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Proceedings -- Computer Arithmetic, Algebra, OOP.
At its meeting in April 1990 at the University of Cambridge, the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) decided that the largely unorganized archives of the Union should be properly arranged and catalogued. Simultaneously, the Executive Committee expressed the wish that a history of the Union should be written [1). As Secretary of the Union, I had proposed that these issues be dis cussed at the Cambridge meeting, but without having had in mind any personal role in the practical execution of such projects. At that time, the papers of the IMU were stored in Zurich, at the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, and I saw no reason why they could not remain there. At about this time, Professor K. Chandrasekharan produced a handwritten article titled "The Prehistory of the International Mathematical Union" [2), and it seemed to me that this might serve as the beginning of a more compre hensive history. I had first thought that Tuulikki MakeUiinen, who during eight years as the Office Secretary ofthe IMU had become well acquainted with the Union, would do the arranging of the archives in Zurich. She had a preliminary look at the material there, but it soon became clear that the amount of work required to bring order to it was too great to be accomplished in a few short visits from Helsinki. The total volume of material was formidable.
During the past few years, we have been witnessing the rapid growth of the ap plications of Interactive Digital Video, Multimedia Computing, Desktop Video Teleconferencing, Virtual Reality, and High Definition Television (HDTV). An other information revolution which is tied to Cyberspace is almost within reach. The information, data, text, graphics, video, sound, etc. , in the form of multi media, can be requested, accessed, distributed, and transmitted to potentially every household. This is changing and will continue to change the way of people doing business, functioning in the society, and entertaining. In the foreseeable future, many personalized, portable information terminals, which can be car ried while traveling, will provide the link to central computer network to allow information exchange including videos from a node to node, from a center to a node, or nodes. Facing this opportunity, the question is what are the major significant technical challenges that people have to solve to push the-state-of-the-art for the realiza tion of the above mentioned technology advancement? From our professional judgement We feel that one of the major technical challenges is in Video Data Compression. Video communications in the form of desktop teleconferencing, videophone, network video delivery on demand, even games, are going to be major media traveling in the information super highway, hopping from one node in the Cyberspace to the other.
Our Subjects and Objectives. This book is about algebraic and symbolic computation and numerical computing (with matrices and polynomials). It greatly extends the study of these topics presented in the celebrated books of the seventies, [AHU] and [BM] (these topics have been under-represented in [CLR], which is a highly successful extension and updating of [AHU] otherwise). Compared to [AHU] and [BM] our volume adds extensive material on parallel com putations with general matrices and polynomials, on the bit-complexity of arithmetic computations (including some recent techniques of data compres sion and the study of numerical approximation properties of polynomial and matrix algorithms), and on computations with Toeplitz matrices and other dense structured matrices. The latter subject should attract people working in numerous areas of application (in particular, coding, signal processing, control, algebraic computing and partial differential equations). The au thors' teaching experience at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and at the University of Pisa suggests that the book may serve as a text for advanced graduate students in mathematics and computer science who have some knowledge of algorithm design and wish to enter the exciting area of algebraic and numerical computing. The potential readership may also include algorithm and software designers and researchers specializing in the design and analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, alge braic and symbolic computing, and numerical computation.
This book is the first comprehensive introduction to the theory of equatorially-confined waves and currents in the ocean. Among the topics treated are inertial and shear instabilities, wave generation by coastal reflection, semiannual and annual cycles in the tropic sea, transient equatorial waves, vertically-propagating beams, equatorial Ekman layers, the Yoshida jet model, generation of coastal Kelvin waves from equatorial waves by reflection, Rossby solitary waves, and Kelvin frontogenesis. A series of appendices on midlatitude theories for waves, jets and wave reflections add further material to assist the reader in understanding the differences between the same phenomenon in the equatorial zone versus higher latitudes.