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A GRATITUDE book for children to help them to think about what they are grateful for and why. Being grateful for our bodies is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. Let's teach our children while they are young that our bodies are awesome and how we can feel gratitude for them. Beautifully illustrated and laid out to help them learn to say THANK YOU for our bodies or whatever we are grateful for! I have learned that being grateful for what we have, even if it is the littlest things, helps us feel lighter, shine brighter, and have a more positive outlook on life. Naming the thing we are grateful for, closing our eyes and feeling how grateful we are and why, and then saying thank you three times really puts us into a positive perspective. As you read this book with your children, ask them what they are grateful for and why. You will be surprised at the beauty of gratitude that lies within them . . . and you!
A GRATITUDE book for children to help them to think about what they are grateful for and why. Being grateful for our bodies is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. Let's teach our children while they are young that our bodies are awesome and how we can feel gratitude for them. Beautifully illustrated and laid out to help them learn to say THANK YOU for our bodies or whatever we are grateful for!I have learned that being grateful for what we have, even if it is the littlest things, helps us feel lighter, shine brighter, and have a more positive outlook on life. Naming the thing we are grateful for, closing our eyes and feeling how grateful we are and why, and then saying thank you three times really puts us into a positive perspective. As you read this book with your children, ask them what they are grateful for and why. You will be surprised at the beauty of gratitude that lies within them . . . and you!
Create a healthier and happier life by treating yourself with compassion rather than shame. Imagine a graph with two lines. One indicates happiness, the other tracks how you feel about your body. If you’re like millions of people, the lines do not intersect. But what if they did? This practical, inspirational, and visually lively book shows you the way to a sense of well-being attained by understanding how to love, connect, and care for yourself—and that includes your mind as well as your body. Body Kindness is based on four principles. WHAT YOU DO: the choices you make about food, exercise, sleep, and more HOW YOU FEEL: befriending your emotions and standing up to the unhelpful voice in your head WHO YOU ARE: goal-setting based on your personal values WHERE YOU BELONG: body-loving support from people and communities that help you create a meaningful life With mind and body exercises to keep your energy spiraling up and prompts to help you identify what YOU really want and care about, Body Kindness helps you let go of things you can't control and embrace the things you can by finding the workable, daily steps that fit you best. It's the anti-diet book that leads to a more joyful and meaningful life.
One recent December, at age 53, John Kralik found his life at a terrible, frightening low: his small law firm was failing; he was struggling through a painful second divorce; he had grown distant from his two older children and was afraid he might lose contact with his young daughter; he was living in a tiny apartment where he froze in the winter and baked in the summer; he was 40 pounds overweight; his girlfriend had just broken up with him; and overall, his dearest life dreams--including hopes of upholding idealistic legal principles and of becoming a judge--seemed to have slipped beyond his reach. Then, during a desperate walk in the hills on New Year's Day, John was struck by the belief that his life might become at least tolerable if, instead of focusing on what he didn't have, he could find some way to be grateful for what he had. Inspired by a beautiful, simple note his ex-girlfriend had sent to thank him for his Christmas gift, John imagined that he might find a way to feel grateful by writing thank-you notes. To keep himself going, he set himself a goal--come what may--of writing 365 thank-you notes in the coming year. One by one, day after day, he began to handwrite thank yous--for gifts or kindnesses he'd received from loved ones and coworkers, from past business associates and current foes, from college friends and doctors and store clerks and handymen and neighbors, and anyone, really, absolutely anyone, who'd done him a good turn, however large or small. Immediately after he'd sent his very first notes, significant and surprising benefits began to come John's way--from financial gain to true friendship, from weight loss to inner peace. While John wrote his notes, the economy collapsed, the bank across the street from his office failed, but thank-you note by thank-you note, John's whole life turned around. 365 Thank Yous is a rare memoir: its touching, immediately accessible message--and benefits--come to readers from the plainspoken storytelling of an ordinary man. Kralik sets a believable, doable example of how to live a miraculously good life. To read 365 Thank Yous is to be changed.
Without being taught about body boundaries, a child may be too young to understand when abuse is happening—or that it’s wrong. This straightforward, gentle book offers a tool parents, teachers, and counselors can use to help children feel, be, and stay safe. The rhyming story and simple, friendly illustrations provide a way to sensitively share and discuss the topic, guiding young children to understand that their private parts belong to them alone. The overriding message of My Body Belongs to Me is that if someone touches your private parts, tell your mom, your dad, your teacher, or another safe adult.
Reflect on how are bodies allow us to do so many wonderful things.
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Joan Z. Borysenko, Lee Carroll, Sri Daya Mata, Doreen Virtue, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Dan Millman, John Randolph Price, and others share their understanding of the practice of gratitude.
A children's book can be a great tool to teach your children valuable lessons of life. In a world full ups and downs, and a wide diversity of people and circumstances, it can sometimes be difficult to find the beauty in life. As children, it can be even harder to find gratitude, with so many things being out of their control. Whether it's not getting a toy they wanted or having a bedtime, children can often become frustrated with their limitations and even begin comparing themselves to others (as we all have been guilty of at times). In this book, you will find a small list of things in our bodies that we can be grateful for, while also pointing to the majesty of our Creator. The details God put into even simplest functions of our body is often overlooked. This book attempts to highlight those small yet powerfully impactful things, as a reminder that life itself is a reason to be grateful. Whether young or old, we can all find something in this book to identify with and give thanks!