
"Put the varnish remover back on the shelf! You won't need it when reading Eric's latest book, Ideological Lunacy. In Eric's true, take no prisoners style he impales liberals with a mixture of facts, wit, and outright humor melded together in a writing style guaranteed to grab your attention and not let go. This is a must read for anyone who is wondering why America is upside down." Lt. Col. Bill Cowan, Fox News military analyst and author of Snatching Hillary: A Satirical Novel "Eric has two ambitions: To impregnate a pretty Republican Jewish brunette (after marrying her) and to save his beloved America. This book will further both goals. Incisive, impassioned and laugh-out-loud funny, what smart politically conservative Jewish girl could possibly resist Eric after reading this? What loyal American could not be inspired after reading Eric's cutting arguments?" Trevor Loudon, international speaker and author of The Enemies Within "Eric has done it again. His new book Ideological Lunacy is politically conservative 'Lenny Bruce.' I love when somebody can restate an idea from a perspective I haven't thought about, and be clever and funny. The opportunities for derivative thought in Eric's work is endless, and I suggest adding Ideological Lunacy to your library as a 'must read.'" Kevin Jackson, Syndicated Radio Host and Best-Selling Author of The Big Black Lie. "Eric makes me laugh. Not just because I feel his opinions about liberals are complete lunacy; but because he can make politics fun and entertaining." Leslie Marshall, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host and Fox News Contributor "A raucous roller coaster of Republican rants worth the ride." Dee Dee Sorvino, Emmy award winning TV host and commentator; former Chairman, Young Republican National Federation Ideological Lunacy is what happens to the left when their worst plans inevitably fail. The world is on fire. Islamists are trying to spread a worldwide caliphate. Terrorists are running wild. There is global financial instability. Conservatives are busy trying to save the world from domestic and foreign threats. Liberals led by rich white leftists are worried about temperature changes in a world God created and the name of a football team. From pointy-headed witless academics to celebrity bimbos, Ideological Lunacy calls out the craziest people in society and attempts to teach them how to act normal. Whether your favorite charity is Burn the Forests or Molotov Mocktails for Metrosexuals, the political spectrum has space for you. Have some dead cow and some sugar-flavored carbonation and enjoy this book. For the perpetually angry left, Ideological Lunacy is an intervention.
"This book was undertaken before the terms 'fake news' and 'alternative facts' were coined and the further escalation of America's ideological civil war. It was prompted by deep wonderment at the way people tend to be wholly enclosed within their ideological frames and deaf to claims about reality that come from the opposite camp, no matter how valid they might be. Ideology consists of normative prescriptions regarding how society should be shaped, together with an interpretive roadmap indicating how this normative vision can be implemented in reality. Ideological fixation is the result of tensions and conflicts between these two elements. The book does not focus on the normative aspect of ideology, which is largely subjective, but on its factual claims about the world, typically subordinate to, and often distorted by, the normative commitment. After theorists around 1960 proclaimed the 'death of ideology', ideological divides and clashes have reemerged with renewed intensity throughout the world, including in the liberal democracies. In the United States they have become particularly venomous. The other side is widely viewed as malicious, irrational or downright stupid, and, often, as barely legitimate. The zeal of the opposing sides is often scarcely less than that which characterized the religious ideologies of old. Indeed, historical religious ideologies have largely been replaced by 'secular religions' or 'religion substitutes'. The book is not another survey of past and present ideologies. It is an attempt to understand the cognitive, emotional and social roots of ideology and ideological fixation. It combines insights from evolutionary psychology regarding the nature of some of our deepest proclivities with a broad sweep through history. It proceeds from the Stone Age to the rise of civilization, the great religions and modernity, to a critique of fundamental factual premises that underlie some of the major debates dominating today's liberal democracies"--
In ancient Athens, “idiots” were those selfish citizens who dishonorably declined to participate in the life of the polis, and whose disavowal of the public interest was seen as poor taste and an indication of judgment. Over time, however, the term idiot has shifted from that philosophically uncomplicated definition to an ever-changing sociological signifier, encompassing a wide range of meanings and beliefs for those concerned with intellectual and cognitive disability. Idiocy: A Cultural History offers for the first time a analysis of the concept, drawing on cultural, sociological, scientific, and popular representations ranging from Wordsworth’s “Idiot Boy” and Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge to Down’s “Ethnic classification of idiots.” It tracks how our changing definition of idiocy intersects with demography, political movements, philosophical traditions, economic concerns, and the growth of the medical profession.
