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Hyperbodies are buildings and environments which can continuously change shape and content. The mutations of such buildings depend on the input coming from their user as well as from the surroundings. This interaction between user and building is determined by a data flow which the hyperbody uses and converts into a "hypersurface" structure, which then alters our perception of space in and around the hyperbody. The architect programs this interaction and can thereby define the specific character of the building. In this book, the author provides a concise overview of this latest digital tool. Kaas Oosterhuis is Professor at the Technical University Delft and is a well-known Dutch architect.
The Component: A Personal Odyssey towards Another Normal is the Oosterhuis' personal account of four decades of architectural and societal thinking, designing, building, and theorizing. It is an orchestrated yet non-linear series of subjects all leading toward the creation of a parallel world called "Another Normal." Another Normal is as of now a hypothetical parallel world. Nomadic international citizens are the inhabitants of Another Normal. Urged by the climate crisis, the food, energy, and water nexus, and the COVID-19 pandemic, Another Normal demonstrates the inevitable data-driven techno-social architecture of the physically built environment and the metaverse. Besides robotic production on demand of almost anything – when, where, and as needed – Oosterhuis' proposes a dozen strategies that run in parallel to establish Another Normal, among others: ubiquitous basic income, global birthright to own a generous piece of land, distributed production of healthy food, clean energy, and drinking water, ownership of private data and personal avatars in the Web 3.0, autonomous electronic transportation, ubiquitous shared responsibility for clean production and waste treatment techniques, ubiquitous home delivery, working from anywhere for any period of time, and decentralized real-time peer to peer banking. The organic real and the synthetic hyper-real co-evolve naturally in Another Normal, where a mix of strong and simple legislative, planning, and design rules create complexity, diversity, fairness, and equality.
"The theme of this Architecture Annual is "Realize" ... in just one year the Faculty of Architecture and its staff, in collaboration with internal and external designers, were able to realize quite a lot: an efficient and successful relocation to a temporary tent camp and a completely new faculty on Julianalaan." - preface.
Een selectie van teksten van architect Kas Oosterhuis waarin hij zijn beweegredenen uiteenzet rond de digitale revolutie, die hij vanaf het begin van de 90-er jaren, in zijn ontwerppraktijk inzet.
This book is an analytical enquiry of ‘reflex phenomenon’ in spatial components of a reflexive space. It is a quest in search for meaning of building a reflexive spatial system. The study analyses the ways in which emergent technologies can transform built spaces from being mere mute objects in an environment to elevate them into adaptive experiential spaces for the people who use it. It is envisioned to briefly and clearly understand the forces in a responsive built environments in the digital age that manifest itself in various forms of spatial flexibility. Here it specifically intends to address the issues of a ‘reflexive spaces’, and how such spaces can transform the experience of a user through technological advancements. The document also tends to explain how reflexive spaces are built and maintained to follow different patterns of behaviour in a singular space.
Haraway's discussions of how scientists have perceived the sexual nature of female primates opens a new chapter in feminist theory, raising unsettling questions about models of the family and of heterosexuality in primate research.
Can subjective, individual taste be reconciled with an objective, universal standard? In Homo Aestheticus, Luc Ferry argues that this central problem of aesthetic theory is fundamentally related to the political problem of democratic individualism. Ferry's treatise begins in the mid-1600s with the simultaneous invention of the notions of taste (the essence of art as subjective pleasure) and modern democracy (the idea of the State as a consensus among individuals). He explores the differences between subjectivity and individuality by examining aesthetic theory as developed first by Kant's predecessors and then by Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and proponents of the avant-garde. Ferry discerns two "moments" of the avant-garde aesthetic: the hyperindividualistic iconoclasm of creating something entirely new, and the hyperrealistic striving to achieve an extraordinary truth. The tension between these two, Ferry argues, preserves an essential element of the Enlightenment concern for reconciling the subjective and the objective—a problem that is at once aesthetic, ethical, and political. Rejecting postmodern proposals for either a radical break with or return to tradition, Ferry embraces a postmodernism that recasts Enlightenment notions of value as a new intersubjectivity. His original analysis of the growth and decline of the twentieth-century avant-garde movement sheds new light on the connections between aesthetics, ethics, and political theory.