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The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund For four decades, the Fund operated a publishing wing, Argo Books, which published many of Rosenstock-Huessy's English-language works and unpublished manuscripts as books. (The German Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Gesellschaft undertook similar efforts with the German-language works; the Dutch group Respondeo published a number of translations into Dutch.) The Fund recently decided to pass on responsibility for Rosenstock-Huessy's works to another publisher, and his English-language works are now available on Amazon, sold by Wipf and Stock of Eugene, OR, who also publish Jacques Ellul and William Stringfellow.)
A collection of 17 essays on the little known thinker Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, one of the first academics to resign his post in Germany when Hitler came to power.
The contributions of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888–1973), one of the most profound and original thinkers of the twentieth century, span several disciplines in the humanities—history, philosophy, sociology, linguistics, religion—although his work is ultimately uncategorizable. In 1933, immediately upon the ascent of Hitler, he emigrated to the United States from Germany, taught at Harvard for two years, and then at Dartmouth College until 1957. His voice was prophetic, urgent, compelling, and it remains relevant. This collection of essays is by a retired professor of history who was a student of Rosenstock-Huessy’s in the 1950s and found his lecturing transformative. It is not a nostalgic book, however. It is written with the conviction that Rosenstock-Huessy still needs to be heard, more urgently than ever for the betterment of humankind.
This book is a tributes to Scott Thomas Eastham from his family, former students and colleagues at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand, where he lectured in the department of English and Media Studies for 19 years.
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, a Christian convert and a social philosophy scholar, had an intense conversation with the Jewish thinker Franz Rosenzweig in 1913. This “Leipzig Conversation” shattered Rosenzweig’s understanding of the meaning of religion, but it also propelled him to embrace his innate Jewish faith. Three years later, they engaged in a correspondence that has emerged as an historic, stunning dialogue on Jewish-Christian thinking. Rosenzweig went on to write The Star of Redemption, a classic work of modern Jewish philosophical theology and to become one of the most important and influential figures of twentieth-century German Jewry. Rosenstock-Huessy took a different path—writing his Sociology, which pointed the social sciences in a new direction based on speech-thinking, and an enormous, rich body of work covering grammar and society, revolutions, Church history, and industrial law; teaching generations of European and American university students; and putting his faith into action. This is the first major collection of essays on these two close friends’ “new thinking.” Their dialogue mirrored Nietzsche’s anti-transcendent reading of Judaism and Christianity, as well as his attack on idealism. But their dialogue also resurrected the redemptive cores of these faiths as sources for the rejuvenation of human society. This book brings to publication three essays by Rosenstock-Huessy on Nietzsche, and a translation of a chapter from his Sociology, clarifying the post-Nietzschean approach of the “new thinking.” The Cross and the Star, a 50-year span of significant scholarship, vivifies the reasons for Rosenzweig’s and Rosenstock-Huessy’s influence on faith and society, and why their respective thought speaks directly and enduringly to the global human challenges of our time.
Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, Vol. 2, No. 1. This is the regular issue Journal. Featuring 2015 Distinguished Faculty lecture, the 2016 Readings of the Sacred Texts Lecture, and the 2016 Surjit Singh Lecture, as well as articles by Shin Young Park, Brent Lyons, Wesley Ellis, and Jessica Tinklenberg. Featuring several book reviews as well.
Religion, Redemption, and Revolution closely examines the intertwined intellectual development of one of the most important Jewish thinkers of the twentieth century, Franz Rosenzweig, and his friend and teacher, Christian sociologist Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. The first major English work on Rosenstock-Huessy, it also provides a significant reinterpretation of Rosenzweig's writings based on the thinkers' shared insights — including their critique of modern Western philosophy, and their novel conception of speech. This groundbreaking bookprovides a detailed examination of their ‘new speech thinking’ paradigm, a model grounded in the faith traditions of Judaism and Christianity. Wayne Cristaudo contrasts this paradigm against the radical liberalism that has dominated social theory for the last fifty years. Religion, Redemption, and Revolution provides powerful arguments for the continued relevance of Rosenzweig and Rosenstock-Huessy's work in navigating the religious, social, and political conflicts we now face.