Experiences of an Indian cricket captain.
This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. One of the first books to put memory at the centre of analysis when exploring the relationship between film culture and the past. Provides a sustained, interdisciplinary perspective on memory and film from early cinema to the present, drawing from film studies, American studies and cultural studies. Adopts a resolutely cultural perspective and unlike psychoanalytic or formalist approaches to memory, explores questions of culture, power and identity. Contributes to the growing debate about the status and function of the past in cultural life and discourse, discussing issues of memory in film, and of film as memory. Considers such well known films as Forrest Gump, Pleasantville, and Jackie Brown.
The term "ideology" can cover almost any set of ideas, but its power to bewitch political activists results from its strange logic: part philosophy, part science, part spiritual revelation, all tied together in leading to a remarkable paradox--that the modern Western world, beneath its liberal appearance, is actually the most systematically oppressive system of despotism the world has ever seen. Alien Powers: The Pure Theory of Ideology takes this complex intellectual construction apart, analyzing its logical, rhetorical, and psychological devices and thus opening it up to critical analysis. Ideologists assert that our lives are governed by a hidden system. Minogue traces this notion to Karl Marx who taught intellectuals the philosophical, scientific, moral, and religious moves of the ideological game. The believer would find in these ideas an endless source of new liberating discoveries about the meaning of life, and also the grand satisfaction of struggling to overcome oppression. Minogue notes that while the patterns of ideological thought were consistent, there was little agreement on who the oppressor actually was. Marx said it was the bourgeoisie, but others found the oppressor to be males, governments, imperialists, the white race, or the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Ideological excitement created turmoil in the twentieth century, but the defeat of the more violent and vicious ideologies--Nazism after 1945 and Communism after 1989--left the passion for social perfection as vibrant as ever. Activist intellectuals still seek to "see through" the life we lead. The positive goals of utopia may for the moment have faded, but the ideological hatred of modernity has remained, and much of our intellectual life has degenerated into a muddled and dogmatic skepticism. For Minogue, the complex task of "demystifying" the "demystifiers" requires that we should discover how ideology works. It must join together each of its complex strands of thought in order to understand the remarkable power of the whole.
ASDF MPE represents a roadmap in addressing the multiple issues facing Autism, Psychopaths, Pedophiles and COVID. Autism can be a scary word, and any misdiagnosis can be catastrophic to your child's cognitive or learning ability. What is Autism, when your child can't read, or has behavioral issues? Climbing the autistic ladder from Sensory, to Creative and finally Cognitive depends on your child's particular birth defect. Yes, a birth defect could be hormonal, biochemical, sensory, attitude or cognitive. Autism may not reveal itself until the second grade, where learning becomes a monumental stumbling block. How you approach your child's education often requires specialized medical or psychological care. Psychological Care attempts to understand how your child's brain works, because Autism is a broad spectrum of Sensory, Creative and Cognitive roadblocks. i've included several examples, charts to fill out, case studies, my own personal experiences and what strategies work best. Autism consists of 11 senses, where most normal people have 5. These 11 senses often branch off into Psychopaths and Pedophiles, which I explain in great detail. Recognizing each of these 11 senses offers a better understanding of your child's character, behavior, interests or personality. Autism is a birth defect, afflicting the Endocrine system, brain and many sensory receptors within the nervous system. Being a birth defect, Parents and School Administrators must documented and design your child's educational curriculum, so to better accommodate a successful learning experience.
Jewish Lunacy looks back on six millennia of Jewish history, presenting it as the history of a family by telling it through the reminiscences of Eric, who calls himself the Tygrrrr Express. He grew up hearing stories of heartbreaking pain, insightful wisdom, and sidesplitting humor from Jewish relatives and the elders in Long Island, where he grew up. Drawing upon his familys rich oral traditions, the author explores the deeply serious and humorously welcoming history of the Jewish people. Organized by topics, the book explores the lunacy of the authors growing up and uncovers the strange elements in topics as varied as sex, sports, philosophy, politics, pacifism, conspiracy theories, and religion. If you find yourself bemoaning the bleak landscape of the days news and would like a refreshing approach in reading stories that take seriously the truly significant realities of lifeGod, family, and relationshipswhile finding in them reasons and occasions for laughter, then Jewish Lunacy will take you on a journey through history and entertain you with such stories. As its subtitle promises, Jewish Lunacy tells the stories that 6000 years full of tradition and pride have given as gifts to be passed on to others.